QKL123 Blockchain List | Market Activity Declines, Mining Machines Are Renewed (201912)

QKL123 blockchain rankings include blockchain projects, trading platforms, blockchain media, blockchain public accounts, blockchain mining pools, blockchain miners, staking projects, ETH Dapp, EOS Dapp, blockchain Top 10 wallets.

At present, the objective indicators selected on the list of blockchain projects include circulating market value; the list of trading platforms uses the market transaction amount as an objective indicator of ranking; the blockchain media list is ranked according to the comprehensive media score, and the calculated indicators include the number of Baidu indexed , The number of anti-chains, and Alexa ranking; the list of blockchain public numbers is sorted based on the comprehensive score of the public number, and the calculation indicators include the number of original articles, readings, and likes; the list of blockchain mining pools is comprehensive The scores are sorted, and the calculation indicators include the number of supported currencies, settlement methods, handling fees, and objective indicators that reflect the market's computing power; the list of blockchain miners is based on the number of days of return; the list of Staking projects is annualized The expected return rate and project market value are sorted separately; the ETH Dapp list is sorted by the number of active users; the EOS Dapp list is sorted by the number of active users; the blockchain wallet list is sorted by the comprehensive score of the wallet, and its quantitative indicators include support Number of currencies, product matrix, node verification methods, and objective indicators reflecting market performance. The data is mainly from the QKL123 website (https://www.qkl123.com).

The QKL123 blockchain ranking list is based on objective data or comprehensive indicators for blockchain projects, trading platforms, blockchain media, blockchain public accounts, blockchain mining pools, blockchain miners, Staking projects, ETH Dapp, EOS Dapp, and blockchain wallets are ranked for reference by investors or industry insiders. The list is summarized as follows:

QKL123 Blockchain General List (December 2019) 1 Source: QKL123

I. Ranking of Blockchain Projects

1. Ranking of blockchain project circulation market value

Top 10 Blockchain Projects by Market Capitalization 1Blockchain Project Leaderboard (17) Source: QKL123

On December 03, 2019, the circulating market value of BTC was 871.186 billion yuan, a decrease from the same period last month (946.649 billion yuan), and the market value ratio (66.15%) increased significantly compared with the same period last month (64.74%). The market value of USDT The proportion continued to rise from 1.99% in the same period last month to 2.18%, indicating that the market's risk aversion has increased. The second and third places are still ETH and XRP. The market share of ETH circulation (7.29%) has decreased from the same period last month (7.90%), and the market share of XRP circulation has decreased from 4.68% to 4.25% in the same period last month. The proportion of market value of other projects in circulation is below 2%. Among the top ten projects by market capitalization, BTC had the highest net outflow of funds (-3.828 billion yuan) in the last seven days, followed by ETH (-22.297 billion yuan), which reversed from the same period last month. It can be found that the price of most non-BTC projects is under pressure.

Ranking of trading platforms

Top 10 Blockchain Trading Platforms with 30-Day Turnover 2 Blockchain Platform Rankings (7) Source: QKL123

Ranking trading platforms according to 30-day turnover (by report), Huobi, OKEx, and BitMEX are still among the top three. Among them, the 30-day turnover of all three was between 350 billion yuan and 1.100 billion yuan, a significant decrease from the same period of last month (between 480 billion yuan and 1.400 billion yuan). The number of trading platforms (33) with a turnover of more than 100 billion yuan in the past 30 days has decreased significantly from the same period last month (53). Taken together, the overall heat of the entire Token market transaction has dropped significantly from last month, which is related to the market has entered a bottom and bottom building stage.

