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Interpreting FTX's preliminary restructuring plan Cash compensation is adopted, excluding FTT holders.

At present, the restructuring plan of FTX is still in its early stages. The team will submit a revised plan and discl...


Will FTX liquidating $3.4 billion worth of crypto assets become the main culprit behind the market crash?

For FTX's legal team, this week will be a busy one as they seek regulatory approval to liquidate $3.4 billion worth o...


Beginner's Guide | Why choose a highly liquid exchange?

Source: Medium Translation: First Class (First.VIP) Liquidity is the most important concept that everyone needs to un...


The FATF's strongest regulatory new regulations have come, and the exchange's "resistance" will be held at the end of the month.

The world's mainstream cryptocurrency market – the United States, Japan, South Korea, China, how long is i...


The Block Editor-in-Chief 5 Innovative Projects Worth Paying Attention to

Promising emerging projects include derivatives protocols, governance platforms, and infrastructure, among others. Au...


Deeply dig the death of Gatehub

On June 1, XRP Forensics discovered that 201,000 Swiss rupiah (transaction F6E9E1385E11649A6C2F88723A821AF209B5403088...