Chain Weekly reported that Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places have increased the fight against cryptocurrency transactions; the ecological development of the blockchain industry is still in full swing.

Introduction: Blockchain has set off a new industry boom in China. This week's report will review the major events that have changed the industry trends in the past week from the perspectives of policy regulation, editorials, project ecology, technology development, platform construction and investment, for all blockchain entrepreneurs, investment. And users provide a basis for grasping the development trend and opportunities of blockchain.


I. Policy supervision

Central Bank Shanghai Headquarters issued a document: increase supervision and prevention, and combat virtual currency transactions

On November 22, the Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China said that in recent years, speculations related to virtual currency (such as ICO, IFO, IEO, IMO, and STO) have been refurbished and speculative, prices have skyrocketed, and risks have gathered rapidly. The Shanghai headquarters of the central bank said that the next step, the Shanghai Financial Stability Joint Conference Office and the Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China will continue to monitor the virtual currency business activities within the jurisdiction. Once it is discovered, it will be disposed of immediately, and it will be prevented from happening.

The Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission is not co-organized: it is wary of illegal fund-raising in the name of the blockchain.

On November 18th, the Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on Disposal of Illegal Funds, which was established at the China Banking Regulatory Commission, issued a letter to the provincial and municipal offices, prompting the prevention of illegal fund-raising risks under the name of “blockchain”. .

Shenzhen Mujin Office: 39 companies have been illegally involved in the illegal activities of virtual currency

The Office of the Leading Group for the Special Remediation of Internet Financial Risks in Shenzhen has issued a risk warning on the prevention of virtual currency speculation, and notified the District Rehabilitation Office, Qianhai Administration, Shenzhen Municipal Central Bank Sub-branch, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Economic Investigation Bureau, and Municipal Communications Administration. The units will jointly carry out the investigation and rectification of the virtual currency trading venues, and complete the mapping work before November 25. For the above-mentioned enterprises found in the investigation, dispose of them immediately and play early. The latest information shows that the local financial supervision bureau of Shenzhen has passed the coffin system to detect 39 illegal enterprises suspected of carrying out virtual currency.

Second, the editorial talks with the big coffee

Yao Yudong, former director of the Central Bank's Financial Research Institute: Called the Dawan District to try the digital currency first

Li Lihui, former president of Bank of China: Digital currency will reconstruct financial model and existing economic system

Li Dongrong, China Mutual Gold Association: The development of digital currency cannot violate the essence of monetary activity

Focus interview: set up a scam by the name of “blockchain”! Chaos is so worrying

Xinhua News Agency: Some people deserve to be vigilant in the name of blockchain

CCTV financial commentary lie down to make money, monthly into a million? Don't let the blockchain become "cheat everywhere"

Science and Technology Daily: Be wary of changing the blockchain into “blocks”

Liberation Army Daily: The military application of blockchain is not yet mature, and there are still four major risks.

The People’s Daily published a comment: applied to social governance, the blockchain is promising

Xinhua News Agency: Resolutely crack down on the "coupling evil roads" and guide the application of blockchains to "open the main entrance"

Xinhua News Agency: In the blockchain "new track", Shenzhen is committed to becoming the high ground of the blockchain global industrial chain technology chain

Xinhua News Agency comment: Do not want to put the blockchain in this chanting

Half-moon talk: blockchain is favored at the same time, be wary of the "leek reaper" come back

Third, blockchain ecological project construction

The Hangzhou block has won the lottery and lottery system since it has served 200 million people since July, boosting Zhejiang social credit governance.

This block-chain technology-based lottery and lottery system of Hangzhou Internet Notary Branch uses the blockchain to provide a credible and reliable lottery service, combining "technical trust endorsement" with "legal trust endorsement" to achieve "double trust ". In addition to online lottery, it can also be applied to the field of license plate, house purchase, demolition and resettlement, admission, etc. Since the official launch in July this year, it has accumulated more than 200 million passengers.

Hangzhou released the first “government service chain” of the underlying system of the government blockchain, which was supported by Babbitt.

The Hangzhou Municipal Data Resources Administration completed the construction and trial operation of the first government-based blockchain system in Hangzhou, the “government service chain”. Operated by the Hangzhou Municipal Data Resources Administration and provided technical support by Babbitt, it marks that the Municipal Data Resources Administration has initially established the blockchain construction capability, which also means that there will be autonomy in multiple government + blockchain scenarios in the future. Controllable blockchain bottom support.

Fujian Quanzhou realized blockchain electronic license + entity license issued simultaneously

On November 21st, Quanzhou realized the electronic certificate of blockchain + entity license issued simultaneously, which was the first in Fujian and was also the first in the country. It is understood that the blockchain + electronic license technology, has now covered the Quanzhou electronic license library.

The first case of Internet public interest litigation in the field of honor and protection in the country, the blockchain incarnation "electronic witness"

On November 19th, the Hangzhou Internet Court publicly tried online to infringe on the revolutionary heroic reputation of the Internet and sentenced the defendant to immediately stop the infringement and apologize and eliminate the influence at the national level. The key evidence of this case was fixed by the application of blockchain technology by the Xihu District Procuratorate of Hangzhou.

