Industry Blockchain Weekly 丨 31 Provinces Release Policy Information, Blockchain Concept Stocks Expand

According to the "Securities Daily" report, 31 provinces across the country have successively introduced policy information related to the blockchain to lay out the blockchain industry. In the past week, leaders of provincial governments in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, Shandong, Hunan, Hubei, Jilin and other areas have studied and supported the development of blockchain technology and industry through various lectures, symposiums and field surveys. Big rivers, north and south, the blockchain is still hot.

Government dynamics: seizing opportunities for blockchain development

Deputy Mayor of Beijing: Using Blockchain and Other Technologies to Realize Integrated Digital Energy Management and Real-Time Online Supervision

On December 7, at the 2019 Global Energy Transformation High-level Forum, Yin Yong, deputy mayor of Beijing, said that Beijing will take the lead in building an energy Internet system in the "Energy Valley" to coordinate power, heat, cold, gas, water and other fields. Daily supervision, simplifying the project approval process, using advanced technologies such as big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence, etc., to realize digital energy comprehensive management and real-time online supervision.

Mayor of Shanghai Pudong New Area: Focus on new technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, 5G

At the "2019 China Fintech Shanghai Summit Forum" on December 12, Hang Yingwei, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Municipal Government and the mayor of Pudong New Area, stated that Pudong will promote the development and application of fintech core technologies. Focus on new technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and 5G, support basic research and collaborative innovation such as chips, algorithms, and cloud computing, and launch a number of demonstration applications to enhance the ability to serve the real economy.

Secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee: Focus on key directions such as "blockchain + real economy", "blockchain + government services"

On December 10, the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee held a collective learning meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group and the Guangzhou Learning Forum. Zhang Shuofu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, stressed the need to focus on key directions such as "blockchain + the real economy" and "blockchain + government services" to promote the block. Deep integration of blockchain with cutting-edge information technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, strengthening applications in areas such as smart manufacturing, smart cities, and digital government, launching demonstration projects of application scenarios in the blockchain industry, promoting the implementation of more application scenarios, and improving the blockchain Scene application level.

Vice Governor of Shandong Province: Using Blockchain and Other Technologies to Upgrade Traditional Manufacturing

On December 12, Ling Wen, deputy governor of Shandong Province, investigated the development and upgrading of traditional manufacturing capabilities in Weihai City, and pointed out that Shandong Province is in-depth implementation of major projects for the conversion of old and new kinetic energy. The core significance is to use artificial intelligence, The new generation of information technology, such as networking and blockchain, upgrades traditional manufacturing.

Hunan Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee Meeting: To seize the development opportunities of blockchain, artificial intelligence and other industries

On December 13, the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee held a meeting, and Du Jiahao, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, chaired the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting pointed out that Hunan has the foundation and potential for the development of the Internet industry. It is necessary to seize the development opportunities of 5G, blockchain, artificial intelligence and other industries, and accelerate the construction of autonomous and controllable computer and information security industry chains, and the Malanshan video cultural and creative industry park. Further enhance the influence of brands such as the Internet Yuelu Summit and form a good ecology of talent cultivation, technological innovation, and industrial development.

Deputy Secretary of Hubei Provincial Party Committee: Promote the development of blockchain technology and industrial innovation

On December 12, Ma Guoqiang, Deputy Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee went to the East Lake New Technology Development Zone to preach the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party, investigate high-quality development work, and emphasized the need to build a collaborative innovation system of "government, industry, research, and research." To actively open financial innovation, digital asset trading, livelihood security and other scenarios suitable for blockchain applications, promote the solution of SMEs' "financing difficulties", food and drug safety supervision and other problems, and create a leading area for the development of blockchain technology industries. Gathering area.

Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal Committee: Promote in-depth integration of modern science and technology with political and legal work such as blockchain

On December 11, the 4th Political and Legal Lecture Hall of the Political and Legal Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee held in 2019. Zhao Fei, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, emphasized in the chair that the entire municipal law system must deeply understand the central and municipal committees' scientific and technological support in the application of political and legal work. Deployment requirements to further promote the deep integration of modern technology and political and legal work such as big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.

