Where can I find DeFi data? Here is your strongest strategy

The development speed of open finance / DeFi is very amazing, and it is also a direction that many public chains are optimistic and actively deploy. But monitoring DeFi data changes is sometimes difficult. Ethereum "non-core developer" and product marketing manager Anthony Sassano recently summarized the more commonly used DeFi data tracking tools on Twitter to help you query more comprehensive data.


There are already many DeFi statistics websites on the market. For general statistics websites , we can see the current value of DeFi hedging, the ranking of major DeFi projects and details.

-DeFipulse : https://defipulse.com/ (General statistics website, you can see that in each category, such as loans, DEX, payments, etc., the item with the highest amount of lockup accounts for the percentage of total lockup in this category)

-DAppTotal : https://dapptotal.com/defi (Domestic data website, all kinds of data are very comprehensive)

-MyDeFi_org : https://mydefi.org/apps (login required to track personal Dapp usage)

-AlethioEthstats' DeFi tool : https://public.tableau.com/profile/alethio.defi#!/ (according to project classification, click on project to see project details)

-MessariCrypto DeFi data : https://messari.io/screener/defi-loan-metrics-579F10C5 (Messari's data has been great, but there is a fee)

-LoanScan_io : https://loanscan.io/ (decentralized lending data, interest rate of each item)

-MessariCrypto stablecoin index : https://stablecoinindex.com/ (Some stablecoins are DeFi projects, such as Dai)

-MyCrypto's DeFiScan : https://defiscan.io/ (Query the data of Compound, Uniswap, and SpankChain by entering the user's 0x address or ENS name)

-Devan data of ASvanevik : https://defi.ai/ (Dai's transaction volume and Ethereum wallet Staking statistics, which are still under construction)

-Dai data statistics of nanexcoll : https://daistats.com/ (capture data from Ethereum mainnet in real time)

-Dai Price : https://www.daiprice.info/ (various data about Dai price, supply, etc.)

The following are some statistics websites of DeFi App

-CompoundFinance's ROI calculator : https://www.comproi.com/# (enter Ethereum address to calculate ROI on Compound)

-Synthetix_io statistics : https://synthetixstats.com/dashboard

-NexusMutual tracker : https://nexustracker.io/

-Scout_cool : https://scout.cool/setprotocol/mainnet/

The following is the data website of the decentralized exchange

-AlethioEthstats' DexWatch : https://dex.watch/ (DEX activity statistics on Ethereum )

-KyberNetwork tracker : https://tracker.kyber.network/#/

-0 xProject tracker : https://0xtracker.com/

-UniswapExchange data : https://uniswap.info/home

-UniswapExchange ROI calculation : https://www.uniswaproi.com/#

-DuneAnalytics DEX statistics : https://explore.duneanalytics.com/public/dashboards/c87JEtVi2GlyIZHQOR02NsfyJV48eaKEQSiKplJ7

-blocklytics Uniswap profit tool: https://dashboards.blocklytics.org/#/en/ (find the most liquid pool)

Here are the data websites for the forecast market

-gnosisPM data : https://explore.duneanalytics.com/public/dashboards/cE1wo5jA2Dy6whfQnzkfZV1A7MUoyYNvfZtlTXZK

-Gnosis DutchX tracker : https://explore.duneanalytics.com/public/dashboards/nigajDs8cp1lkmoXYNgdo3jMh2XCzUIiLk0J5Fst

-AugurProject browser : https://exploreaugur.com/

-Augur Browser 2 : https://predictions.global/

Other data sites

-Brave (BAT) growth data : https://batgrowth.com/

-nonfungibles NFT tracker : https://nonfungible.com/ (There are also many NFT news)

-DuneAnalytics ENS data : https://explore.duneanalytics.com/public/dashboards/eLGoZ0ZujakY23DuLg3OBC50frVezIICkycEzdrP

-TheTokenAnalyst data : https://www.tokenanalyst.io/analytics (inflow and outflow of exchange BTC, ETH, and stablecoin )

-WrappedBTC data : https://www.wbtc.network/dashboard/order-book

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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