BTC, ETH continues to rise, how to look at the market outlook and profit grasp

BTC, ETH continues to rise, how to look at the market outlook and profit grasp

Bitcoin analysis: Bitcoin's $10,000 price is a major psychological barrier for the encrypted digital asset market. After reaching above $10,000, the long-term trend of digital assets is still optimistic, but there must be a shockback in this process. However, the probability of a sharp rise in the second half of 2017 is relatively small. Because more and more institutional investors in this market are now entering the market, rather than being a market dominated by a group of global investment investors.

After the bitcoin surged in the early stage, the strength of the callback was limited. It has not been able to break the trend of the uptrend channel. It is also expected to re-break the high position today. For the current trend, the author once again stressed that there is no obvious Before the callback signal, the operation is mostly single.

On the daily chart, it has been closed for 7 consecutive trading days, showing a long position, and the bulls are very strong. The other resistance high above is around $12,500. The averages are well-arranged. On the chart, MACD is kept on the hourly chart. The Bollinger Band opens again and opens upwards. Here, the author should emphasize that the price is not effectively broken under the Brink every time the callback is adjusted. At the same time, the figure indicators are quickly repaired, indicating that the overall trend is still rising. Support concerns around 11,830, $11,950. The callback support is still more than one line. The overall profit of yesterday is about 300 points. In response to such a trend, it is necessary to grasp the trend ahead of time and clearly define the range of entry points in order to grasp the profit and control the risk.

Ethereum analysis: Although there was a breakthrough in the early stage of ETH, there was no rapid increase in bitcoin, and it was once again high in the day. The long position on the daily chart continued. The top concerned was near 325 US dollars, followed by the 350 US dollar line. On the hourly chart, the Bollinger band was not fully pulled. There is still some resistance at the top, which is one of the reasons why Ethereum’s recent highs are slow, but the overall situation is still easy to go, and the multiple orders given yesterday are also fixed profit ranges. The callback is mostly dominated, and below is the 315-310 first-line support.

Summary: For the mainstream currency, the bullish tone remains unchanged. Once the market moves up, many people will be overwhelmed and will be in a state of callback, and they are worried about whether they have ended the bull market. In view of this state, the author believes that it is still trending. The analysis is not clear enough. Bitcoin basically enters into June and thinks that every callback has not broken the hourly support of Bulin under the track support. On the contrary, every day, strong support rebounds and breaks new heights. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone can use this as a callback. The boundary is at the top for the warehouse but the positions are opened in batches. (Fire Coin Information)

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