BTC Weekly Report | Coin price plummets, data on the chain drops, Binance net inflows for two consecutive weeks

Judging from the data of the past week (03.02-03.08), with the downward adjustment of the price of bitcoin, the data on the chain are mostly slightly lower than the previous week (02.24-03.01), but the overall trend is not much different.

Transaction amount:

02.24-03.01: 5798172.66 BTC

03.02-03.08: 5587116.39 BTC

Decrease from the previous week: 3.64%

The detailed data chart is as follows:

Actual transaction amount:

02.24-03.01: 4178878.83 BTC

03.02-03.08: 3835451.42 BTC

Decrease from the previous week: 6.88%

The detailed data chart is as follows:

Number of transactions:

02.24-03.01: 2312514

03.02-03.08: 2350652

Decrease from the previous week: 1.65%

The detailed data chart is as follows:

Number of active addresses:

(The address that initiated the transaction is considered the active address)

02.24-03.01: 3448795

03.02-03.08: 3686153

Increase from the previous week: 6.88%

The detailed data chart is as follows:

Large transfers:

(Single transaction initiated amount greater than 100BTC is considered a large amount transfer)

02.24-03.01: 7474

03.02-03.08: 6501

Decrease from the previous week: 13.02%

The detailed data chart is as follows:

Binance exchange BTC flow data


02.24-03.01: 57058.55

03.02-03.08: 49947.69

Decrease from the previous week: 12.46%

The detailed data chart is as follows:


02.24-03.01: 49246.62

03.02-03.08: 48823.84

Decrease from the previous week: 0.86%

The detailed data chart is as follows:

Net inflow:

02.24-03.01: 7811.93

03.02-03.08: 1623.85

Decrease from the previous week: 79.21%

The detailed data chart is as follows:

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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