Secretary of Jilin Provincial Party Committee: Promote the integration and development of key industries and new technologies such as blockchain

On December 13, the Jilin Provincial Party Committee held an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee to convey and learn the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Bayin Chaolu, emphasized that we must adhere to the leadership of "digital Jilin" construction and promote key industries and intelligent manufacturing and artificial intelligence , Big data, blockchain and other new technologies. It is necessary to cultivate consumption hotspots, tap consumption potentials, promote consumption upgrades, and give play to the fundamental role of consumption in economic growth. We must adhere to the direction of market-oriented reforms and stimulate the dormant development potential.


From the intensive speeches of government officials across the country, blockchain is undoubtedly a well-deserved darling. As a core technology to promote the development of the digital economy, blockchain technology can be used early in any region, and any region can enjoy the dividends of the new round of industrial reform as soon as possible.

Industrial policy: the integration of blockchain technology into multiple industries

Beijing: Support the application of blockchain and other technologies in the field of games

On December 14, Beijing issued "Several Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of Beijing's Game Industry." The Opinions suggested that we must strengthen scientific and technological support, strengthen research on common key technologies, and support big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. Research on the application of technology in the field of games.

Shanghai: Focus on blockchain and other technologies, and promote the development and application of fintech core technologies

On December 9, Ying Yong, deputy secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and mayor, presided over the executive meeting of the municipal government. The meeting agreed in principle to the "Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Construction of the Shanghai Fintech Center" and pointed out that it is important to focus on big data, New technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and 5G will advance the development and application of fintech core technologies.

Nanjing: Focus on the development of industrial clusters such as blockchain applications

On December 13, the official website of the Nanjing Municipal People's Government announced the "Nanjing City Action Plan for Building Software and Information Service Industry Landmarks", which clarified the roadmap for building software and information service industry landmarks. According to the action plan, Nanjing should become bigger and stronger “one valley and two parks”. Among them, China (Nanjing) Software Valley focuses on the development of industrial clusters such as communications software, basic software, industrial software, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and virtual reality. Nanjing Software Park (Jiangbei New District) focuses on the development of industrial clusters such as integrated circuit design, smart grid software, health and medical big data, and blockchain applications.

Sichuan Province: Speeding up the deep integration of blockchain and other technologies with community governance and service systems

On December 6, the 6th plenary session of the 11th Committee of the Sichuan Province of the Communist Party of China adopted the "Decision on Deepening the Implementation of the Spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party to Promote Innovation and Capacity-building of the Urban and Rural Grassroots Governance System". The decision pointed out that the implementation of the "Internet + Community" action plan, accelerating the deep integration of artificial intelligence, big data, 5G, and blockchain with community governance and service systems, and actively promote the construction of smart communities and smart communities where conditions permit.

From games, fintech to urban and rural construction, blockchain appears in different types of special industrial policy documents, and the integration of technology and industry is accelerating.

Application landing: all flowers bloom

Central Bank's trade finance blockchain platform: business volume reaches 82.3 billion yuan

On December 9, Beijing Business Daily reported that as of November 29, 2019, there were 488 branches and 30 branches in 30 banks participating in the promotion of the central bank's trade and financial blockchain platform in Shenzhen. The chain reached more than 35,000 transactions, nearly 7,000 transactions occurred, and the business volume was about 82.3 billion yuan.

Shanxi cross-border financial blockchain service platform: 16 pilot banks joined, and the financing amount was 2.13 billion yuan

According to the Shanxi Daily News, as of December 11, the cross-border financial blockchain service platform has completed a total of 31 export receivables financing with a financing amount equivalent to RMB 2.13 billion. As of November, a total of 16 pilot banks in Shanxi Province have joined the platform, using technologies such as the immutability and digital signature of the distributed ledger of the blockchain, to establish mechanisms such as information exchange and effective verification between banks and enterprises, and real-time interaction between banks' trade finance information. , To achieve optimization and reconstruction of traditional financing business processes.

