How does blockchain help security on the tip of the tongue?

"People depend on food" is an eternal topic. Food is the most basic need for human survival, but food safety has a long history. More and more food safety issues, such as tainted milk powder, toxic takeaway, and trench oil, have been exposed. "We are still alive." Food safety at the national level has even affected the country's food exports and social stability.

"The main force of the vegetable market" said: "If every vegetable you buy can know the origin and pesticide content, and every piece of meat can know whether or not harmful substances are added, you will not be so careful when buying vegetables." The office worker said, "After a busy day ordering takeaway, I ate it in horror. I pray that the takeaway is clean. I hope that the packaging box made of medical waste is not" so lucky "that I use it."

The entrepreneur said: "It is essential for entrepreneurial entertainment, and it is common to drink fake wine. If each bottle of wine can simply identify the authenticity, it should be good."

Food safety is directly related to life safety and health. It is the most important issue for people's livelihood, and it is an urgent issue that needs to be resolved immediately.

Currently, most of the food traceability uses a centralized storage method to store data. This method has problems such as limited storage space, inability of information sharing in the supply chain, inability to guarantee information authenticity, security, and easy information tampering. Centralized source tracing system All products from product generation to sales are processed by a single company for core data collection, entry, storage and management. The determinants of humanity are high. Under this centralized system, food safety and information authenticity There is no guarantee.

How does blockchain help "security on the tongue"?

The characteristics of blockchain technology can complete tamper-resistant data storage, traceable data viewing, and trusted point-to-point transmission, which can solve food traceability and trust building problems.

Blockchain technology has a natural fit with food safety. Based on the blockchain technology, a food safety traceability management platform covering the entire process from production, transportation, sales to consumption is built. Through the combination of blockchain algorithms and the Internet of Things (IoT) and other security technologies, food from the supplier ecosystem to Supermarket shelves are digitally tracked from the end to the circulation of consumers, ensuring that each transaction information has the joint permission of all members of the business network and becomes a permanent record that cannot be tampered with, enabling the traceability verification of food safety production and sales, process tracking, Risk early warning and emergency response.

How to achieve blockchain + food safety?

Distributed accounting for blockchain. Responsible for encrypting the original food information and the transaction information of the circulation process based on the hash encryption algorithm, and then using the chain plus off-chain method to store the data on the blockchain and the cloud shared database, and determine the area based on the voting consensus mechanism. The bookkeeper of the block chain ensures the openness and transparency of data information and cannot be tampered with, and improves the efficiency of system data storage and calculation.

Food traceability management on the blockchain. Tracking and tracing the entire life cycle of food from the "field to the table" through the connection and recording of the information of each link, to achieve the food from the upstream to the downstream of the supply chain, following the operation path of a specific unit or batch of products, and The ability to identify the source of a particular unit or batch of products downstream from the supply chain.

Big data retrospective information analysis. For food raw data and transaction data, the data is stored and calculated to realize food data storage, food data collection, food data display, and food big data analysis.

Combining technologies such as blockchain technology, the Internet of Things, and big data can create a decentralized food safety system. Each participant and participating department in the food distribution chain can jointly maintain the blockchain network and truly solve food safety issues.

For example, Guangdong Province took the lead in launching a combination of blockchain technology to trace agricultural products, using big data to identify illegal takeaways, etc., using blockchain technology to ensure "security on the tip of the tongue". The Guangzhou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has deeply integrated food safety supervision with Internet technology. It is the first in China to create a Guangzhou edible agricultural product traceability platform with core technologies such as blockchain, AI technology, big data, and cloud computing.

Guangzhou covers 8018 operating entities in 90 markets through the traceability platform for food and agricultural products, and implements online inspections of 90 agricultural markets in the city. The number of traceable vouchers for agricultural products circulation reached 4.665 million, the average daily report rate of merchants was 95%, and the average daily inspection was abnormal. Tickets accounted for 5% of the total tickets, which greatly improved the quality of daily traceability data reporting. No systematic or regional food safety risks were found in the city. Blockchain + food safety has achieved good results.

With the continuous improvement of living standards, people's demand for food is no longer simply to eat well, but to put forward greater requirements for food safety. The field of blockchain-enabled food safety is no longer a matter of paper. Blockchain technology The emergence has given new imagination and breakthroughs in the field of food safety, and blockchain + food safety will be increasingly concerned by consumers. The application of blockchain technology in food safety will become increasingly prominent. Food safety will take a big step forward with the help of blockchain technology and truly achieve "security on the tip of the tongue".

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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