Ranking of Blockchain Media

Top 10 Blockchain Media by Comprehensive Rating 3 Blockchain Media Leaderboards (9) Source: QKL123

Ranked the domestic blockchain media according to the comprehensive score of QKL123 (December 2019), Golden Finance increased to the first place, and its comprehensive score (76.44) decreased slightly from last month (76.95). The second is Gyro Finance, whose comprehensive score (75.95) increased significantly from last month (65.72), because its Baidu index (27w +) increased significantly from last month (15w +). Babbitt ranked third, and its overall score (73.94) was slightly lower than last month (77.14), because its Baidu index and Alexa ranking both dropped significantly. In addition, Golden Finance has the highest Baidu index (45w +), but it has increased from last month (43w +), and Gyro Finance has the highest Alexa ranking (10,573), but it has significantly increased from last month (13,723).

4. Ranking of Blockchain Public Accounts

Top 10 Blockchain Public Accounts by Comprehensive Rating 4 Blockchain Public Account Rankings (9) Source: QKL123

According to the comprehensive score of the blockchain public account, the digital currency trend madman, Babbitt information, and the currency grandfather are among the top three, respectively. The article on digital currency trend lunatics and coin masters focuses on the analysis of the secondary market. The total reading of madman articles in the digital currency trend is the highest (940,000+), which is an increase from the previous month (900,000+); the total reading of the coin grandfather (380,000+) ranks second, compared to the previous month (280,000) +) Significantly increased. Babbitt's article content focuses on industry information, with the highest number of original articles (4,736), a slight increase from last month (4,728), far exceeding other public accounts.

V. Ranking of Blockchain Mining Pools

Top ten mining pools by comprehensive score 5 mining pool leaderboards (8) Source: QKL123

According to the mining pool comprehensive scoring results, the F2POOL mining pool still has the highest comprehensive score, followed by the coin-printing mining pool and the ant mining pool. At present, F2POOL has the highest computing power score (83.64). Its network-wide computing power ratios of BTC, ETH, and LTC are 19.95%, 11.89%, and 12.19%, respectively, corresponding to the first, third, and second. . Yinyin's hashrate score (82.11) ranks second, its BTC's network-wide hashrate ranks second (16.94%), and its LTC's network-wide hashrate ranks first (12.88%). The ant mining pool's computing power score (69.31) ranked third, and its network-wide computing power ratios of BTC, BCH, and LTC were 8.82%, 20.5%, and 9.06%, ranking fourth, first, and fourth, respectively.

Ranking of blockchain miners

1. Mining machine return days ranking

Top ten miners expected to return this day 6 Miner Ranking (16) Source: QKL123

Calculated according to the Token price on the day of December 03, default computing power, electricity and other indicators, the ant miner Z11 used to mine ZEN has the shortest number of days, and its expected return days and expected daily net profit are 244 days and 37.55 yuan. The second is the ant mining machine T17e-50T used to mine BCH. Its expected return days and expected daily net profit are 316 days and 21.26 yuan, respectively. The other top ten miners returning this day are used to mine the crypto assets of the SHA256 algorithm. The asset types include BCH, BTC and BSV.

2. Ranking of Bitcoin miners' return days

Top Ten Bitcoin Mining Machines 7 Miner Ranking (17) Source: QKL123

According to the calculation of the Bitcoin price and the computing power of the entire network on December 03, the Bitcoin mining machine with the shortest return days is the ant mining machine T17e-50T. The expected return days and expected daily net profit are 357 days and 18.79 yuan, respectively. The highest expected daily net profit is Antminer S17 + 73T. The expected return days and expected daily net profit are 390 days and 37.95 yuan, respectively. At present, nearly half of the Bitcoin miners are below the shutdown price, and the shutdown prices of the top ten Bitcoin miners are mostly between 20,000 and 40,000 yuan. The new mining machine's return time is about 400 days, and with the rise of computing power difficulty, if the price of Bitcoin cannot rise quickly, the old mining machine will be gradually eliminated.

