Articles about Polkadot
Talking about the inflation of Polkadot DOT
The high inflation rate of DOT has been a common criticism of Polkadot. And usually, the worse the market conditions,...
Quick look at Polkadot Q3 financial report spending $21 million, spending money really feels like it’s in a bull market?
Since the beginning of this year, Treasury has allocated a total amount of approximately 3.9 million DOT, equivalent ...
From team-building vacations to ruthless layoffs Exposing the insider story of Poka’s layoffs, comparable to ‘The Hunger Games
A week before the LianGuairity Technologies, the parent company of Polka, headed to the island of Mallorca in the Med...
10 Things You Need to Know About Polkadot Crowdloan Unlocking
Polkadot, 10 Things You Need to Know About Polkadot Crowdloan Unlock, What Can You Do with Unlocked DOT?
10,000 Word Strategic Report How can Polkadot overcome its growth dilemma? Where does the future lie?
This article will directly discuss the market, not just technology and ideals. We directly address the most real prob...
IOSG Why is Aribitrum Stylus considered the most important L2 technology innovation this year?
With the launch of ZKRUs such as zkSync and StarkNet, the landscape of Layer 2 is rapidly evolving. Traditionally, OP...
Polkadot Q3 Development Summary Native USDC will enter the ecosystem, staking and independent account data continue to grow.
In the third quarter of 2023, the Polkadot ecosystem further expanded, with significant growth in native staking, on-...
Gov2 Polkadot’s Next Generation Decentralized Governance
Gov2 is a major improvement in Polkadot governance, aiming to address the issues in the existing system and enhance i...
Should Polkadot’s market positioning and narrative be adjusted?
Dan Reecer shared his thoughts on Polkadot forum after leaving Polkadot for a few months, and put forward some ideas ...
Interpreting Polkadot 2.0 What are the impacts of the new parachain leasing mechanism on the demand and value of DOT?
What changes have occurred in resource allocation in Polkadot 2.0? What impact may it have on the demand and value of...

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