The disadvantages of newcomers and the way to make up! The first entry into the coin must read the article

Melon you say Hello everyone, I am a melon! Many small leeks can't avoid paying tuition fees...

Libra's Achilles' heel: Cross-border supervision

Author: Prof. Practice Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, former senior Fed economist Hu Jie...

Market Analysis: Bitcoin V-type rebound, the bulls must decide before the weekly line

Author | Hash sent analysis team Past review: the market is super-killing, these two days will de...

How to ensure the security of personal encrypted assets?

This article from Blue Fox notes (ID: lanhubiji) , the original author: Edward Iftody, translatio...

2019 semi-annual resumption: extreme night, warm spring, midsummer and the most beautiful expectation

This article Source: APP shallot Author: Yu Wen handsome, Hu Chen In just half a year, even the o...

Vitalik Buterrin Ethereum Developer Conference Speech Preview

On June 29, 2019, the " 2019 Ethereum Technology and Application Conference " co-sponso...

Analysis of the market: Bitcoin is about to break out of the mainstream currency

In the early morning, the offensive was launched again, but it was blocked at $12,500. The trend ...

Goldman Sachs CEO: The global payment system is moving towards a stable currency, and the future will depend on the blockchain.

On June 27th, Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon told France's Les Echos that the group is &quo...

People's Daily talks about Libra: change the world or open the box?

During this time, Facebook released the Libra White Paper on Cryptographic Money, and plans to re...

Bitcoin broke through the world again: the mining capacity is tight, and the Huaqiang North second-hand mining machine doubles the price.

Wenyu Mutual Chain Pulse · Liangshan Huarong Bitcoin broke the $13,000 mark and reignited th...