Articles about Blockchain - Section 406

Opinion | Zhang Yifeng, Dean of China Banking Technology Institute: Do not think Libra will land soon

Source: China Banknotes Blockchain Technology Research Institute On January 15th, at the tenth financial innovation a...

8 asked text version | Conflux Long Fan: Only by reducing the interaction cost with the public chain will there be more applications

Long Fan is an assistant professor at the University of Toronto and one of the founders of the Conflux project. Befor...

Ethereum: developers continue to advance Ethereum 1.x to ensure interoperability before 2.0

While Ethereum continues to develop the next stage of Ethereum 2.0 that supports sharding, a group of developers will...

Is Bitcoin price prediction reliable? EMH theory vs S2F model

Written in front: The original author is PlanB. In this article, he introduced the concepts of the Stock-to-Flow (S2F...

Analysis: Three reasons why altcoin has failed to disrupt Bitcoin

Source: LongHash When people first learn about bitcoin, they usually feel that they have missed the opportunity to ca...

Sino-US competition escalates, US wants to launch "digital dollar" against DCEP

Source: 52CBDC Anthony Pompliano, the co-founder of blockchain venture capital fund Morgan Creek, tweeted that there ...

December panoramic scan of data on the Bitcoin chain: exchange giants article

It's been a while since 2019. In the nearly two weeks of the new year, we have experienced the ups and downs of ...

Bitcoin just hit another new year high in 2020. The next target is $ 10,000?

The price of Bitcoin (BTC) hits a new high in 2020 today, and has risen by 25% since the beginning of this year, with...

Opinion | Under turmoil, is hedging a Bitcoin script?

"You never know which accident or market will come first?" Maybe come together. At the beginning of the new...

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