Joe Lubin's full presentation from Devcon 5: How do we implement a decentralized world wide web?

As the co-founder of Ethereum, in the just-concluded Ethereum Developers Conference Devcon 5, Joe Lubin delivered a speech entitled "Million Developers in Ethereum: The Architecture of Web3 and How We Realize It".

In this speech, Joe Lubin not only mentioned the problems faced by Web2 today, but also the vision of Web3. In addition, it explains why Ethereum is currently the best foundation for Web3, the future development of Ethereum, the three milestones of the blockchain, and the call for Ethereum developers.

It is necessary for us to understand how they understand Web2 and Web3 in the eyes of the early attempts to decentralize passwords. They are also planning how to turn the blueprint of the blockchain into reality, and Ethereum is a high hope. Chain, how will it develop in the future? In this article, we will get the answer.

The following is the full text of Joe Lubin's speech:

Hello everyone. Today, I want to talk about what I think is the overall architecture of the decentralized World Wide Web and how we will implement it.

Today's Web2 world is made up of closed gardens. There are not many open networks now. Google's front-end services and monetize everyone's content. Facebook, Twitter and other gardens have trapped us behind their walls.

In fact, things are not like this at the beginning. At the beginning of the Internet, it promised a certain degree of decentralization. This is all about building a robust network architecture so that damage to one part of the network does not cause other parts to become unavailable. On packet-switched networks, messages can be dynamically routed around damage more easily than circuit-switched networks.

The socially conscious technical experts quickly formed this decentralization in the context of political control. The early famous password punk John Gilmore once said: "The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."


Incomplete Web 2.0 and promising solutions

In today's Web 2.0, in order to survive on the Internet, we have given up our personal information and our power. For most Internet citizens, being deprived of Gmail, Google Search, Google Docs, Twitter, Amazon Services, the Apple ecosystem, and various Facebook attributes can make them weak.

The current network is broken – or incomplete – because it has no inherent structure about identity and money.

Without a native money-making model, the network turned to advertising as its core business model.

Before we realize that an advertising technology's cancer is growing and killing patients' lives, without a secure, private identity structure, the network becomes more and more exploitative.

Deep learning technology is used to monetize our personal information. Our attention makes us addicted to constantly clicking and rolling social media. The technology that should have given us full power is also harmful to many individuals and becomes a target for our society and nation. Large-scale manipulation of weapons by the state.

After identifying some of the tough issues in the web's command and control architecture, many of us have come up with promising solutions at this conference and elsewhere. These solutions are not yet mature, but they point the way to the future of the network and society, and I think we can all be optimistic about it.

That's why 4,000 of you flew to Japan to celebrate and expand the current capabilities of Ethereum.

Promising solutions include decentralized protocol technology . These solutions will soon adopt zero-knowledge technology. Therefore, only information that must be disclosed in a particular situation will be shared – whether or not you prove that you have reached the legal age of entering the bar (without revealing your address at the same time), or that you have the ability to transport a certain amount of food without Need to disclose your company name.

These solutions include a tokenized, motivating collaboration mechanism . We will soon live on business and leisure networks, rather than the fact that the relationship between companies is a bit hostile. These networks will bring together participants from many different roles and motivate activities through a tokenized mechanism design that enables collective collaborative behavior on each platform to serve all who operate, co-own and manage the platform. When the platform is valued, all owners who play different roles on the platform will also benefit.

These solutions will allow us to establish our own independent identity , we control the root of identity through DIDs (distributed identity), and implement it in the form of uPort, Civil ID and other products. The verifiable statement of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) will enable us to submit password authentication for our DIDs to DIDs on behalf of others whose characteristics include their age and so on. For example, they pay for utilities, educational achievements, and credit scores or developer proficiency.

Perhaps most importantly, Web3 will be more user-centric than any previous Internet platform, ultimately putting users at the center of the user experience . People must control the roots of their identity so that their identity is not stolen; people must control their personal information so that their personal information is not used. Even in extreme cases, when refugees are expelled from their country and cannot bring any material property to their new home, they should be able to easily access their dispersed identity and recover in the form of verifiable statements associated with them. Their lasting transferable personal history and reputation.

