Weekly dynamics of listed companies on blockchain (4.06-4.10): 11 businesses have breakthroughs and 2 research digital currencies

Article | Interchain Pulse

According to the statistics of the inter-chain pulse, 11 listed companies have released the development of blockchain business this week, mainly disclosed in the annual report. Among them, listed companies mainly engaged in blockchain research account for a large proportion. Lacara and Ginza made special mention of the company's research in the field of digital currency.

April 10

[Lacara conducts in-depth research on the field of digital currency]

Lakara (300773) annual report shows that the company's R & D investment in cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain , artificial intelligence, and big data helps product innovation and maintains industry leadership. The company's new technology pre-research and business integration have made great progress. One is to cooperate with the Digital Currency Research Institute, Tsinghua Institute of Cross-Information, etc. to conduct in-depth discussions and practices in the application of blockchain, digital currency, and multi-party privacy computing, focusing on digital currency, new financial supervision, payment settlement, and supply chain finance The scene was pre-researched and proofed, and conducted in-depth analysis and experiments on the impact of digital currency on the payment industry.

The company will strengthen investment in technology research and development, continue to implement the development strategy of "cloud construction, data empowerment, new generation payment system" as the focus, strengthen the research and application of big data, blockchain and artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies, optimization and expansion Application development scenarios.

Inter-chain Pulse Blockchain Business Classification: Blockchain Research

[Huahong Jitong achieves a breakthrough in the field of blockchain business]

Huahong Jitong (300330) annual report shows that during the reporting period, the company has successively achieved breakthroughs in the industrial Internet field such as innovative applications of rail transit, public safety management in chemical parks, and blockchain business fields. Business growth point. The company's government-subsidized projects include "Blockchain Security Supervision Article Supply Chain Data Service Platform Based on Attribute Encryption". The new subsidy for this period is 1.12 million yuan.

Interchain Pulse Blockchain Business Classification: Blockchain Application


【SuperMap Software Promotes GIS Blockchain Productization】

SuperMap Software (300036) annual report proposed in the "Industry Development Trends and Opportunities Facing the Company" that blockchain technology empowers and accelerates the GIS blockchain productization. The company's research institute has established a blockchain research laboratory to conduct relevant exploration and research on the combined application of blockchain + GIS, mainly focusing on two business directions: the first is the direction of electronic license storage in the real estate registration business, The second is the direction of GIS engines based on blockchain. In the future, the company will keenly grasp the development trend of blockchain technology, continue to promote the research and development of the combination of blockchain and GIS, and accelerate the realization of blockchain productization.

Interchain Pulse Blockchain Business Classification: Blockchain Research-Information Technology


[Global Printing Explores the Application of Blockchain Medical Field]

Global Printing (002799) annual report shows that the company follows the national technology development strategy and explores the " blockchain " field. At present, the policy system for the development of the blockchain industry is gradually improved, and governments around the world are actively positioning blockchain technology from the industry's height. The blockchain technology has risen to the level of national science and technology strategy. With the comprehensive and in-depth advancement of the drug traceability system, the company established a new company in cooperation with Beijing Eslite, aiming to fully utilize the platform advantages, resource advantages, technical advantages and experience advantages of both shareholders in professional manufacturing and blockchain technology. The development and application of blockchain technology in the fields of medicine traceability, pharmaceutical logistics, consumer safety medication, medical insurance control fees, supply chain platform, etc., jointly cultivate and create a new generation of blockchain technology products and services.

Interchain Pulse Blockchain Business Classification: Blockchain Research-Social Public-Medical Health


【Shanggang Group R & D Blockless Paperless Order Exchange Platform】

The annual report of Shanghai Port Group (600018) shows that the company always adheres to technological innovation as the first driving force to lead the development of enterprises, focuses on the construction of "four ports", fully promotes research in blockchain and artificial intelligence, and concentrates on conquering key technologies. . Taking information as the means, platform as the basis, and convenience as the goal, actively seek business innovation, explore the establishment of empty container transportation center, vigorously promote the sea-rail combined transportation business, promote the innovation research of port blockchain products, etc., strengthen business innovation capabilities . One of the company's R & D expenses is "Shanghai Hong Kong Blockchain Paperless Order Exchange Platform", and the amount incurred in this period is RMB 3020408.29.

