Video|"8 Questions" ViaCion Yang Haipo: Code is an art, not a technology

Yang Haipo, founder of Mine Pool ViaBTC, Exchange CoinExCEO. After 90, the entrepreneur graduated...

A white paper was released on June 18, and Facebook’s cryptocurrency is really coming.

Facebook is finally going to announce the details of its cryptocurrency program Libra. According ...

It is a good job to cut interest rates and return to the monetary easing. Is it good for the cryptocurrency market?

Facebook may release its cryptocurrency white paper on June 18, which indicates that the giants m...

High risk alert! This thing should not be used anymore. Its vulnerability may have caused 23 million XRPs to be stolen.

Thomas Silkjær, Creative Director of 2K/DENMARK, outlined an "potential security breach...

Dismantle MimbleWimble's privacy magic (part I)

First, how does MimbleWimble come The development process of MimbleWimble is a bit similar to Bit...

Dry goods | How does Mimblewimble guarantee the security of the transaction? What are its disadvantages?

This article introduces all aspects of MW from a technical point of view, dry goods are full, giv...

Mutual Chain Monthly Report | May Global Struggle Strengthening Illegal Financing Policy in Blockchain

Author: Mutual Research Institute King pulse chain propelled vehicle In May, with the skyrocketin...

Uncovering the next big game of Wu Jihan

Wu Jihan, the overlord of the mine, will eventually reach out to finance and trading. On the even...