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Market Analysis: BTC continues to triumph

A recent study found that more than 10% of South African Internet users have cryptocurrencies that are twice the glob...


The Crypto Fear & Greed Index Signals Bullish Sentiment in the Market

The Crypto Fear & Greed Index, a crucial indicator of investor sentiment, reached its peak on Tuesday, November 2...


The market's gains narrowed, and the resistance above the short-term remains.

Author | Hash sent analysis team Bitfinex Cryptocurrency market funds outflow reached $55 billion in August.Under the...


Ethereum is expected to surpass Bitcoin as the leading currency in the future

Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two major cryptocurrencies in the world. In the past decade, Bitcoin has accounted for a...


The market is blooming everywhere, but the faucet is not performing well, and the vigilance is falling back at any time.

Livermore once said: "If you don't take your money out on the table, you can't test whether your judgm...


Marathon Digital Holdings Pushes the Limits of Bitcoin with Anduro

Discover the most recent advancements in blockchain technology, including exciting updates, successful funding announ...