The vision of Web3.0 and the improvements we need


Under the Web3 paradigm, all users will have real agents, social, political, and economical on many collaborative networks, and we will soon be working and living on these collaborative networks. This will be a new social structure that will support broader participation in governance and wider distribution of wealth.

We are moving fast towards achieving the Web3 world—although sometimes it seems slow and painful. For those who wait and see, this seems to be a slow process because they hear potential possibilities and expect it to happen immediately.

It's as if the Internet and the Internet, mobile phones, and cars were born out of their original inventors as mature products and fully formed infrastructure. It is as if the global power grid was invented by Edison. On the runway of Kitty Hawk International Airport, the 787 and f35 are waiting for testing on the wing.

Implementing a well-structured Web3 world requires improvements in three main areas: privacy and privacy, scalability, and usability.

With the exploration of zero-knowledge technology, stateful channel mechanisms, and second-tier private-chain architectures, privacy and confidentiality are rapidly evolving.

We have seen and will continue to see tremendous improvements in scalability . As various Layer 2 solutions are built, released and anchored to Ethereum Tier 1 for additional security, this is also a very fast progress. Skale Networks is an exciting example. Similarly, a lot of non-chain computing is used here, using interactive computing games and zero-knowledge technology, stateful channel mechanisms, and second-tier public and private chain structures.

We have seen thousands of decentralized transactions (DTPS) added to Ethereum Layer 2 this year, and we will soon see millions. It is likely that by the end of 2020, we will see that all of this has been a thousand times, because Ethereum Phase 0 will be delivered in the first quarter, while Phases 1 and 2 are likely to arrive at the same time before the end of this year. .

Usability has also been greatly improved. Few people remember how painful it is to dial up through a 9600 or 14.4 baud modem. The application and web pages were simple at the time, but it's not uncommon to wait for the page to load for 30 seconds. Usually you are not sure if you are still connected or just loading. In the morning, you will go back to your workstation, start downloading the email client, then go to the coffee and have time to sync with the POP or IMAP server before you can read and reply. And we saw similar problems in some early implementations of Web3 technology.

For Web3, many projects are exploring "gradual login technology," which allows users to immediately log in to the dapp, and then gradually transfer responsibility from the dapp to the user as the dapp's attention and capital investment grows.

The new wallet architecture Gnosis wallet and Safe pioneered the use of multi-signature tools and added social recovery (used by uPort first) and social acceptance (or rejection) of expected user behavior to ensure that early users will not be affected by this new technology. Sharp edges hurt.

Moreover, systems like ENS are gaining more and more attention, so we no longer need to pay too much attention to long strings of hexadecimal addresses, just as we pay little attention to the four eight-point IP addresses. The bit byte is the same.


Platform risk at this stage and opportunities for Web 3.0


The Web2 architecture not only represents people's personal identity risks, but also represents the country's political risks: it also represents different kinds of platform risks.

For those who find that the system on which they depend have been destroyed, the platform is risky. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube now have tremendous power to shape narratives, debates and a broad range of ethics. For start-ups and other companies, the platform is also risky, and they find that the rules of the platform may change as the platform evolves, and gradually eclipse companies that joined as partners a few years ago. Constantly driving revenue growth, once it reaches the top of the s-curve, it will produce such anti-competitive behavior.

Google, Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, Apple, and Microsoft are all large platforms. As a network citizen, I love and need Google and Amazon, but Amazon’s unfair advantage in its e-commerce activities and AWS cloud computing is amazing. .

A new, potential platform risk has emerged recently. Just as Facebook, LinkedIn and other platforms have eaten lunches from startups, the cloud is eroding the profits of companies built around open source projects.

For some time, AWS has been accused of rewriting, reusing, and reshaping product brands without supporting underlying open source, and often eroding the economic interests of profitable companies that commercialize open source projects.

Many people believe that this behavior is acceptable under an open source license. Others believe that this is a hidden social contract, and companies like Amazon don't give back to society when they get value from the open source community.

This anti-competitive behavior is facilitated by vertical integration . I believe that the Web3 world will be largely horizontally layered , with a clear interface commitment between layers, or a clear interface commitment between the layers of collaborative components.

