The domestic public chain Yuanjie DNA released the digital identity application Bitident (Bidden) to help the rise of the digital economy

The founder of Yuanjie DNA and the lifelong member of the Bitcoin Foundation, Xia Xiahu, were recently invited to attend the 2019 Hamburg Intercontinental Dialogue Conference to lead the domestic public chain DNA to the international stage.

Founder of Yuanjie DNA, lifelong member of Bitcoin Foundation, and early summer tiger investor, was recently invited to attend the 2019 Hamburg Intercontinental Dialogue Conference hosted by China National Currency Group and Aurora Europe's top encryption tour. The guests attending the dialogue were former Thailand. Central Bank Governor, Georgian Prime Minister, IMF Vice President Zhang Tao, Facebook CEO and other domestic and foreign politicians, economists, entrepreneurs and experts in the blockchain field jointly discussed the issues of the world's most concerned economy. As an increasingly important economic component, cryptocurrency and blockchain have the opportunity to use this conference as a window to communicate with the world's major economies.

On October 29-30, 2019, at the 2019 Intercontinental Dialogue in Hamburg, the founder of Yuanjie DNA was warmly welcomed by guests and audience.

Yuanjie DNA allows personal data to be returned

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In the discussion on the topic of “The rise of the digital platform economy: social and economic consequences”, the early summer tiger said: Many Internet companies are now relying on user data to make profits, not only personal privacy may be leaked, but also user thoughts and behaviors will be manipulated. . Based on the blockchain-based digital identity technology, the meta-boundary DNA allows personal data to be returned, and the private key is in its own hands. No third party can have access to the data without authorization.

Also participating in the discussion were Loubna BOUARFA, CEO of Oklahoma Technology, Professor of Globalization and Development at Oxford University, Ian GOLDIN, Director of Technology and Economic Change (Martin Project) at Oxford University, and Masood AHMED, President of the Global Development Center.

China's blockchain industry has huge prospects

After the end of the early summer tiger, the former Romanian Prime Minister Petre Roman asked why the general secretary would be optimistic about the blockchain and regard the blockchain as one of China's strategic development directions. How does this drive the market trend and let the market explode? of.

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In response to this problem, the early summer tiger expressed his own personal opinion: in this era, economic development needs a very important stimulus, and the blockchain is a very interesting technology, it may have a good economic function, the entire national The economy must use this new technology to drive new developments. This is a very good strategy in the context of the current economic situation of Sino-US trade war.

In addition, China began researching digital currency long ago. It is remembered that around 2014, only the Bank of China and the Bank of England were studying. However, the blockchain technology of the General Secretary is not only digital currency, but also digital identity, data protection of AI, and confirmation of data ownership. These areas will have a lot of room for development.

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The vivid speech of the founder of Yuanjie DNA, the early summer tiger, caused a strong resonance among the audience. A guest asked what problems the blockchain can solve. The early summer tiger said that the blockchain can solve the problem of data ownership and return "gold" (that is, data) to users, not just in the hands of large Internet companies.

In the early summer, Tiger took the advantage of “how the people own the data to generate profits” and popularized the advantages of Yuanjie DNA to the guests and the audience. In the future, Yuanjie DNA is like a new technology company like Google. It turns data into new electronic gold. Yuanyuan DNA is not only a gold mine, but also an electronic gold trading platform. Yuanjie DNA is not a traditional traditional financial institution, but an emerging blockchain platform.

Early summer tiger announced the digital identity application Bitident (must)

At the first day of the conference, Yuan Xiahui, the founder of Yuanjie DNA, also announced a major announcement, Bitident (Bidden), a new product based on the digital identity technology of Yuanjie DNA. Bidden uses a secure login channel to easily protect all users' digital identities and immediately run a risk alert system. This product will undoubtedly become the most important "blockchain + digital identity" product in 2019. The early summer tiger also demonstrated the simple and fast operation process of Bidden.

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After the introduction of the early summer tiger, the on-site personnel became more curious and affirmed about the DNA of the Yuan Dynasty. These industry big coffees have explored the practical application of blockchain technology around the early summer tigers and consulted the relevant details about the DNA of the Yuanjie.

Talking about what is a good public chain system, he believes that the five most important pillar systems are to meet high concurrency TPS, Oracle (predictive machine), decentralized digital identity, security and cross-chain interoperability. The Yuanjie DNA has been the ultimate in technology development for these five systems, which will also provide a technical infrastructure for the large-scale application scenarios of the blockchain.

In order to meet the concern and curiosity of the European and American elites on the Chinese blockchain industry, the founder of the domestic public chain Yuanjie DNA, as the representative of China, and the world's top industry elites discussed the situation and hot spots of the blockchain industry. After the meeting, Zur Vice President Aurora also made a personal interview with the early summer tiger, and bluntly said that he has become a fan of Tiger Brother.

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2019 Hamburg Intercontinental Dialogue is the first stop of Aurora's top encryption journey in Europe. Then the Yuanjie DNA will continue to route through Germany, Berlin, Switzerland and Malta. The mainstream media of Blockchain, such as Mars Finance, will also follow up on the whole event.

For more information, please visit the Yuanjie DNA website:

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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