Zhongying Internet publicly claimed that it is preparing for the first of the A-share listed companies in the digital currency trading platform.

This article Source: Finance Network · Chain Finance , the original title "Save capital chain break risk A-share listed company public should prepare for the digital currency trading platform"

Author: Chen

On the afternoon of November 20th, Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464), a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, responded to users' questions and said that the digital currency trading platform of Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464) is currently in preparation.

According to Caijing.com and Chain Finance, Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464) is the first A-share listed company to open a digital currency trading platform on the open platform.

According to public information, the main business of Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464) in the field of blockchain is the development of cloud computing servers (mineral machines). In February of this year, due to the large increase in mining machine development costs, the relevant media reported. In addition, Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464) also acquired a series of blockchain enterprises such as Jude Credit and Block Chain Gold.

But so far, neither the mining machine business nor the acquired blockchain company has brought much revenue to Zhongying Internet (SZ:002464).

On October 24, under the stimulus of favorable policies, Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464) once had a daily limit, but the good times did not last long. Since November 1, the market price has been falling continuously, and it has fallen to two on November 18. The lowest price in the month.

On November 14, the People's Bank of China Shanghai Headquarters Mutual Gold Rehabilitation Office and the Municipal Financial Stability Joint Office jointly issued the "Notice on Launching the Circulation and Renovation of Virtual Currency Trading Places". The notice shows that according to the relevant arrangements of the National Mutual Remediation Office, Shanghai Each district rectification office needs to sort out the virtual currency-related activities in its jurisdiction, and the first one is to organize “virtual currency transactions in China”.

This work needs to be completed before November 22, and urged relevant enterprises to immediately rectify and withdraw, and play early and fight small.

A new Shanghai financial person told the Caijing reporter that the above-mentioned "Notice" aims to achieve the separation of the currency chain and suppress the existence of illegal financial formats. The folk digital currency and the blockchain encouraged by the government are not the same thing. The person also believes that this rectification is a continuous rectification action after the "94".

It is understood that an important rectification object in the "June 4th Incident" is the virtual currency exchange. Recently, blockchain technology has gradually entered the mainstream, but at the regulatory level, there is no news that it will relax the regulatory metrics for virtual currency exchanges.

Therefore, this public connection (SZ: 002464) on the open platform indicates that it is looking at the digital currency trading platform is somewhat ridiculous.

According to an analysis by a blockchain industry insider, the move of Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464) may be a helpless move in desperation.

On November 14, Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464) responded to the inquiry letter issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on November 6. The reply showed that during the reporting period, due to the macroeconomic environment, “de-leverage” and other policy factors and the difficulty of the liquidity of the company's controlling shareholders, the company's liquidity was tense, and the income in the first three quarters decreased compared with the same period of the previous year.

According to Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464), the third quarter financial report for 2019 showed that the operating income for the reporting period was 155,701,069.45 yuan, a decrease of 24.45% compared with the same period of last year; the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 483,987.35 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 93.74%.

In addition, as of the end of September 2019, Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464) had a total of 1.703 billion yuan of current liabilities, and the short-term debt repayment pressure was high. The main bank account of its parent company was frozen due to economic disputes, which led to certain impact on financing ability.

Zhongying Internet (SZ: 002464) clearly stated that it is difficult for the company to pay back the purchase price and liquidated damages at the current stage of cash flow and capital status, as well as the existing business conditions, profitability and cash flow.

In addition, on October 15th, the official website of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange announced that due to Zhongying Internet (002464), the letter of response was issued to Zhongying Internet (002464).

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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