"I Shenzhen" blockchain electronic license platform launched

On December 9th, the Shenzhen unified government service app “i Shenzhen” blockchain electronic certificate application platform was officially launched, realizing the 24 types of common electronic certificates and other certificates on the chain, based on the maximum protection of personal privacy. The inconvenience of business citizens carrying paper certificates will be greatly reduced, and it is expected to eliminate copies.

Alibaba: Ant blockchain technology will deeply participate in Hangzhou Asian Games

On December 10, the Organizing Committee of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou 2022 announced that Alibaba became the official partner of the Hangzhou Asian Games. The Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee and Alibaba also completed a cooperation contract through Ant Financial's blockchain trusted deposit certificate technology. Ant blockchain technology will participate in the Hangzhou Asian Games in depth and will be applied in this international event, including transportation, Signing agreements, cultural rights, ticket sales and souvenir sales.

Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank: Participating in the pilot of blockchain service platform

Recently, Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank participated in a training course on cross-border capital flow monitoring and analysis system held in Nanjing. At the same time, it officially submitted the “Confirmation Letter for Banks' Participation in the Pilot Work of Cross-Border Financial Blockchain Service Platform” to the Jiangsu Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. , And has officially obtained the platform permissions, successfully joined the ranks of cross-border financial blockchain pilot.

Shenzhen: Invest 700 million yuan to launch smart city and "digital government" projects

Recently, the "Big Three" of Huawei, Ping An and Tencent formed a consortium and won the bid for the smart city and "digital government" construction project in Yantian District, Shenzhen. The total investment of the project is 700 million yuan. Advanced technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, 5G, and blockchain are used to enhance the new dynamics of the digital economy, expand the new connotation of digital life, and build a model of a world-class smart city to help Yantian District accelerate the construction of a livable and suitable business. Yiyou's modern, international and innovative coastal district.

State Grid: Incubate and cultivate 11 projects, including new technologies such as blockchain

On December 12, China National Grid Qinghai Provincial Electric Power Company's "Double Innovation" Demonstration Center was officially opened. The State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company stated that it will incubate and cultivate 11 projects in the fields of new energy big data innovation platform construction and application, high-voltage key technology, and intelligent operation and maintenance of distribution networks, including big data, blockchain, and new energy spare parts federation. New technologies such as trading.

Xiamen Mobile: Deploying a Blockchain Service Network Node

Recently, in the competition of the first batch of 24 city nodes in the country, Fujian Mobile Xiamen Branch actively strived for and successfully applied for advantages, and deployed and completed the province's first Blockchain Service Network (BSN) node in Xiamen.

Bank of Jiangsu: Launch of supply chain financial cloud platform based on big data, blockchain, IoT and other technologies

On December 13, Bank of Jiangsu announced the launch of a supply chain financial cloud platform, which uses cutting-edge financial technology such as big data, blockchain, and the Internet of Things, to provide one-stop efficient financial services, enabling banks to penetrate into the industrial chain. One-way transactions will improve the efficiency of banking financial services and provide efficient and convenient financing channels for small, medium and micro enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain.

Guangzhou Public Resource Trading Center: Building a Public Resource Trading Blockchain Platform

On December 13, the Guangzhou Public Resources Trading Center stated that the "Joint Meeting of Directors of the Southern Ten Cities' Public Resources Trading Centers" was recently held in Kunming. Signed "Public Resource Trading Blockchain Platform Sharing Application Cooperation Agreement" with nine public resource trading centers in Beijing, Zhuhai, Wuhan, Changsha, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Foshan, Dongguan, etc., to further promote mutual recognition and sharing of information and help optimize business operations. Business environment.


