Let digital currency enter everyday life, US telecommunications giant AT&T accepts bitcoin payments

Earlier today, US telecommunications giant AT&T announced that it had become the first large mobile operator in the United States to accept bills for encrypted assets. After signing a cooperation agreement with BitPay, the company's customers will be able to use Bitcoin for billing.


Living with digital currency has become easier and simpler. More and more online merchants are opening up cryptographic assets in a variety of ways.

Recently, the news that several large companies will accept bitcoin payments — albeit in a roundabout way — has excited many supporters of digital currencies. Bitcoin users can now buy wardrobes at Nordstrom, buy gaming supplies at GameStop, and even pay directly at Whole Foods supermarkets with their favorite digital currency.

Considering that Internet retail giant Amazon is the owner of Whole Foods, the last point is particularly exciting. It is widely believed that Amazon may also accept bitcoin payments through payment processors in the future.

The cooperation between cryptocurrency exchange Gemini and payment startup Flexa has made cryptocurrency more and more accepted. In fact, the user pays to the Sped app during the payment process. Merchants themselves do not accept bitcoin payments, but they can support popular trends such as cryptocurrencies with a small investment.

The latest company to join is the US mobile giant AT&T. The company announced in a blog post earlier today that it would use the cryptocurrency payment processing company BitPay's service to receive customer payments online.

Kevin McDorman, vice president of AT&T operations, talked about this move:

“We are always looking for ways to improve and expand our services… We have customers who use cryptocurrencies and we are happy to let them pay their bills the way they like.”

Using BitPay to process payments means that merchants can choose to accept bitcoin or convert bitcoins directly into dollars. If you choose to switch to US dollars, the bitcoin they receive will be sold, which puts additional downward pressure on the price of Bitcoin. For those who are purely speculative, it should be realized that by using these services, it means that the price is not good. If a large retailer directly accepts bitcoin payments and uses encrypted assets to finance their business, it would be very exciting.

Of course, for those who pay in bitcoin and don't want to deal with the exchange often, it is good for more and more merchants to accept bitcoin payments. There are more and more choices for using cryptocurrencies, which is undoubtedly beneficial for those who try to live out of legal currency.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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