Blockchain Weekly | Bitcoin added address +30.98%, price increased by 18.22%

In the 24th week of 2019, we will analyze the development trend of the encrypted digital currency industry in the past week from the data of nine dimensions, and explain a more realistic blockchain for everyone.


In the past seven days, the global trend of Bitcoin has decreased compared with last week, and market sentiment is currently extremely greedy. The details are as follows:

Total market value of cryptocurrency: +15.93%

Bitcoin BTC price: +18.22%

Bitcoin weekly trading volume: +1.43%

Weekly new address: +30.98%

Weekly active address: +6.86%

Bitcoin network computing power: -1.77%

Bitcoin has risen this week, rising from $7,500 on Monday to around $9,300 and is now back to $9100. Among the TOP100 currencies, there are 61 currencies and 39 currencies. The new address of Bitcoin has risen sharply, indicating that the number of BTC investors has increased significantly. At this stage, it is in the accumulation period before the big bull market. It is suitable to adopt the “fixed-rated investment method”. When there is a big drop, the purchase can be appropriately increased. Usually, more books are read and more coins are used.

First, the weekly market value trend:

Over the past week, the total market value of cryptocurrencies has risen from $245.306 billion to $284.389 billion, with a total market capitalization of +15.93 percent.

Among them, bitcoin BTC price: +18.22%, Ethereum ETH price: +13.89, Ripple XRP price: +9.96%, bitcoin cash BCH price: +12.23%, EOS price: +13.11%, Litecoin LTC price: +16.19%.

(Chart source: coinmarketcap)

Second, the weekly trading volume list:

Bitcoin weekly trading volume rose from 115.14 billion US dollars last week to 116.868 billion US dollars this week, weekly trading volume: +1.43%.

The top 10 currencies in the past 7 days of digital currency trading volume are: Bitcoin BTC, TEDA USDT, Ethereum ETH, Litecoin LTC, EOS, Bitcoin Cash BCH, Ripple XRP, Wavefield TRX, Ether Classic ETC, Small Ant NEO. This week, the big zero coin ZEC and the coin Ancoin BNB fell out of the top ten. The specific data is as follows:

(Chart source: coinmarketcap)

Third, the number of new addresses, active addresses: (basic indicators reflecting the internal value of Bitcoin)

In the past seven days, the new address of Bitcoin has risen from 2,161,886 last week to 2,831,821 this week, and the new address is +30.98%.

The bitcoin active address in the past seven days rose from 5,368,413 last week to 5,736,788 this week, and the weekly active address: +6.86%.

Bitcoin's new address and active address have increased, indicating that BTC investors' attendance and activity have increased.

Fourth, the whole network computing power trend:

Bitcoin's total network computing power dropped from 54.51EH/s last week to 53.54EH/s now, and the total network computing power: -1.77%.

At present, each T gains 1T * 24H = 0.00003394BTC, the next difficulty is predicted to be (+1.72%) 7.54T, the median block volume in the past two weeks is 1.23M, the number of unconfirmed transactions is 25,910, and the predicted output is halved. For May 8, 2020.

(Chart source:

V. The proportion of the total market capitalization of mainstream currencies:

At present, the market value of Bitcoin BTC in the global encrypted digital currency market is 57.13%, Ethereum ETH accounts for 10.11%, Ripple XRP accounts for 6.43%, Bitcoin cash BCH accounts for 2.69%, and Litecoin LTC accounts for 2.97%.

(Chart source: coinmarketcap)

Sixth, Google Trends:

Google Trends shows how many keywords are searched globally by analyzing Google’s billions of search results worldwide.

Look at the Google Trends keyword "BTC USD", which can be used to measure the growth trend of Bitcoin users:

The five countries with the highest global “bitcoin” are: Rwanda, Georgia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Nigeria.

The five countries with the highest global “blockchain” are: Nigeria, South Africa, Austria, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

Seven, bitcoin sentiment analysis:

Bitcoin market sentiment changed from last week's greed to the current extreme greed:

(Chart source:

Note: Bitcoin panic and greed index: 0 means "extreme panic" and 100 means "extreme greed". When investors become too scared, this may be a buying opportunity; when investors become too greedy, this means that the market will adjust, which may be a selling opportunity.

Eight, DApp turnover:

The total transaction volume of the top ten DApps based on the Ethereum blockchain is: 326 million RMB

The total trading volume of the top ten DApps based on the EOS blockchain is: 584 million yuan.

The total trading volume of the top ten DApps based on the wave field blockchain is: 573 million yuan.

Ethereum DApp rankings:

EOS DApp leaderboard:

Wave field DApp rankings:

(Chart source:

Nine, blockchain activity index:

The current blockchain activity index ranks TOP10 as: EOS, KIN, BTS, TRX, STEEM, ETH, BTC, TFD, WAX, TLOS.

(Chart source:

Author: Xuejun currency

The copyright of this report is owned by the currency. If you need to reprint or quote, please indicate the source is “Currency”.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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