Video|"8 Questions" ViaCion Yang Haipo: Code is an art, not a technology

Yang Haipo, founder of Mine Pool ViaBTC, Exchange CoinExCEO. After 90, the entrepreneur graduated from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2012 with a major in mathematics and applied mathematics. He worked at Tencent TEG/Weibo and Futu Securities.

He started to contact Bitcoin in 2011, and began to participate in the Bitcoin community in 2013. In March 2016, he invested in the development of the Bitcoin mining pool. One person independently completed the entire code of the ViaBTC mine and went online after two months.

Yang Haipo

Code is an art, not a technology

"My dream is straightforward, that is, making money, economic freedom is a very worthwhile thing. When you do something is no longer money, when your life is no longer trapped by money, is Very interesting. I think that doing a mine pool can bring me income, to a certain extent to achieve economic freedom, and then I will become a professional trader. I don't know how to become a boss at once. If you give me another Once I choose, I may not let myself go so far. I may be more accustomed to going to fight alone, instead of being used to leading and managing so many people. In addition, I also hope to create a very fun and very interesting one. A very powerful company, this company has a very strong group of people doing a very good thing together." Yang Haipo said sincerely.

Yang Haipo, who wanted to become an aerospace engineer while studying, chose to go to Northwestern Polytechnical University, but he was mistaken into the mathematics department.

In 2011, when he was in junior year at Yang Haipo, he was exposed to open source software and bitcoin. The open source movement of software and the free world of Bitcoin brought a great touch to Yang Haipo, when he wanted to be a geek. Although there was an article in 2011 that Bitcoin was the most dangerous open source project in history, at that time, he did not understand Bitcoin from the social, economic, and financial levels, but understood the bitcoin on a purely technical level. . Therefore, Yang Haipo at the time believed that Bitcoin did not have great value, and he dismissed this view.

In 2011, Yang Haipo would not have thought that his life would be so closely related to Bitcoin. The touch brought by open source software allowed him to self-learn programming, and was hired by Tencent for an internship six months later.

Before the establishment of ViaBTC, Yang Haipo went to work for Tencent for the second time, responsible for maintaining a system that was “not too big or small”.

Yang Haipo said: "In fact, the reasons for each departure are very similar. I don't like the institutional environment and want to go out and do one thing freely. But I have to have a certain economic foundation, so I wrote a project myself.

In March 2016, Yang Haipo independently completed the ViaBTC code and posted a message in the Babbitt Forum for financial and computational help.

"It was actually desperate when I posted on the Babbitt Forum in 2016. I didn't think I could find it. I just tried it. I thought about it when I thought about it, then I open the code and open it up. Make some contributions to this community." Yang Haipo said

The charcoal in the snow happened.

After seeing the post in the Babbitt forum, Wu Jihan called Yang Haipo and cast 200 bitcoins. 200 bitcoins, for Yang Haipo at the time, was a big sum of money.

"After the mental journey, it is very similar to the American drama "Silicon Valley". "Silicon Valley" tells the process of a silkworm programmer's entrepreneurship, feeling that he is really like the protagonist inside. I used to be a simple programmer, Wu Ji After the cold call, many people are suddenly willing to find me and chat with me. Of course, some of them want to empty the white wolf, but I feel that I am still very valuable. Especially when I really start making money, though There are only tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but at that time it was also a small amount for me. It will be very exciting, too smooth, and even feel unreal. From a small boy who has experienced so many things at once, the impact is actually Still quite big. In addition, at that time, I had to do technology and business, which was quite difficult." Yang Haipo said.

Now, Yang Haipo has some experience in terms of resources, capital and management. However, he is still writing code most of the time.

“Writing code is not a technology, but an art. Technology is to repeat the work after mastering certain skills. Writing code is like painting, and there must be aesthetics. The core of this aesthetic is avenue to Jane. A complex system is written in the simplest code, and it is the most beautiful. In my career, there have been no people around me who can really admire me. I am now a non-code team. Instead of a character, if I don't write code, it's a waste. On the other hand, I think writing code is also fun and can create new things."

This 90-year-old programmer who loves to write code turns the team from 0 to 1 and becomes the CEO. How does he evaluate his CEO?

