Bitcoin becomes the official currency of Sweden? But only lasted for thirty minutes

Recently, hackers have hacked into the Twitter account of Sweden's largest party, the Social Democratic Party, and then changed the country's official currency into bitcoin.

A total of five hackers participated in the attack, one of whom was interviewed by the local media. They broke the official Twitter of the Social Democrats on April 15th, local time, and made a lot of tweets.


One of the tweets is to "announce" the replacement of Swedish official currency with bitcoin.

We abandoned the Swedish krona and replaced it with bitcoin.

It also called on the Swedish people to buy bitcoin. This tweet has been deleted.

The attack lasted only about 30 minutes, and Twitter had suspended the actions of the hackers after the problem was discovered.

Swedish digital currency storm

Supporters of this tweet may also coincide with the new financial policy created by Bitcoin. Earlier, Sweden appeared to be interested in replacing the diminishing cash supply with the digital version of the Krone, which may be fully centralized.

The reason for issuing such a digital currency seems to be to reduce dependence on the private finance sector. If the government does not issue digital currency, Swedish payments will always depend on third-party processors.


The Deputy Governor of the Swedish Central Bank said:

If cash ceases to flow, everyone will rely on the private sector to get funding and payment methods. This will be an unprecedented historical change.

Private companies’ control over the payment business has always been controversial, and this month has once again become the focus of attention in the UK. The British prosecutor has restarted a huge lawsuit against MasterCard, amounting to 14 billion pounds (about 18.25 billion US dollars).

Once the prosecutor wins, about 46 million British people will receive no compensation for about £300 ($390).

At the same time, bitcoin is a worrying issue for the Swedish authorities. In January of this year, a trader received nearly $1 million in tax bills because the tax department saw its transactions as business activities rather than private activities.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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