Be the first to see! World Blockchain Conference·Wuzhen 7 Highlights

The 2nd World Blockchain Conference·Wuzhen will be held on Friday, Saturday (November 8th – 9th) at Wuzhen Internet International Convention and Exhibition Center.

This is a timely blockchain industry event. At the moment when the blockchain has become an important breakthrough for China's core technology independent innovation, the conference has invited Internet giants, top research institutions (colleges and universities) in various fields, and well-known at home and abroad. The blockchain project parties will participate in the project, and they will discuss the application of the blockchain, technology frontiers, industry trends and hot topics around topics such as blockchain, digital assets, central bank digital currency, AI, and 5G.

Looking at China's blockchain technology development, China's blockchain frontier is in Wuzhen. Wuzhen, this unprecedented industry gathering will make ideas collide and explore the future. The successful convening of the conference is the beginning of the industry to jointly welcome and promote the blockchain technology wave, and will ultimately provide valuable ideas and planning for industry innovation and compliance development.

The theme of the conference is “Application Unbounded”. In addition to the opening ceremony, there are six theme forums. They are digital assets: birth, deduction and evolution; technology changes the world: the underlying infrastructure of blockchain; D-Future: the future of decentralized finance; blockchain events: new hotspots and explorers; opportunities for digital asset trading And challenges; new potential energy, new decade.

Two days before the opening of the conference, we will take a look at the 7 major topics you can't miss!


The Internet giants gathered in Wuzhen, which is the first blockchain business of the big manufacturers.

This time, the heads of blockchains of Ant Financial, Tencent, Baidu, Jingdong and Huawei all came. They have been working hard for a long time, and they will put their respective blockchain business practices into the spotlight. This is the parade of the Chinese Internet giant blockchain business.

At the time of the blockchain policy, the giants are the vane of the industry. How do they do it, how do they think, and see how they talk about Wuzhen.

"Open, Pratt & Whitney, Building Future Value" – Senior Director of Ant Financial Service, Head of BaaS Platform of Ant Blockchain Li Jieli Internet

"Thinking about the Industrialization of Digital Asset Infrastructure" – Tiexun Blockchain Business

"hi city construction based on trusted value delivery network" – Xiao Wei, head of Baidu Blockchain Lab

"Exploration and Prospects of the New Generation Blockchain" – Huang Haiquan, Chief Architect of Jingdong Digital Blockchain

"Chain Value, Trustworthy Trading" – Zhang Xiaojun, head of Huawei Blockchain

Dafengkou, the big era, behind the blockchain technology is a new opportunity for industrial upgrading of technology iteration

The blockchain is a vigorous technological change. It has a subversive impact on the underlying technology, business models, lifestyles, and even human thought. But who is the historical opportunity for the blockchain?

On the 8th, Babbitt editor and Tang Xiuling, the promoter of the "Lingting Blockchain" column, "The Great Opportunities, the Great Era, New Opportunities in the Development of Blockchain History" should not be missed. And look at these heavy guests, they are the ears of the industry, they will bring the most elite and vocal thinking in their respective industries.

Wang Yunwei, Chief Innovation Officer of Wanxiang Holdings

Meng Yan, Associate Dean of Digital Assets Research Institute

Yi Huanhuan, Dean of Beijing Internet Finance Association Research Institute

Jocy Lin, founder of IOSG

Unwilling to disclose the name of the mysterious guest, from the traditional stock exchange. In addition, when giant institutions and traditional funds surge, how to grasp the opportunities in the blockchain segmentation? This roundtable "2020 Investment Trends" is an answer. Smart money will always smell the taste of opportunity in the first place.

Round table guests are:

Moderator: Lin Tianqiang, Associate Dean, Institute of Internet Industry, Tsinghua University

Guest: Zhou Shuoji, founder of FBG Blockchain Investment Fund

Deng Chao, CEO of Hashkey Capital

Jocy Lin, founder of IOSG

Yan Shanjian, Partner of Win Chain Fund

Shi Haihua, founder of SNZ

Pan Yuzhang, CEO of ABA Asia Blockchain Accelerator

5G X blockchain, which is the underlying infrastructure of the “blockchain value network”

In the first half of 2019, 5G led the trend, and China quickly built a commercial 5G network. This is the big data era and the infrastructure of the Internet of Everything. In the second half of 2019, blockchain technology took over. Join forces and fight hard. China, can we lead the wave of global technological innovation?

On the 9th, the round table of "Deciphering 5G+ blockchain, for fashion, and practicality" is particularly important. The participating guests include China's three major telecom operators. They are the national team of the roots, they will see it, and they will How to lay out 5G and blockchain? This will determine whether the blockchain can break the bond from the network level. The participating guests are as follows:

Moderator: Ma Qianli, Vice President of Babbitt

Fang Zhaoben, former member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Guo Manxue, Research Fellow, China Mobile Research Institute

Xue Wei, Senior Engineer, China Unicom Network Technology Research Institute

Liang Wei, Head of R&D of China Telecom Blockchain Business

Zheng Jinrong, Sergey Nazarov, Director of Blockchain Product Planning, Zhongxing District, founder and CEO of Chainlink In addition, Yuandao, the chairman of the Zhongguancun Blockchain Industry Alliance, will interpret the “Chain Network Future, 5G X Blockchain” from the perspectives of logic and path. This is the most in-depth thinking of Yuandao on 5G and blockchain. miss.

