Carrefour and Nestlé use the IBM blockchain platform to track infant formula supply chains

According to Cointelegraph, retail giants Carrefour and Nestlé use the IBM blockchain Food Trust to track the supply chain of infant formula.


Through the platform, Carrefour and Nestlé want to ensure that the entire supply chain of the Guigarz laboratory (Laboratoires Guigoz) produces formula milk is more transparent, which in turn increases consumer confidence in product quality. The system is designed to increase supply chain transparency and check the source of baby nutrition products.

Retail giants use blockchain traceability systems

This is not the case of Carrefour and Nestlé applying blockchains in internal processes. In April, the two companies began using IBM blockchain technology to track the supply chain of the famous fast-food mashed brand Mousline. In addition, this spring, Carrefour launched a blockchain product – Carrefour premium series of micro-filtered whole milk.

Carrefour said its sales have increased after using the blockchain to track the supply chain of a range of different products, including meat, milk and fruit. The traceability of the blockchain is said to help consumers avoid genetically modified foods and products containing antibiotics and pesticides.

Blockchain solves fraud in the supply chain

Blockchain technology has proven to be a boon for the logistics industry and has been applied in many different areas of supply chain management. As previously described in an analysis report, the blockchain solves accounting fraud problems in the supply chain by creating unalterable record blocks.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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