Articles about Solidity - Section 105
Blockchain company SimplyVital Health receives a $225,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to help reduce medical costs
SimplyNews-based blockchain company SimplyVital Health has received a $225,000 grant from the National Science Founda...
Bakkt trading volume soared 3100%, the "super bull" engine finally started?
Bakkt, the bitcoin trading platform of the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), officially started “stable”...
QKL123 Quote Analysis | Bakkt will push Bitcoin options, CFTC or quasi-Ethereum futures (1011)
Abstract: At present, the main control panel is strong, and the news is good and bad, and the market is uncertain. Ju...
What about Bitcoin network congestion? Cut to cure – Secure the Bag safety bag technology
Bitcoin's network congestion varies widely. At the peak of the transaction, thousands of transactions are waitin...
Full-text translation + interpretation | New rules of the US Internal Revenue Service: income tax due to forked virtual currency
Following the publication of the virtual currency-related tax guidelines in 2014, the US Internal Revenue Service (IR...
Wu Jihan's latest share: 2-4 million users worldwide, cryptocurrency will soon be widely adopted
From October 8th to 10th, the 2nd Global Digital Mining Summit was held in Frankfurt, Germany. Wu Jihan made a theme ...
Coin City, Xiaoliang Mining Winter Reserve
Yesterday, the news of the bitcoin mining giant Jia Nan Zhizhi will go to the US in November. It is reported that the...
Notes | Gartner: Most blockchain technologies have a five to ten year time away from the impact of change
Shinji Satoshi: The best quality article of 5 cryptocurrencies is selected every day. Today's content includes: ...
Opinion: Bitcoin is not a better Paypal, it is better for the dollar
Foreword: This article is suitable for beginners to read. The author believes that the current mainstream population ...
Internal and external, Libra can seek hope in the crack
Over the past 100 days, Libra's whirlwind has swept the world. From the private, academic, business, and politic...

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