Ethereum USDT additional flow analysis: the third increase of 100 million, 28 hours finished?

Beijing time on July 8th at 23:28:19, TEDA company launched the third additional issuance in the Ethereum network, a total of 100 million USDT, as of July 10, 2:33:59 from the additional address directly After the distribution was completed, the whole process was less than 28 hours, but after the transfer of the relay address, the follow-up was still flowing into the active address of the market such as the exchange, and we also carried out a certain degree of follow-up. Here, we have made statistics on the transfer operations of the main 32 clear receiver exchanges, the total amount is 44120830.559999 USDT.

Overall, the additional USDT was distributed to five exchanges, namely Binance, Bitfinex, Huobi, Okex, and At the same time, as far as this issuance is concerned, we also found that more transfer addresses were transferred during the distribution process, and a smaller amount of transfer transactions often occurred. Many USDTs transferred through more relay addresses than the previous two additional issuances. More exchanges.

In terms of the inflow of exchanges confirmed by a limited number of transfers, Huobi accepted the largest amount, totaling 17013674.83 USDTs, accounting for 38.39%, and 14 transfer times, accounting for 43.75%.

The minimum amount of is 100,000, the amount is 0.23%, the number of transfers is 1 time, and the proportion is 3.13%.

From the active date of the transfer transaction, the transfer transactions on July 9 were the most frequent, with a total of 25 transactions. The total amount accepted by each exchange was 38,267,124.91 USDT, accounting for 86.34% of the total, and the transaction count was 78.13%.

Below we further list the target exchange transfer list that can be confirmed as follows:

We turn these to the USDT summary of the different wallet addresses of each exchange and show them further graphically:

We can see that through more than 30 transfer operations (since some transfers involve relay addresses, the actual number of transfers is more than listed), the USDT of this additional is basically distributed. In this issuance, the additional USDT is no longer transferred to the Taidex company's connected exchange Bitfinex, and more exchanges participate in the distribution process. Through these active exchanges, the third additional USDT this month. Formally entered the market.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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