Articles about Paxos - Section 103
Ratio Chain Research Institute | A Threshold Signature System under the Hypochronous Network Hypothesis
In recent years, threshold cryptography has gradually been applied in the blockchain system, which is divided into th...
Bitcoin developers: 51% of attacks are not terrible, terrible is the disregard of decentralization
Recently, some netizens have asked questions in Reddit. Since the biggest weakness of the Bitcoin network is 51% atta...
Introduction to Technology | Solidity Programming Language: Introduction to Basic Compilation Principles and Adding New Instructions
Objective of this paper The main purpose of this paper: 1. Understand the basic compiling principle of solidity 2. Le...
Full-text translation + interpretation | New rules of the US Internal Revenue Service: income tax due to forked virtual currency
Following the publication of the virtual currency-related tax guidelines in 2014, the US Internal Revenue Service (IR...
Wu Jihan's latest share: 2-4 million users worldwide, cryptocurrency will soon be widely adopted
From October 8th to 10th, the 2nd Global Digital Mining Summit was held in Frankfurt, Germany. Wu Jihan made a theme ...
Coin City, Xiaoliang Mining Winter Reserve
Yesterday, the news of the bitcoin mining giant Jia Nan Zhizhi will go to the US in November. It is reported that the...
Notes | Gartner: Most blockchain technologies have a five to ten year time away from the impact of change
Shinji Satoshi: The best quality article of 5 cryptocurrencies is selected every day. Today's content includes: ...
Opinion: Bitcoin is not a better Paypal, it is better for the dollar
Foreword: This article is suitable for beginners to read. The author believes that the current mainstream population ...
Quotes | BTC failed to gain a firm foothold, short-term market regression consolidation
Author | Hash sent analysis team
The Central Bank Digital Money Institute recruits and recruits! These graduate students have the opportunity
The Beijing News (Reporter Cheng Weimiao Chen Peng) On October 10, the central bank issued a notice of recruitment (r...

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