What is the relationship between blockchain and artificial intelligence, big data and the Internet of Things, may wish to look at this article

Original: Quanguan Network (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nOuOGFlj1zy2iGKR3LZLFA)

I. Introduction

Over the past 40 years, China ’s economic development has undergone two major historical changes. The first was the 1980s and 1990s, when it shifted from a planned economy to a market economy. The social productive forces were greatly liberated and the economy grew at a high speed. To achieve the first historic major change. The second time is from the 21st century from now on, from the traditional economy to a digital new economy. The new economy will greatly increase social productivity and the high-quality development of the economy. China will reach a new level of economic power. The cornerstone of the new digital economy is digital new technology. The core of the new round of technological revolution is the digital technology revolution, and the development of a new economy through digital new technology.

Second, sort out the vertical relationship


(1) Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is simply the "Internet of Things", a network that uses information sensing physical equipment to connect any item to the Internet for information exchange in accordance with the agreed protocol to achieve intelligent identification, positioning and tracking of the physical production environment , Monitoring and management.

The Internet of Things is the lowest-level information infrastructure for the future development of the digital economy, providing first-hand accurate and real-time data for the development of the digital economy. The current Internet of Things infrastructure has not been deployed and applied on a large scale, resulting in data entry and collection. However, due to systematic errors, human errors, and low timeliness, the source data errors have prevented subsequent calculation and analysis from actually guiding business development and production planning. The digital economy lacking the support of real data has also become a castle in the sky.

(2) Cloud computing

In essence, it is to provide physical users with a certain scale of physical resources into services, and users do not need to see physical machines. Naturally, they do not need to consider various operations and maintenance issues, because cloud vendors have encapsulated this layer. The customer only needs to tell the cloud platform whether it needs a computer with a specific configuration, a development platform, or simply a specific application (such as a network disk). The cloud platform can also achieve full elasticity of various resources and dynamically meet the real-time changing needs of customers. For example, customers want one computer in the morning and ten in the afternoon. The cloud platform can satisfy users in a timely manner through quantifiable virtualized resources Required.


If users use physical machines through this form of measurable service, they will pay more and more attention to their own business, because the threshold for using data will be lower and lower, and with cloud computing at the bottom, they will transform the business of the physical world. The speed of the data will become faster and faster, so that new technologies must be found to organize the data.

(3) Big data

Big data needs to deal with sea-quantization and fast-growing storage, which requires the underlying hardware architecture and file system to be much higher than traditional technology in terms of cost performance, and can elastically expand storage capacity. In this case, data organization technology has emerged. The so-called data organization technology: At the initial stage of dataization, there is little data and a single form. Therefore, centralized structured storage is mainly adopted. The entity relationship has become the key point of data organization in this period. The object-oriented technology including the development language is actually affected by this Caused by the influence of various data organization forms.


The data organization technology formed by big data must be able to effectively eliminate valueless data, and at the same time, structured data, unstructured data, business system real-time data collection, etc. should be distributed database, relational database, fee-related database, etc. The data storage and calculation technology performs classified storage and processing, so that data research and development calculations and applications can truly serve the internal decision-making and production guidance of the enterprise, and support the digital transformation of the enterprise.

(4) Artificial intelligence

Organize the data, and then you need to mine the data in depth. Just like humans inventing language and writing, the ultimate goal is to help humans carry out large-scale division of labor and collaboration to accomplish what humans think is meaningful. In the face of such massive data, the human brain can't handle it, so humans turn various meanings into algorithms to the machine, let the machine make decisions by itself, and finally provide us with a convergent result, there is valid information.

We rarely care about data. What we really care about is the information behind the data. Artificial intelligence has helped mankind find useful information in massive data, so it has various meanings, pointing out the way and direction for us in the process of building a new digital economy.