Fourth, blockchain platform project construction

Baidu intelligent cloud blockchain debut: What is the platform of "Tian Chain"?

Baidu Smart Cloud team created the "Tian Chain" officially unveiled, focusing on BaaS's Tianlian integration of Baidu's self-developed "XuperChain", as well as the community's most powerful public chain "Ethereum", the alliance chain "superbook", enterprise Ethereum “Quorum” has even become the first Chinese enterprise BaaS platform to support the cross-chain project Cosmos.

Jingdong released a blockchain technology and application panorama, first disclosed the 2020 strategy

On November 19th, Jingdong released the blockchain 2020 strategy. In promoting industrial innovation and industrial integration, the JD blockchain team identified five blockchain and industrial application integration directions, including supply chain traceability, digital deposit, financial technology, regulatory technology and C-side innovation applications.

Visa develops a blockchain-based joint computing system for processing large-scale private data

The system, called LucidiTEE, is designed to build applications that serve large numbers of users and process large data sets, protecting the privacy of user data while processing data. Allow participants to make policy-compatible calculations for private data, provide them with transparency and control over the data, and ensure that other parties cannot see the results.

V. Progress in blockchain technology

Ethereum is expected to upgrade to Istanbul on December 7th

According to the announcement of the Ethereum Foundation official website on November 20th, the Ethereum network will be upgraded when the block height reaches 9,069,000, which is expected to occur around December 7, 2019 (Saturday).

Bitcoin Core officially released, has fixed related vulnerabilities

On November 24th, Bitcoin Core officially announced that the Bitcoin Core version has been officially released, including several improvements and bug fixes. According to news on November 18th, Core developer PieterWuille said in Reddit that after releasing the 0.19.0 version of Bitcoin Core on Github, the version was found to have a vulnerability, and Bitcoin Core will release version to fix the vulnerability.

Algorand 2.0 released, providing standardized asset creation, atomic transfer and smart contracts in Layer 1.

Algorand v2.0 provides standardized asset creation, atomic transfer and smart contracts directly in Layer 1, allowing developers to better leverage the scalability and security of the Algorand protocol. Enterprise-scale Dapp will be able to build on this PPoS blockchain without sacrificing performance.

The Monroe core team issued a security warning: the CLI binary file was corrupted and the user had to check it in time

Monroe officially issued a security warning saying that some users reported that the hash value of the downloaded binary file did not match the expected binary file.

MakerDAO multi-mortgage Dai online

DeFi platform MakerDAO Multi-mortgage Dai (MCD) function in the Ethereum main online line, the relevant smart contracts have been deployed, ABI interface can also be used.

6. Investment

Blockchain game studio Mythical Games completed $19 million in financing, with total financing of $35 million

PayPal leads, YC participates, and cryptocurrency company TRM receives $4.2 million in financing

Libra Association member Bison Trails receives $25.5 million in Series A financing, led by Blockchain Capital

Seven, mining

Ling listened to the exclusive "blockchain first share" Jianan technology listed, 26 questions responded to everything

On November 22, Jia Nan Zhi Zhi officially landed on Nasdaq, becoming the "first share" of the blockchain. Kong Jian, the chairman of Jianan Yuzhi, accepted an exclusive interview with Lingling Blockchain and answered 26 questions about the listing.

Bitcoin fell 11% on two days, a generation of God machine ant mining machine S9 is in jeopardy

In the past week, the cryptocurrency market has suffered a huge impact. Bitcoin fell below $7,000. A number of bitcoin mining machines are already at a shutdown price, and even the most important ant S9 series is approaching the shutdown price.

Eight, the trading market

Bakkt cash settled bitcoin futures will go live on December 9

The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) revealed that following the Bitcoin physical settlement contract, Bakkt is preparing to launch a cash (US dollar) settlement of the Bitcoin futures contract on December 9.

Fidelity Digital Asset Services is licensed by NYDFS to operate a cryptocurrency custodial platform

The global asset management giant, the Fidelity Group's digital asset company, has been approved by the New York Monetary Authority to operate a virtual currency custody and execution platform on which institutional investors and individuals can store, trade and transfer bitcoin.

Grayscale Bitcoin Trust Fund submits registration application to SEC, investors may benefit

Grayscale, the world's largest digital asset fund, filed a registration application with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Form 10 (Form 10), the first cryptocurrency fund to actively report to the SEC. If Grayscale passes the SEC's review, its qualified investor base may expand.

Galaxy Digital launches two new funds targeting 1% of the wealthy

The digital fund, created by billionaire and investment legend Michael Novogratz, will launch two new funds, the Galaxy Bitcoin Fund and the Galaxy Institutional Bitcoin Fund. Mainly for qualified investors and institutional investors, that is, "the wealth class of the United States", the population of the 50 to 80 age group, this group may have been basically on the edge of cryptocurrency investment.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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