Considering that our space is mainly composed of open source projects, can this be a problem for our space?

I want to say: Yes. But we have the opportunity – unique to this technology – to build things in different ways.

Applications running on a blockchain network may be affected by different economics: of course, encryption economics. The best blockchain system has clear rules on what costs are, and these costs should be paid by the appropriate participants. In some cases it will be the end user. In some cases, it may be an app publisher, via a gas network or other meta-transaction mechanism. The blockchain network will better consider the negative externalities that may exist and introduce them internally, while naturally and largely benefiting from positive externalities such as network effects.

All participants on these networks will do so as individuals or corporate agents. Many people get compensated for their role in these networks, and in turn, they compensate other people, organizations, and data applications for the value they provide.

Platform risk will be reduced through decentralized governance and the ability to branch open source code libraries to other platforms, and even when operating platforms no longer serve their entire user base, they will move to other operating platforms.

We all understand that forks are a very healthy and powerful economic tool. Ultimately, more advanced platforms will be easier to fork (or build stateless systems to simplify forks) to ensure that those in system governance are motivated and continue to be administrators in the governance system. The fork effectively keeps those "existing" members in a broader context, enabling the extended community to define itself in a broader, more diverse term. John Gilmore is a big fan of the fork mechanism.

Ethereum's decentralization transformation and development path


I am very concerned about the maximum degree of decentralization, the lack of permission and the basic layer of trust. Ethereum, and its potential to become a global settlement (essentially without platform risk) (for real-world assets of native digital assets or digitization). But I think that when some people think that all blockchain systems must be completely unlicensed and maximized decentralized, this is short-sighted.

When you issue a valuable asset or anchor it to the basic trust layer, that layer must be distracted to the greatest extent, which requires it to be completely unlicensed. However, adding some decentralization to the use cases made between a small number of counterparties is very valuable, and this is best done in a private licensing system.

For example, a commodity trade financing platform that connects banks and commodity traders can become an order of magnitude or better and trade between these parties without the need for complete decentralization and disapproval in 2019.

By 2020, it may make sense to horizontally link commodity trading financing platforms into commodity trading platforms, payment platforms, corporate identity platforms, and insurance platforms. These networks can be interconnected by bridge or Liquality technology to enable unmediated, untrusted atomic exchange or messaging across network boundaries. Liquality has linked Ethereum to Bitcoin.

By 2021, all of these platforms are anchored to the Ethereum base trust layer to improve security without sacrificing scalability, so that the base layer can act as a reliable link between applications. Message and transaction bus.

This suggests that the decentralized World Wide Web architecture will look like a patchwork of blockchains—some of which may be private and licensed—connected and anchored to unlicensed and maximized decentralized using various techniques. The basic layer of trust.

Ethereum 2.0 is currently the only candidate for the underlying trust layer because it is the only blockchain project that focuses on maximizing dispersion across all dimensions.

This blockchain Internet architecture fits well with the fact that the Internet is a networked Internet. Finally, our planet will have an automatic, objective foundation of trust to replace the subjective foundation of trust we have built over the millennium.

In order to continually solve the scalability problem, we must implement the minimum feasible decentralization when we establish a new allowed Ethernet network. Looking ahead, we will always focus on scalability, and there is no need to over-protect every use case. We will be accustomed to designing an appropriate degree of decentralization.

We should start to think of the Layer 2 blockchain network as a logical structure, because over time we will want to enhance these structures and set them up on more capable physical architectures. We need to start designing such an upgrade. Ultimately, most of the world's private licensing systems will run on publicly licensed infrastructure, just as today's enterprise and government IT infrastructures are primarily running on the cloud, because the cloud is the best infrastructure to run these systems.

Unlicensed and dispersed base layers are critical because they are the foundation of our trust. This trust must be global so that we can build an international financial and trading system that all countries can cooperate with.

What makes Ethereum the best or only basic trust layer at the moment

In a recent podcast of Into the Ether, Matteo Leibowitz outlined what he called a "distribution quadrilateral."

