How do Europeans see cryptocurrencies?

How do Europeans see cryptocurrencies?

Headquartered in Tokyo, bitFlyer is approved to operate in the European Union in 2018. According to reports, the company surveyed 10,000 respondents in Europe to understand their views on cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin.

The exchange surveyed the following ten countries: the United Kingdom, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Spain.

When asked about cryptocurrencies in the general sense, most Europeans claim that they believe cryptocurrencies will still exist in 10 years, and more than 50% of respondents in each country predict that cryptocurrencies will exist in some form.

Specifically, Norwegian respondents are most optimistic about the future of cryptocurrency, and 73% believe that cryptocurrencies will continue to exist. On the other hand, French respondents are the most pessimistic about the future, and only 55% said they believe that cryptocurrency will exist for a long time. (The following is the survey chart)

It seems that there are not as many Europeans who have confidence in Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency currently available. Only an average of 49% of respondents believe that Bitcoin will continue to exist after 10 years. The survey showed that French respondents were least optimistic about Bitcoin, with only 40% of respondents saying that Bitcoin would still exist, while Italian and Polish respondents were most confident about Bitcoin, 55% and 53% respectively. Respondents expressed support for Bitcoin.

More specifically, there are very few – only 7% of Europeans believe that Bitcoin will remain an investment and securities instrument for 10 years. (The following is a specific chart)

Andy Bryant, chief operating officer of bitFlyer Europe, said the survey showed that the reputation of cryptocurrency has gotten rid of hype and become more grounded. He concluded that industry subversives should promote the special benefits of cryptocurrency. And use cases so that people can understand how this technology will be used in society.

Reuters reported that France is currently trying to persuade other EU member states to adopt cryptographic currency regulations similar to those in France.

On April 15, the UK's largest travel management company Corporate Traveller announced that it began accepting bitcoin payments. (Nuclear Finance)

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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