Libra and the central bank's digital currency are coming soon, the new world door is slowly opening

In the middle of 2019, Zuckerberg's Libra suddenly came to the world. Subsequently, the Chinese central bank's digital currency was “out of the box”. The digital currency experiment from the giants and the central bank has proved that the new world door has been opened. The reason is simple. Alipay only changed the payment, and people think it splits into two eras. Libra and DCEP will subvert Alipay in a more thorough and decisive manner, including all the financial systems behind Alipay.

On the morning of the 9th, the round table of "Opportunities and Challenges, Libra and Central Bank Digital Currency" is worth looking forward to, understanding Libra and DCEP, which is the first shot from the new era. The participating guests are as follows:

Hu Jie, Professor, Shanghai Institute of Advanced Finance, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Meng Yan, general economic expert

Bai Shuo, former chief engineer of the Shanghai Stock Exchange

TimYang, Deputy General Manager, Microsoft Research and Development

Wu Xiao, founder of pure white matrix

Cai Kailong, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Finance and Social Sciences, Renmin University of China The same sub-forum also has a round table called "Exploring the Global Blockchain Market", which is very international and will bring first-hand information on their respective international blockchain technology and supervision. The guests are as follows:

Fujimoto Shinichi (Miss Bitcoin), Japanese Bitcoin Net Red

Yoshida Expo, CEO of HashPort Inc.

Masahiro Shimura, Sumitomo Bank of Japan, Sumitomo

Xu Yutao, Microsoft Chief Technology Consultant

Rich Teo, co-founder and CEO of Singapore Paxos

Meet Defi, the first stop of the user's electric shock blockchain

The importance of Defi is that it provides a clear and visible path to transforming the old financial system. It is likely to become the bridgehead for blockchain technology and the first stop for Internet users to reach the world of blockchain.

On the morning of the 9th, there will be a theme forum dedicated to Defi. This forum gathers elites from both the old and the new. They will fully understand Defi's development path and challenges. Here are a few heavy topic sharing.

"Architecture Issues in the Digital Monetary System" – Bai Shuo, former chief engineer of the Shanghai Stock Exchange

"The decentralized public chain system is close to optimal performance" – Conflux co-founder and CEO Wu Ming

"A trip to Defi of Bitcoin" – He Bin, founder of imToken. In addition, Pan Chao, head of Maker DAO China, and Tao Quming, founder and CEO of Axonomy, will discuss a very controversial roundtable topic – “Defi: Is the new financial road still a mobile empty city?

Global perspective, what is the blockchain in the eyes of overseas projects?

The overseas project side is undoubtedly a bright color of the Wuzhen Conference. What is commendable is that they are not the original entrepreneurs. They are more like technology developers and researchers. They rarely come to China, but their technology and thinking penetrate the culture. Blocking blockchain players affecting the world. They will bring first-hand information about the development of blockchain technology in overseas communities.

And look at a few topics to share:

"Prediction of Mining" – Marco Streng, CEO, Genesis

"Connecting smart contracts to any chain events, privacy protection calculations and data on the chain" – Sergey Nazarov, founder and CEO of the online red chain Chainlink

Transparency in the Financial and Zero-knowledge Proof System: Supersonic – A Supersonic Breakthrough – Findora CTO Ben Fisch

"A new internet: the convergence of DLT, IoT and AI (a new Internet: a combination of DLT, IoT and AI) – Jamie Burke, founder and CEO of Outlier Ventures

Domestic public chain dialogue, where are you in the next decade?

Since the 25th, the domestic public chain projects that were originally outside the mainstream have suddenly gathered a lot of attention. There is no national border in the blockchain. Entrepreneurs have, can these domestic public chains be hit in the upcoming global blockchain technology battle? Can it take on the mission of China to lead the global technology trend?

On the afternoon of the 9th, Babbitt was the founder of the original chain, Nao, the founder of NEO, the founder and CEO of Quantum Chain, Shuai Chu, Conflux co-founder and CTO Wu Ming, Columbia University PhD student, Tsinghua University iCenter Mentor Han Feng, the founder of the coin letter, the founder of the Power Company and the Dreamcatcher Fund, Zhu Bo will gather together to bring a finale of the round-table drama – "Domestic Public Chain Dialogue: The Next Decade, You and I Will Where is it?

Written at the end:

The Wuzhen Conference will be held soon. On November 7-9, thousands of blockchain practitioners will fly from the whole world to Wuzhen. At that time, Wuzhen’s transportation, accommodation and catering may be more tense. There is a Ubuntu conference in Babbitt. All activities are introduced, as well as recommendations and recommendations including transportation, accommodation, catering, etc.

Wuzhen participants can collect this article.

"3 days countdown, how to visit Wuzhen Conference? What about transportation accommodation? Seeing this one is enough."

"The agenda is big! World Blockchain Conference · Wuzhen Shangtai Hotel 130


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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