His argument is that since the awakening of the regulator, any post-2015 agreement that is expected to be widely adopted must succeed in the following four areas:

1. Tokens must be issued widely and fairly.

2. The community must remain engaged and energetic and grow stronger over time. One way to achieve this is to make the tokens held by the community appreciate. In addition, the community must attract a large number of the best and brightest developers and entrepreneurs.

3. The project must introduce sufficient funds for delivery, maintenance and continuous improvement.

4. The project must comply with regulations.

In the past few years after the emergence of Bitcoin and Ethereum, all competitors, the Ethereum killers, have no convincing indication that they can meet all the requirements of the quadrilateral.

The best way to build and develop a strong community is to sell them a token and promise that it will appreciate, and they will work hard to do this, which is the definition of securities. Because you are currently selling a security, your token will not be widely distributed and your community will not be very robust. As time goes by, there will be new mechanisms to try, but so far no project has gained great appeal, and it is hard to imagine building a world's trust base and global settlement layer on a VC Coin project.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently imposed a nominally minor penalty on the EOS program, but that doesn't mean that projects like EOS can succeed at this time. The SEC is now ready and very clear. Today, before the first billboard in Times Square appears, it will close a sales structure similar to EOS.

Currently, only Ethereum is mature enough, decentralized, and programmable to meet the needs of today's infrastructure, industry, and individuals, and has the momentum and roadmap to support all of these long-term visions.

Therefore, unlike the vertical garden of web 2.0, we will use a horizontally dispersed collaboration layer.

On this basis, we will use Ethereum for trusted transactions and guarantee protocol execution, connecting to distributed storage, bandwidth, heavy computing, identity, location proof and other protocols.

Most importantly, we will build an open, decentralized financial pipeline for the emerging global economy. This will include price-stable tokens, lending networks, decentralized liquidity exchanges, various forms of tagged assets, other financial instruments such as derivatives and composites, payment systems, subscription systems, betting and verification systems. Even the governance system is partially positioned in the financial pipeline layer of a particular type of network and token.

Many of the blockchain systems we will continue to build will be enabled and enhanced by an increasingly powerful and mature financial layer. For example, the IT industry is becoming more refined and commoditized. Trusted computing, heavy computing, storage, and bandwidth are all distributed across the cloud infrastructure. We will use tokens to negotiate, deliver and pay for these services in real time. Providers and users will need natural digital financial tools to hedge their pricing and other risks.

The basic trust layer supports the financial layer. At this level of the financial pipeline, other parts of the emerging global digital economy will be established.

This is an amazing era that is active in the field of technology and an era of great developers. In this era, worms are about to inherit the earth, far beyond the previous technological era.

There will be a tug of war in the next few years. Web2 anti-patterns don't disappear very quickly and easily, and many valuable Web2 constructs should be developed to benefit Web3. Of course, there will be wolves in sheep's clothing.

In order to achieve rapid technological development and social progress, we need more Web3 developers. We need the best and brightest people in the Web2 world to understand what is possible under this new model.

There are approximately 30 million software developers worldwide. According to rough estimates, this figure includes:

600,000 open source developers

12 million Java developers

8 million Python developers

20 million Apple/iOS developers

3 million Microsoft developers

15,000 Linux developers

So, this is one of my requirements for all of us next year – or a challenge: we let 1 million developers build with Ethereum technology.

Based on Truffle downloads and other statistics, we can estimate that as many as 500,000 software developers are currently working with Ethereum on a regular basis, and there may be 200,000 or more software developers working full time. The Ethereum development work, or is fully committed to work.

In the beginning, 1 million ETH developers may sound too ambitious, but I think that through joint efforts, we can achieve this goal in a year or so. Ethereum already has a stable developer mindset and motivation. We have very talented people and teams who have contributed their time and effort to improve tools and resources. We have the most fascinating and cutting-edge software technology in the world. We all decided to change our career direction, our day, our nights and weekends, together with this technology, we have reached this step in just a few years. In my opinion, from the beginning of the Ethereum project, this seems to be inevitable, although its speed of development is surprising. But for all those who wait and see and wait for us, let us upgrade this.

This is my challenge to all of us: a million Ethereum developers. Maybe through Devcon VI? Maybe this is a bit too ambitious, but we will try it.

Original link:

Compile: Sharing Finance Neo

Source: Sharing Finance

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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