Inter-chain Pulse Blockchain Business Classification: Blockchain Research


April 9

[Yinzhijie plans to carry out blockchain credit research and digital currency application support system research]

Yinzhijie (300085) released the 2020 GEM non-public issuance plan of A shares, which shows that the company intends to build a research and development center for the development of core topics of strategic significance for the company's long-term development, including specific research on blockchain credit 3. Research on cognitive intelligence technology in financial scenarios and research on digital currency application support systems.

Blockchain credit research: This topic studies the application of blockchain technology in the field of credit. Study the technical method of blockchain to build a secure and compliant multi-channel data sharing and exchange platform, develop a credit function module based on blockchain technology with customer authorization as the core, and solve user information in the credit industry Security, compliance, and efficiency issues such as power confirmation, leakage of personal privacy, and high operating costs, better support Baixing Credit Reporting and the development of China's credit reporting industry.

Digital currency application support system research: This topic studies the key technologies supporting the digital currency circulation and application system, and develops related hardware and software products and technical solutions. Research security encryption technology based on national secrets and standard protocols, develop digital currency wallet solutions and corresponding software and hardware products, develop business and management systems that meet the needs of commercial banks for digital currency payment, reconciliation, and supervision, and explore the combination of blockchain and Smart contract technology, research and development of digital currency operation support system adapted to the commercial field.

Inter-chain Pulse Blockchain Business Classification: Blockchain Research


【Announcement of Blockchain Projects in Annual Report of Traffic Control Technology】

According to the annual report of Jiaotong Technology (688015) , its debt item table contains "Research and Application Demonstration of Key Technology of Universal Blockchain Platform Based on Resource Virtualization", and the amount of this project in the current period is 1409364.46 yuan.

Inter-chain Pulse Blockchain Business Classification: Blockchain Research

April 8

[Development of "Supply Chain + Internet + Blockchain" Token E-commerce Platform under Yiyatong's projects]

Yiyatong (002183) annual report shows that Shenzhen Xingchain Supply Chain Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. is an internal incubation project of the company, and its Xinglian Youdian APP is positioned as an e-commerce platform based on the "supply chain + Internet + block chain" pass, Started independent operation in January and received a strategic investment of RMB 50 million from Zhongrong International Trust in March of the same year. Currently, the monthly GMV of Xinglian Youdian has reached hundreds of millions of yuan, and the number of SKUs on sale has reached 1.5 million.

Inter-chain pulse Blockchain business classification: Blockchain application-trade logistics-e-commerce

[Saturday will conduct research on product traceability technology based on blockchain]

Saturday (002291) released the feasibility analysis report on the use of funds raised by the non-public offering of A shares in 2020,

It is pointed out that part of the fundraising of this non-public offering will be invested in the construction project of the Innovative Technology Research Institute to carry out new topics including the further upgrade of existing technologies and new topics such as "intelligent video analysis technology" and "blockchain-based product traceability research" Research and project construction will help enhance the company's Internet marketing R & D strength and enhance the company's market competitiveness.

Inter-chain Pulse Blockchain Business Classification: Blockchain Research

[Vertex Software Increases Research on Combining Blockchain and Other Technologies with Financial Business]

Vertex Software (603383) annual report shows that the company has increased the application research and market transformation of scenarios combining "mobile internet", "cloud computing", "big data", "artificial intelligence", "blockchain" and other technologies with financial services , Strive to become the core force of domestic financial technology. The company will continue to increase investment in basic technology research and development centers, and increase research in basic technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, new-generation transaction system architecture, and ultra-high-speed transactions.

Inter-chain Pulse Blockchain Business Classification: Blockchain Research


April 4

[Wei Ning Health Development Blockchain-based Medical Project]

Wei Ning Health (300253) annual report shows that the company has developed a medical data privacy protection and value chain tracking system based on blockchain technology to improve the security and circulation of medical data based on Internet technology, laying the foundation for the utilization of medical big data.

The company's indebtedness table contains key technology breakthroughs and application demonstrations of the “three medical linkages” of medical insurance based on blockchain.

The company's social responsibility report shows that the company and Shanghai Jiaotong University have jointly developed a blockchain-based medical commercial insurance authorization information platform project, which has achieved the landing of blockchain technology in the field of medical commercial insurance informationization and obtained software copyright.

Inter-chain Pulse Blockchain Business Classification: Blockchain Application-Social Public-Medical Health

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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