Celestia CEO Five Core Value Propositions of Celestia Social Layer

Celestia's CEO presents the top five core value propositions of Celestia's revolutionary Social Layer.

Author: Mustafa Al-Bassam, Celestia CEO Translation: Good Brother, LianGuai

Five core values proposals for Celestia’s social networking layer:

1. Off-chain governance takes priority over token holder governance

David D. Clark famously said at the IETF: “We reject kings, presidents and voting. We believe in rough consensus and running code.” – emphasizing the importance of trust minimization. In other words, Celestia Network aims to achieve trust minimization where no dishonest majority can arbitrarily change or violate protocol rules. Therefore, the specification fork (and state transition function) of the Celestia blockchain is ultimately defined by its social networking layer and ecosystem, rather than by token voting, validators, or whales.

If hard forks are widely adopted by the social networking layer and ecosystem as the standard for network upgrades, they will be considered as specification chains. Before a network upgrade takes place, its value can be evaluated based on the values described in this article.

2. Users are the primary citizens of the network

Requiring users to trust centralized terminals or committees goes against the principles of decentralization and Web3. The Celestia community prioritizes the development and adoption of trust-minimized light clients, allowing users to directly verify the correctness of the chain using techniques like data availability sampling.

3. Provide trusted neutrality for execution environments and applications

The Celestia community believes in positive and game-theoretic mechanisms in the crypto ecosystem, where modularity is preferred over maximalism. To achieve this, the Celestia base layer strives to be a general data availability layer, maintaining neutrality for any execution environment or application built on top. This means not favoring any specific execution environment in any way, to avoid hindering experimental attempts with other execution environments.

4. Achieve economic sustainability through economies of scale

Celestia is a public good. Therefore, instead of artificial resource scarcity, Celestia achieves economic sustainability by providing large-scale, high-quality blockspace to billions of people. Resources should be priced to achieve economic sustainability, but not excessively extracted.

5. Minimize expenses and state bloat

The core design choice of Celestia is to minimize on-chain state, creating a blockchain with minimal overhead to optimize data availability. This means that Celestia currently does not have any on-chain smart contract environment that is protected. Future network improvements should strive to keep Celestia’s state machine as concise as possible to maintain this attribute.

This allows rollups to verify Celestia’s specification chain without needing to validate irrelevant smart contracts, while reducing the state bloat of rollups and Celestia.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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