The company system enters the dusk token economy and the future is expected

Since the establishment of the East India Company in the 16th century, the corporate system has largely changed the way human society collaborates. People have gradually evolved from a decentralized, inefficient, and primitive collaboration method to a centralized, centralized, and efficient collaboration method. After hundreds of years of evolution, the power of the company has penetrated into all aspects of people's work and life. The company is not just an organization, it is also a system. The company unites the living individual, making it a stronger economic force than any individual. The company makes possible collaborations between strangers outside of blood and geography. As the most effective form of economic organization to date, the emergence of the company is known as "the great achievement of mankind". In modern times, the rapid development and large-scale application of the Internet has accelerated the formation of this "achievement".

People collaborate under the efficient scheduling of the center, which greatly improves production efficiency. However, with the development of society, the disadvantages brought by the high degree of centralization have gradually emerged. The gap between the rich and the poor and the fraud at the central node have become inevitable products.

Today's Internet giants are the product of highly centralized data: Google, Amazon, Facebook, and domestic Baidu, Ali, and Tencent have gathered data from the three dimensions of search, e-commerce, and social networking to form giants. The giants provide services to people based on centralized data, allowing people to enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet, and also bring huge profits to these giants. In essence, the profits of the giants come from a centralized database. Without the data, they would lose profits and value.

Judging from the entire history of information technology development, the rapid development of the Internet has come to an end, and its technology penetration has entered the second half of the "S-curve." The growth rate of the dividends brought by the Internet has begun to slow down, and the Internet has entered the "second half". At the same time, as represented by Facebook ’s data breach, the disadvantages of centralized databases are gradually emerging. In addition, dissatisfied with just transmitting information, people began to show a strong interest in value transmission. The distributed storage technology of the blockchain makes it possible for the Internet to transmit value, and the Internet will enter the era of value Internet from the information Internet era.

From a philosophical point of view, looking at the long river of history: the world must be divided for a long time, and the world must be divided for a long time. The centralized cooperation method will be replaced by the decentralized cooperation method, and the blockchain will become the break-in point of the Internet.

In addition to the technology that changes the way data is stored, the true revolutionary soul of blockchain lies in the "Token", or "token," issued on it. If it is said that the blockchain technology itself changes productivity, then the token changes production relations. Due to the birth and application of the token, fundamental changes will take place in the way of large-scale collaboration in human society. People will collaborate on labor and get token remuneration based on a certain rule of credible common observance, instead of taking orders from the central organizer.

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Juval Herali said in "A Brief History of Humanity" that it is these "fictional facts" that are the core reason why Homo sapiens stands out and establishes human civilization. Human civilization is essentially a collection of fictitious equity data. The history of human society is a history of continuous evolution of equity certification. Human wealth is essentially a right of ownership or use. From the beginning of knotting, people are recording their rights. Nowadays, such as real estate certificate, ID card, driver's license, bank account, etc., all are a proof of equity. Imagine that if these proofs of rights are all digitized and electronic, and their authenticity, integrity, and privacy are protected and verified with cryptography, then this will be a huge renovation for human civilization. The tokens issued on the blockchain provide a high degree of possibility for all of this.

Although since the second half of 2018, with the bursting of the speculative bubble, the industry has entered a cold winter. But the number of teams working on basic technology is still increasing. When scalable, secure, and decentralized solutions are available for many core technology areas (computing, file storage, payments, etc.), the point of application explosion is coming. When this collective tipping point occurs, users are accustomed to rapidly transitioning from Web 2.0 applications (centralized) to Web 3.0 applications (decentralized). By that time, all App applications will become DApps, and all proof of equity will exist in the form of tokens.

A revolutionary new technology often brings a paradigm shift in business civilization. But before this paradigm shift really came into our lives, they were often put on various "big hats" and blown up bubbles because they were misunderstood. This is true of the World Wide Web, which was born in 1991, as is the blockchain that was revealed in early 2009.

With the burst of the bubble, people will return to rationality, rethink the application of blockchain and how to empower the traditional real economy. So the term tokenomics came into being.

Since March 2017, Google searches for the word "Tokenomics" have grown rapidly, and people are increasingly paying attention to "tokens." In addition, according to industry analyst forecasts, within the next three to five years, 25% ($ 20 trillion) of the existing global stock market will become securities tokens.

The token economy will have a huge market space beyond imagination.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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