A single flower is not spring, all flowers bloom in the spring garden. Compared with the financial landing scenes led by the banking industry last week , the landing scenes this week are more diverse, such as smart cities and public resource transactions. The sponsors have evolved from being led by national teams such as the central bank to industrial giants such as Huawei, Ping An and Tencent.

Listed company news: Blockchain concept stocks add another army

Financial OneAccount: NYSE listed with market value of $ 3.6 billion

On December 13, Financial OneAccount was listed on the New York Stock Exchange with an issue price of $ 10 and an opening price of $ 10.51. As of the close of the day, the stock price was $ 10 and the total market value was 3.606 billion yuan. Financial OneAccount is another blockchain concept stock following the listing of Canaan Technology in the United States in November. It has developed one account chain (FiMAX) and the blockchain network as a service platform FiMAX BNaaS. At present, Financial OneAccount has more than 3,700 institutional customers, covering all mainstream banks in China, 99% of city commercial banks, and 46% of insurance companies, with more than 100 million users.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: Blockchain Technology Lands in 80 Application Scenarios

On December 12th, ICBC President Gu Yan said in an exclusive interview that ICBC has built a blockchain service system around a number of areas, including people's livelihood services, inclusive finance, the “Belt and Road” construction, and cross-border trade. At present, Guizhou's poverty alleviation investment fund blockchain platform, "ICBC e-trust" online financing financial service platform, "China-Europe e-Single Link" and "China-Africa e-Link Link" trade finance blockchain platform have been established, covering nearly 80 Application scenarios.

Zhongzhuang Construction: Establish a joint venture company to apply blockchain and other technologies to building decoration

On December 15, China Decoration Construction announced that the company and Hengyu Group signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on December 13. The two parties plan to jointly invest in the establishment of a joint venture company in Macau, dedicated to building decoration business, application of blockchain, R & D and application of new technologies such as networking and smart home in the field of building decoration industry.

Zhongqingbao: Subsidiary signs "blockchain + smart winery" project contract

On December 12, Zhongqingbao held the 31st meeting of the 4th Board of Directors to consider and approve the "Signing of Software Development Contracts and Related Transactions on" Blockchain + Smart Winery "Projects by Wholly-owned Subsidiaries and Related Legal Persons. motion".

Sifang Jingchuang: Joint Development of Blockchain-based Academic Certificate Certification Platform

Sifang Jingchuang stated on the interactive platform that the company recently developed a blockchain-based academic certificate certification platform jointly with City University of Hong Kong and Deloitte. The platform helps reduce employers 'costs and risk of fraud, allows employers and other stakeholders to autonomously and efficiently verify job applicants' education information through the platform, and helps bring more employment opportunities to talents in the Greater Bay Area. Promote talent exchange in the Greater Bay Area.

China Unicom: Launch of "5G Blockchain Partner Program"

On December 12, China Unicom held a China Unicom 5G Blockchain Seminar in Beijing with the theme "Linking 5G and Win-win Future". At the meeting, Tang Xiongyan, chief scientist of China Unicom Network Technology Research Institute, announced the launch of the "China Unicom 5G Blockchain Partner Program", focusing on the mutual empowerment of blockchain and telecommunications networks, providing a research and exchange platform for industry-university-research discussions and opportunities for collaborative innovation Provide application paradigms to help the industry.

High beam software: research on digital currency technology with power grid as the core

High light software stated on the interactive platform that the company attaches importance to technological innovation and has been keeping abreast of industry development trends and related technologies. The application of digital currency technology with the power grid as the core, as a new technology application, the company is also actively researching and discussing.

Han Ding Yu You: The use of blockchain technology can achieve traceability in the circulation of drugs. Han Ding Yu You said that in the future, in the certification of drugs, blockchain technology can be used to monitor the source and direction of drugs. Achieve traceability in the circulation of medicines.


Blockchain concept stocks are expanding again. If the listing of Jianan Technology is a victory for the mining circle, then the listing of Financial One Account is undoubtedly a victory for the alliance chain.

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