Review Ethereum 2019: speak with data

Source: consensys

Compilation: ECN Ethereum China

To this year after year, the Ethereum ecosystem has never stopped growing, and this year has also brought a new wave of innovation and a wave of blockchain development. In 2019, Ethereum achieved improvements through network upgrades and a growing developer community; DeFi introduced the value of hundreds of millions of dollars into the Ethereum ecosystem; more than 520 new decentralized applications were born. Let us review the past year with data rationally, so that we can have a stronger confidence in the future.


  • New Ethereum accounts this year: 20 million +
  • Ethereum adds active addresses this year: 4 million
  • Ethereum network upgrades this year: three
  • Ether from Ethereum block rewards this year: 4,728,152+
  • Average gas limit increase: about two million (from eight million to less than 10 million)
  • Ethereum active nodes: 8,516
Translator's Note: From the perspective of country distribution, the current U.S. nodes account for more than 25% and China's more than 16%. From the perspective of node-run clients, more than 78% are Geth and Parity is more than 20%.

Decentralized applications DApps

  • New DApps in 2019: 520 ;
  • The development of crypto technology on mobile in 2019: MetaMask Mobile, Argent, Coinbase Wallet, etc. have all released mobile wallets in the past year;
  • ENS (Ethereum Domain Name Service) owners buy 1-2 domain names per person , and some "whales" own hundreds of domain names. And at a certain point in time, more than 600,000 ENS domain names were auctioned simultaneously (the data is for reference only)
  • The longest ENS domain name so far is: Forwhatshallitprofitamanifhegainthewholeworldandsufferthelossofhissoul.eth

Translator's Note: The Chinese meaning of the domain name is "If people make the world, the price is to lose their souls. What good is it?" (Matthew 16:26)

  • OpenSea has become the largest NFT trading market. In the two years since its establishment, the total amount of NFT auctions has exceeded US $ 7 million , of which the total transaction volume in October reached US $ 1.7 million;
  • Gods Unchained, one of the most popular DApps on Ethereum, has created 6,714,445 items (as of this translation, it has reached 6,722,668);
  • DAO: Moloch, MetaCartel, Ethereum Marketing, and at least 25 other DAOs were born.

Decentralized Financial DeFi

Dai stablecoin runs through the DeFi development trajectory of 2019, enabling various new applications to run.

Source of Stability Fee and Dai Supply Map

55 million Dai. During 2019, the supply of Dai eventually reached the upper limit in the Maker governance rules, which is 100 million Dais, so a vote is needed to increase the supply. The sharp decline experienced at the end of the year indicates the migration from Sai (formerly single mortgage Dai) to new Dai (multiple mortgage Dai). Maker stabilization fee: The blue line in the figure above shows that the stabilization fee started at 2.5% at the beginning of the year, peaked at 20.5% in August, and then finally reduced to a more appropriate 3%. The total stabilization costs for 2019 are 1,640,555 Dai . The chart below visually shows changes in Maker CDPs (now called Vaults) in size, age, and mortgage rate over the past year. Thousands of Maker Vaults have been created this year, and the following figure also shows that some Vaults have mortgaged a considerable amount of collateralized assets at relatively low mortgage rates (less than 150% of the Maker Vault will result in their liquidation).

Historical CDP source Mkr.Tools

In the past year, the number of ethers locked in DeFi has increased significantly, recently exceeding $ 650 million . Ether has become the preferred mortgage asset for DeFi platforms and applications.

Ether source Alethio locked in DeFi platform

On January 1, 2019, Uniswap had only 31 users in total, with a daily transaction volume of more than 30 ETH. However, after a year of development, its number of users has increased to hundreds, and daily transaction volume has reached thousands of ETH. Synthetix is ​​an Ethereum-based synthetic asset platform that achieved unprecedented growth in 2019, with the total value locked up from $ 1.6 million to $ 160 million.


  • In 2019, Truffle (Ethereum smart contract development framework) added more than 25,000 monthly downloads;
  • ConsenSys released more than $ 300,000 in funding in 2019, and the third wave of funding has now been opened;
  • Launched 8 virtual hackathons supported by Gitcoin in 2019, and distributed over $ 200,000 in funding;
  • In November 2019 alone, Gitcoin facilitated a value transfer of USD 302,000 through its platform, and the total value transfer realized by the platform to date has exceeded USD 2.8 million;
  • Gitcoin Quests has been participated by more than 12,000 members with more than 700 community members;
  • ConsenSys launched a "Million Developers" program this year, aiming to expand the number of developers in the Ethereum ecosystem to one million.

This year, we have doubled the analysis in the developer community. In mid-2019, Electric Capital released a report showing that the developer community of Ethereum is four times larger than the ecosystem of any other cryptocurrency project . As fields such as DeFi and DAO grow, the Ethereum developer community continues to expand.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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