Articles about Mainnet

Bull Market Fortune Guide What Potential Airdrop Opportunities Can be Obtained by Pledging TIA?

Based on the business model of Celestia, it can be seen that TIA has many use cases. As a leading project in the Cosm...

Thorchain Over Fourfold Increase Draws Attention, Will the Cross-chain Veteran Revitalize Again?

This article will introduce the well-established Defi protocol, Thorchain, and what updates they have implemented. It...

Kava 15 Upgrade Focus How Zero Inflation Unlocks New Investment Opportunities in $KAVA

As an interoperable chain between Cosmos and EVM, Kava's support for EVM assets within the Cosmos side is relatively ...

Flare Labs tests FAssets on the Coston network Non-smart contract tokens will land on Flare

FAssets, the interoperable application product of Flare, provides smart contract functionality on the Flare network f...

How to simply understand the scalability new solution Plasma + ZK-SNARKs?

Plasma is a solution designed to improve the scalability of blockchain by moving most of the data and computation off...

Why has Blast become the biggest catfish of Layer2 this year, with over $200 million TVL captured in just 2 days?

Blast may not necessarily bring the same DeFi Summer governance token to layer 2, but at least it will accelerate the...

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