QKL123 Blockchain List | USDT market value jumped to fourth place, transaction popularity dropped significantly (March 2020)

The QKL123 blockchain ranking list includes seven lists of blockchain projects, trading platforms, blockchain public accounts, blockchain mining pools, blockchain mining machines, staking projects, and blockchain wallets. The latest monthly list is summarized in the following table:

QKL123 Blockchain General List (March 2020)

Source: QKL123

1. Ranking of blockchain projects

Blockchain project circulation market value ranking

Source: QKL123

On April 3, 2020, the market value of BTC in circulation was 889.493 billion yuan, a significant decrease from the same period last month (11236.26 billion yuan), and the proportion of market value (65.18%) increased significantly from the same period last month (62.59%). The market share of USDT increased rapidly from 1.85% to 3.25% in the same period last month. This is because: on the one hand, Tether has continuously issued USDT in the past month, and the market value of USDT has increased from 32.2 billion yuan to 43.8 billion yuan; on the other hand, encryption The asset market was accompanied by a sharp decline in US stocks, which led to an increase in the market value of stablecoins.

The second and third market capitalizations are still ETH and XRP. The proportion of ETH circulating market value (8.21%) has dropped significantly compared with the same period last month (9.64%), and the proportion of XRP circulating market value is 4.13%, relative to the same period last month (3.99% ) Decreased slightly. OKB replaces XTZ to enter the top ten in market value, and the ranking of other top ten items remains basically unchanged. The substantial increase in the market value ranking of OKB is related to the destruction event on February 10. The total planned destruction accounted for 70% of the initial total, and OKB experienced a cumulative increase of nearly 100% before and after the incident. After the recent market-linked decline, it is now close to the price level of February 10.

Second, the ranking of blockchain trading platforms

Top 30 blockchain trading platform with 30-day turnover

Source: QKL123

The trading platforms are ranked according to the 30-day turnover (by report), Huobi, OKEx and Binance are ranked in the top three respectively. The 30-day turnover of all three is above RMB 100 billion, but the overall figure has dropped significantly compared with the same period last month. The number of trading platforms with a turnover of more than 100 billion yuan in the past 30 days was 42, a significant decrease from the same period last month (49). It can be seen that the overall popularity of the entire Token market transaction has dropped significantly compared with the same period last month, mainly due to the market's sharp decline in March, and the market turnover has shrunk significantly at the bottom.

3. Ranking of blockchain public accounts

The top ten blockchain public number in the comprehensive score

Source: QKL123

According to the comprehensive score of the blockchain public account , the digital currency trend maniac, Bbit Information and Grandma Coin are still ranked in the top three respectively. The digital currency trend maniac and grandma's article focus on the analysis of the secondary market. Digital currency trend maniac articles have the highest total readings (1.18 million +), an increase from last month (1.09 million +); Grandma's total readings (430,000+) rank second, relative to the previous month (440,000) +) Slightly decreased. The content of Babbitt's articles focuses on industry information. The number of original articles is basically the same as last month, and it still far exceeds other public accounts.

4. Ranking of blockchain mining pools

Top 10 mining pools in overall score

Source: QKL123

Sorted according to the comprehensive scoring results of the mining pool, the comprehensive score of the Yuchi mining pool is still the highest, followed by the ant mining pool BTC.COM and the currency printing pool.

The computing power score of Yuchi (76.31) increased slightly compared with the same period of last month (75.94). The proportion of the total network computing power of BTC, ETH and LTC was 19.57%, 10.88% and 17.31% respectively, ranking first in the corresponding proportion , Third and first. Among them, LTC's overall network computing power accounted for a significant increase compared with the same period last month (14.37%).

The ant mining pool's computing power score (71.72) rose to second place, and its total network computing power of BTC, BCH and LTC accounted for 10.54%, 28.98% and 9.81% respectively, ranking fourth, first and sixth respectively Among them, the computing power of the BCH network has decreased significantly compared with the same period last month (34.10%).

BTC.COM's computing power score (70.93) has increased compared with the previous month (68.93), and the ranking has risen to third. Its BTC, BCH, and LTC network-wide computing power accounts for 10.54%, 12.35%, and 16.01%, respectively. Ranked third, fifth and second respectively.

Compared with the previous period (71.69), the score of the currency computing power (68.48) has dropped significantly. Although the proportion of the total BTC computing power in the network still ranks second (14.41%), it has dropped significantly from the same period last month (17.55%). Its LTC The decline in the proportion of computing power in the entire network is more obvious, from 19.97% in the same period last month to the current 12.5%.

