Technical Guide | How does Poka's NPoS mechanism work?
Source of this article: PolkaWorld
Author: Alfonso Cevallos
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The system also encourages any DOT holder to participate as a nominee . The nominee published a list of candidates he trusted and pledged a certain number of DOTs to support them. If some of these candidates are selected as validators, he will get a corresponding return of interest based on the proportion of the pledged amount. Unlike validators, there is no limit to the number of nominees. As long as the nominee chooses and only supports candidate validators with good security practices, his risk is low and there is a continuous source of income. There are other special roles in the Polkadot network, but we only focus on the relationship between these two roles.

Our NPoS scheme is much more efficient than the proof-of-work mechanism (PoW) and much faster than the proof-of-stake mechanism (PoS): it allows almost all participants with DOT to continue to participate, thereby maintaining a high level of security , While limiting the number of verification nodes, so all basic network operations are efficient.

Fair representation. At the end of the 19th century, Swedish mathematician Lars Edvard Phragmén proposed a method of electing members of the Swedish Parliament. He noted that the election method at the time tended to give all seats to the most popular parties; instead, his new method ensured that the number of seats allocated to each party was proportional to the votes given to them, so it gave minority More representation. The attributes obtained through his method are formally called proportional justified representations, and are very suitable for NPoS elections because it ensures that any node pool is neither over-represented by the validators selected nor selected. The outgoing validators are too low representatives, but proportional to their pledges. Our inspiration is based on Phragmén's ideas and ensures that every election has this nature.

We are excited about the technical developments proposed by Polkadot and the possibilities brought about by NPoS and other efficient solutions developed in the blockchain field. You can learn more on the Web3 Foundation research page and Polkadot wiki. To learn about Polkadot's development, follow Polkadot on Twitter and join the newsletter.
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