Is the development of Ethereum opening a new direction? Hyperledger announces the acceptance of the first public Ethereum blockchain project Pantheon

One of the world's largest blockchain alliances, Hyperledger, has officially accepted its first public blockchain project, Pantheon, a project from ConsenSys.

Woman with a ethereum with raw gold nuggets

The Superbook Technical Steering Committee approved the addition of Pantheon on Thursday morning and renamed the program Hyperledger Besu (base or foundation in Japanese). Pantheon was first proposed as a potential new member of the Ethereum Alliance on August 8th, joining the queues of projects such as Hyperledger Fabric (IBM Support) and Hyperledger Sawtooth (Intel Support).

Pantheon includes a suite of Ethereum-based services developed by PegaSys. These services can run on Ethereum's public, private chain networks and test networks. Grace Hartley, PegaSys Strategy and Operations Assistant, said that Pantheon is the only Ethereum client of ConsenSys in its open source project suite.

Hartley told CoinDesk:

“We have always wanted to be the gateway for companies to enter the public chain while meeting the needs of private and licensed networks. I think this is a good step in the process.”

Now, Hyperledger employees will work with ConsenSys to transfer Pantheon's GitHub repository to the alliance and create email lists and chat channels related to the project. In recent months, ConsenSys also donated ConsenSys CAVA to the Apache Software Foundation, which is currently incubating into Apache Tuweni.

Hyperledger executive director Brian Behlendorf said:

"I expect this to be a fairly straightforward process. It's already a very active open source project. Before joining Hyperledger, it had its own activity and was attended by external contributors."

Hartley said that Pantheon is interested in finding ways to work with Hyperledger Burrow, a modular blockchain client with a licensed smart contract interpreter, partially developed using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) specification. .

The Pantheon team is also interested in using Tendermint (Burrow's Consensus Algorithm) to find "cross-chain opportunities" and is interested in working with Hyperledger Quilt because it has an interledger protocol.

Hyperledger's entry into Ethereum began in Burrow, which has partnered with the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) to develop common standards for blockchain. Hyperledger also received a proposal from the Trusted Compute Framework, which follows the EEA's standards for secure enclaves and other privacy methods.

Hartley said that in the past few months, ConsenSys has been considering adding Pantheon to the Hyperledger. The company chose Pantheon because of its open source license and the ability to build enterprise applications on the main network. The most active users of the project come from the financial services industry, especially for settlement and digital asset use cases.

Behlendorf said:

“We really want to embrace the Ethereum community, especially in support of private transactions or smart contracts. Smart contracts can run in many different places.”

“What is happening in Ethereum is that other public blockchains should be followed. Perhaps stability or the EVM programming language will become more standard.”

Part of the requirement for a project that wants to join Hyperledger is to open source or re-authorize it as Apache under the Apache license. He co-founded the Apache Software Foundation with Behlendorf and others.

Behlendorf said:

“The PegaSys research team has been conducting rapid research. Some of their teams have become part of other open source projects.”

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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