Yang Haipo replied: "In the position of the boss, I am not doing well, and I am reluctant. I am not good at management. I am better at product development and market. The successful boss must do the less, the better. The easier it is, the better. But we haven't reached that stage yet, it takes time for the team to grow up. Including my own management, I also need to keep learning and make some attempts. I am a dictator in management, most of the time I am I have the final say. Although sometimes I am not necessarily right, but because I am at the core of the team, I have to make a decision. Although there will be a wrong decision, but the boss’s core ability is to make decisions. The decision itself is To take responsibility, decision-making itself is also a very important ability, so be brave enough to bear the consequences of your decision."


Then for a moment, I wanted to give up.

In 2016, after Yang Haipo registered the company, one rented an office. At that time, the people he had known before were not willing to return to this industry. He recruited two people online, but they all dismissed them in less than a month.

"I don't understand the industry is normal, I can explain. But when I talk about them dozing off, I can't stand it." Yang Haipo said.

Three months later, the Yang Haipo team grew from one person to more than 10 people, and the project went on the line smoothly. However, entrepreneurship always experiences a lot of unspeakable secrets. There are always moments when people give up the idea of ​​giving up.

"The purpose of everyone entering this industry is actually different. Some people are eager for money. Some people are because of their yearning for freedom. From the means, some people think about changing the world and making the world a better place. This is our starting point. Bitcoin was born in this circle, it involves a lot of economic benefits, involving the wealth effect. Many people have greatly distorted human nature, the industry is not a very pure industry now." Yang Haipo said.

"" 9.4" is fine, it is a policy issue. When we encounter problems, we will deal with it and deal with it. The most difficult thing is the first half of 2018. At that time, the new exchange CoinEx has just opened, no trading volume, no users. The whole team was very anxious. At that time, the team disagreed and the early partners left. This is why I want to be a dictator, because the company still has a consistent external voice, most afraid of internal friction. Even sometimes it is wrong. But it’s better than doing nothing,” he continued.

"I don't really want to do it for a moment, because it may be good to do it. Sometimes I feel very tired. Entrepreneurship is a very tiring thing. There are too many things to deal with and deal with. Things, but also face the pressure from the market. I am married, there is a child, a woman, the time spent with the family is very small … so the pressure is still quite large. But sometimes suddenly full of fighting spirit, hit the chicken blood, Give yourself a boost and stick to it."

What is really horrifying is the bottleneck period of the entire exchange. There is no way out and the team is confused. Perhaps it is too eager to change the situation of the exchange, even if it is known that trading mining is poison, Yang Haipo decided to eat.

"The transaction mining has been regretted until now, but it should be down-to-earth, focusing on the accumulation of products and technologies. Trading mining is essentially a marketing campaign, a speculative boom. It may bring some traffic to the market, but most of these traffic is unfaithful traffic. He is not optimistic about the long-term development of your exchange, and may not necessarily become your long-term customer. It has risen, but it has been facing a long decline after the rise. In fact, it is also very horrible. Although it has some positive effects, the negative costs brought about by it are still quite large," said Yang Haipo.

Later, Yang Haipo always warned the team, must be calm, calm down and come to build the product first, be prepared to prepare before the opportunity comes, and seize the opportunity when the opportunity really comes.

The biggest charm of the digital currency market is that the market is constantly changing, and the entire industry is still in the blue ocean market. The penetration rate of digital currency to the population is very low, this piece has a large incremental space, and there are huge new markets that have not been developed, which means there is also a chance to shuffle. In addition, the industry itself has a lot of variables and opportunities, which will bring some opportunities to the new exchanges. But these opportunities still need to wait patiently, and after polishing the products, they can seize them when the opportunity comes.


Three years, still just beginning

June 5, 2019, on the third anniversary of ViaBTC.

“Three years soon, many things happened just like yesterday. The third anniversary is still just beginning for me, the team is still in the polishing period, they still need to grow up, I also need to study in the aspect of company management, I need to keep Learning," said Yang Haipo.

In 2016, the ViaBTC mine pool was launched and the business has been stable. In 2017, the CoinEx exchange launched, the current trading platform mainly includes derivatives, perpetual contracts, leveraged trading and other products.

“We did achieve some success, but the whole team is still very early. More importantly, next, I hope to achieve our ideals on the 5th or 10th anniversary. The company is positioned to focus on blockchain or digital currency. The infrastructure of the service provider. This piece contains the mining pool, wallet, browser, as well as the trading platform and public chain, and now my energy is placed on the trading platform and the construction of the public chain."

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