Webster Ratings: Ethereum is the hot spot and it will lead the industry

According to Decrpyt's March 7 report, after a week-long debate over whether Ethereum has similarities with fiat currencies, cryptocurrency rating agency Weiss Crypto Ratings has stated its support for Ethereum. Will Ethereum have a bright future?

Webster Ratings: Ethereum is the hot spot and it will lead the industry (Image source: Pixabay)

A US rating agency, Webster Ratings, expressed overwhelming support for Ethereum on Twitter. This tweet is in response to a debate initiated by Anthony Pompliano on March 2. At the time, Pompliano stated in a newsletter article he posted:

The concept of Ethereum as a currency is fundamentally flawed.

Webster Ratings: Ethereum is the hot spot and it will lead the industry

Pompliano's newsletter disagrees with the concept of "Ethereum is money"

Since Pompliano is a supporter of Bitcoin, his remarks will inevitably cause siege by Ethereum supporters. Brad Laurie, a anchor on Youtube, used a video of Andreas Antonopoulos to prove why the former was wrong.

Udi Wertheimer, co-host of the podcast "Reckless Review," countered Brad's claim that it was this video that supported Pompliano's point of view, rather than against him.

As this debate over Ethereum is ongoing, Weiss Ratings feels it necessary to stop the debate. The Twitter account that belongs to the agency has been sharing news about cryptocurrency regulation and judging the pros and cons of projects across the field. Recently, however, it seems to be increasingly interested in Ethereum and various projects being built on the network.

Wechsler Ratings tweeted:

Ethereum is the hot spot.

Just one day before the tweet was issued, Webster Ratings said:

DAI is still the most exciting project, but it is strange that people don't pay more attention to this project. DAI is the blueprint for future currencies.

Would Webster's rating be more bullish on the Ethereum network before it raised its rating? Because from the current overall investment rating of the project given by Webster, Ethereum is at the same level as Bitcoin.

Webster Ratings: Ethereum is the hot spot and it will lead the industry

Webster Rating

Wechsler rated Bitcoin's risk and momentum as "reasonable" and Ethereum as "weak". Will the market direction change?

This article has been authorized for translation by DecryptMedia.com .

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