V. Blockchain mining machine ranking

1. The number of mining machines returned to this day

Expected to return to the top ten mining machines in the number of days

Source: QKL123

According to the Token price on April 3, the default computing power, electricity costs and other indicators, the S2U mining machine U2-6T used to mine SC has the shortest return period. Its expected return period and expected daily net profit are respectively 61 days and 57.95 yuan. The second is to mine CKB ’s Antminer K5 and Toptec C1. The former ’s expected payback days and expected daily net profit are 74 days and 132.85 yuan, respectively, but the expected daily net profit is significantly lower than the latter (189.79 yuan).

Other mining machines ranked in the top ten in the current number of days are mostly used to mine SHA256 algorithm encrypted assets (including BTC, BCH and BSV, etc.). Among them, the ant mining machine S19 95T mining BSV is expected to have the fewest return days, but it is not much different from other similar mining machines in the top ten of the list. The return days are around 300 days.

2. Bitcoin mining machine ranks back to the current number of days

Back to the top ten Bitcoin miners

Source: QKL123

According to the calculation of Bitcoin price and network-wide computing power on April 3, the shortest payback days are the bitcoin miner S19 95T. The expected payback days and expected daily net profit are 295 days and 52.62 yuan, respectively. The ant mining machine T17 + 55T fell from the first in the previous period to the third. The expected payback days and expected daily net profit were 320 days and 22.13 yuan, respectively. Among them, the number of return days is expected to increase from the same period last month (267 days). This is mainly due to the recent sharp drop in Bitcoin prices.

Among the top ten miners expected to return to the current number of days, the highest expected daily net profit is the Ant Miner S19 Pro 110T. At present, only a small number of old mining machines are in a state of loss, and the shutdown prices of the top ten mining machines are mostly below 30,000 yuan.

6. Ranking of Staking projects

1. Staking Expected Yield Ranking

Top 10 Staking projects with expected yield

Source: QKL123

Staking Economy is derived from proof of equity. The Staking project here refers to a broader category, including PoS, Masternodes and Dividends. The Staking project is ranked according to the expected annualized return rate on April 3, and the LPT project ranks first, with its expected annualized return rate (46.13%), followed by SHIFT (26.27%) and XZC (25.16%).

It is worth noting that the price of LPT has fluctuated sharply in the recent past, with a decline of 91.84% in the past year, and its corresponding trading platforms and trading pairs lack liquidity, and there is a risk of market manipulation. SHIFT is similar to LPT, and the actual annualized return rate (equivalent to legal tender) is not high. XZC's corresponding trading platforms and trading pairs are better than the first two, but the decline in the past year has been as high as 60%, and the actual risk-return ratio is not high.

2. Staking project market value ranking

Top 10 Staking projects by market value

Source: QKL123

The Staking project is ranked according to the market value of circulation on April 3, and EOS ranks first (without considering ETH for the time being). Its expected annualized rate of return is 1.77%, which is significantly lower than the same period last month (3.19%). Most of the top ten expected annualized returns in terms of market value are within 5%. Among them, ICX expects the highest annualized return rate (16.17%), followed by ATOM (8.20%) and DASH (6.63%), while XLM is still the lowest (1%).

7. Blockchain Wallet Ranking

Top 10 blockchain wallets with comprehensive ratings

Source: QKL123

At present, the comprehensive scores of the top ten wallets are mostly around 75 points, and most of them are software wallets. Among them, Coinbase Wallet still ranks first, and the score is significantly higher than other wallets. Coinbase Wallet supports BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, LTC, and ERC20, and has a built-in Dapp application that can perform decentralized Token transactions and support direct transfer between friends. Bitpie and Cobo are still ranked second and third respectively. In addition to supporting more types of encrypted assets such as BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, ETC and ERC20, users can also get services such as market, information, financial management or asset custody content.


1. List basis description

The QKL123 blockchain ranking list ranks blockchain projects, trading platforms, blockchain public accounts, blockchain mining pools, blockchain mining machines, staking projects, and blockchain wallets based on objective data or comprehensive indicators For reference by investors or industry insiders. The current ranking of the list is as follows:

The objective indicators selected in the list of blockchain projects include circulation market value;

The trading platform list uses market transaction volume as an objective indicator for ranking;

The list of blockchain public numbers is ranked according to the comprehensive score of the public number, and the calculation indicators include the number of original articles, the number of readings, the number of likes, etc .;

The list of blockchain mining pools is sorted by the comprehensive score of mining pools, and the calculation indicators include the number of supported currencies, settlement methods, handling fees, and objective indicators that reflect market computing power, etc .;

The list of blockchain mining machines uses the number of return days as the ranking index;

The Staking project list is sorted according to the annualized expected rate of return and the market value of the project;

The list of blockchain wallets is ranked according to the comprehensive score of the wallet. Its quantitative indicators include the number of supported currencies, product matrix, node verification method, and objective indicators that reflect market performance.

QKL123 (Blockchain 123) is a comprehensive data service provider that integrates blockchain website navigation, digital currency market, and blockchain data.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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