Ranking of Staking projects

1. Staking expected yield ranking

Top 10 Staking projects with expected returns 8Staking project leaderboards (15) Source: QKL123

The Staking Economy is derived from the Proof of Stake. The Staking project here refers to a wider scope, including PoS, Masternodes and Dividends. The Staking project is ranked according to the expected annualized rate of return on December 03, and the BCO project ranks first. Its expected annualized rate of return (70.80%), LPT (70.05%), and NEBL (33.04%) have fallen by one place. , Ranked second and third. The actual expected annualized rate of return is very price sensitive. The BCO price has risen sharply in recent days, and the increase has exceeded 700% on the 10th. However, its corresponding trading platform and trading pair lack liquidity, and there is a risk of being manipulated by the market. The price of NEBL has fallen by 60% to 70% in the past six months, and the actual annualized rate of return (equivalent to legal currency) is not optimistic.

2. Staking project market value ranking

Top 10 Staking Projects by Market Capitalization 9Staking project leaderboards (16) Source: QKL123

The Staking project is ranked according to the market capitalization on December 03. EOS ranks first (not considering ETH for the time being), and its expected annualized return is 4.38%. ATOM has the highest expected annualized return (8.27%), followed by DASH (6.54%) and XTZ (6.08%), while XLM is still the lowest (1%). It is worth noting that the expected annualized rate of return of the top ten market capitalizations are all within 10%, and the market value of the projects with high annualized rate of return are mostly below 100 million yuan, which often faces higher investment risks.

Eight, ETH Dapp ranking

Top 10 ETH Dapps with 24 hours active users 10 Source: DappRadar

Ranked according to the number of ETH Dapp 24-hour active users on December 03, My Crypto Heroes, HEX, and 0xUniverse ranked among the top three, respectively. Of the top ten ETH Dapps, one is a trading platform, one is a high-risk financial, and the remaining eight are quizzes or games. Among them, My Crypto Heroes has the highest 24-hour trading volume ($ 764.7k), and 0xUniverse has the largest 24-hour trading volume (8.1k).

Nine, EOS Dapp ranking

Top 10 EOS Dapps with 24 hours active users 11eos Source: DappRadar

According to the EOS Dapp's 24-hour active count on December 03, EOS Dynasty, PROSPECTORS, and Newdex ranked in the top three, respectively. Of the top ten EOS Dapps, eight are quiz or game types, one is a trading platform and one is the other. Among them, the trading platform Newdex has the highest 24-hour turnover ($ 498.9k), and the game EOS Dynasty has the highest 24-hour trading volume (95k). By comparing the data of ETH and EOS in the same period of November, it can be found that the Dapp activity in ETH decreased significantly in December, while the Dapp activity in EOS rebounded significantly in December. The reason is related to the recent ETH hard fork and the congestion on the EOS chain. .

X. Blockchain wallet rankings

Top 10 Blockchain Wallets by Comprehensive Rating 12 Blockchain Wallet Rankings (7) Source: QKL123

At present, Coinbase Wallet ranks first in the comprehensive score, and is significantly higher than other wallet scores. Coinbase Wallet supports BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, LTC, ERC20, etc. Private keys are personally held and stored on local devices, Dapp application content can be used, and token transactions can be conducted through a decentralized trading platform. Bitpie and Cobo are ranked second and third respectively, and their functions are more abundant than the former.In addition to supporting more types of crypto assets such as BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, ETC, and ERC20, users can also obtain market and information Or financial services.


QKL123 Blockchain Rankings (November 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/523657

2019 Blockchain Value List White Paper (October 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/510690

QKL123 Blockchain Rankings (September 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/490588

QKL123 Blockchain Rankings (August 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/474236

QKL123 Blockchain Rankings (July 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/457748

QKL123 Blockchain Rankings (June 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/438137

QKL123 Blockchain Rankings (May 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/420477

QKL123 Blockchain Rankings (April 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/402817

QKL123 Blockchain Rankings (March 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/384370

QKL123 Blockchain Ranking (February 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/366489

QKL123 Blockchain Rankings (January 2019) https://www.8btc.com/article/354174

For real-time ranking information, please see https://www.qkl123.com

QKL123 (blockchain 123) is a comprehensive data service provider integrating blockchain website navigation, digital currency market, and blockchain data. "QKL123 Blockchain Rankings" is published by QKL123 monthly updates.

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