(5) Blockchain

How to use information effectively? Before the blockchain technology, it basically relied on various beliefs of mankind: "We firmly believe that people have a conscience!" There is also a strong central organizational guarantee, but the premise is that this organization must have a conscience. In the process of informatization, people ’s beliefs are an unreliable link. When faced with various disadvantages and problems caused by the centralized architecture, blockchain technology was proposed. In simple terms, it uses distributed networks + asymmetric The encryption algorithm effectively concatenates the information that has been formed to ensure that the information is a consensus that cannot be modified. People are ready to use blockchain technology to eliminate all kinds of unpleasant things, which is why everyone is so optimistic about blockchain now. The reason, after all, everyone is yearning for an ideal world, where there is no deception, and blockchain technology has pointed out a direction.


The future digital economy is built on the information infrastructure built by the virtual network. Integrity is the basis for business to proceed at all times. The integrity network built by the blockchain allows people to carry out business activities and conduct without trust. Value exchange and promote economic development.

3. Sort out the horizontal relationship


(1) Blockchain and Internet of Things

Blockchain technology can provide point-to-point direct interconnection for the Internet of Things to transmit data, rather than through the central processor, so distributed computing can process hundreds of millions of transactions. At the same time, it can also make full use of the computing power, storage capacity and bandwidth of hundreds of millions of idle devices distributed in different locations for transaction processing, greatly reducing the cost of calculation and storage.

In addition, the blockchain technology superimposes smart contracts to turn each smart device into an independent network node that can be self-maintained and adjusted. These nodes can perform information exchange with other nodes or verify their identity based on rules that have been specified or implanted in advance. Features. In this way, no matter how long the equipment life cycle is, the Internet of Things products will not be outdated, saving a lot of equipment maintenance costs.

The core defect of IoT security is the lack of mutual trust mechanism between devices. All devices need to be checked with the data of the IoT center. Once the database collapses, it will cause great damage to the entire IoT. The distributed network structure of the blockchain provides a mechanism to maintain consensus between devices without verification with the center, so that even if one or more nodes are breached, the data of the entire network system is still reliable and safe.


In the future, the Internet of Things is not just connecting devices to complete data collection. People more hope that the devices connected to the Internet of Things can have certain intelligence, cooperate autonomously under the given rule logic, and complete various applications with commercial value. .

(2) Blockchain and cloud computing

From a definition point of view, cloud computing is distributed on demand, and the blockchain has built a trust system. The two do not seem to be directly related. However, the blockchain itself is a resource, and there is a demand for on-demand supply. It is an integral part of cloud computing. Cloud computing technology and blockchain technology can be integrated with each other.

The combination of cloud computing and blockchain technology will accelerate the maturity of blockchain technology and promote the expansion of the blockchain from the financial industry to more fields, such as decentralized management, improved availability, and more security.

The combination of the two technologies of blockchain and cloud computing, from a macro perspective, on the one hand, use the existing basic service facilities of cloud computing or make corresponding changes according to actual needs to accelerate the development and application process to meet the future blockchain ecosystem The demand for blockchain applications by medium and large start-ups, academic institutions, open source institutions, alliances, and financial institutions. On the other hand, for cloud computing, "trusted, reliable, and controllable" is considered to be the "three mountains" that cloud computing must surpass, and blockchain technology is decentralized, anonymous, and Do not tamper with the main feature, which coincides with the long-term development goals of cloud computing.


From the perspective of storage, storage in cloud computing and storage in blockchain are both composed of ordinary storage media. The storage in the blockchain is used as the storage space for each node in the chain. The value of the storage in the blockchain is not the storage itself, but the immutable blocks linked to each other. It is a special storage service. Cloud storage does require such storage services.

In terms of security, security in cloud computing is mainly to ensure that applications can operate safely, stably, and reliably. The security in the blockchain is to ensure that each data block is not tampered with, and the recorded content of the data block is not read by users without a private key. Using this, if you combine cloud computing with blockchain-based secure storage products, you can design encrypted storage devices.

Unlike cloud computing technology, blockchain is not only a technology, but an industry that includes services and solutions. Technology and business are indispensable hands in the development of blockchain. The development of blockchain technology and applications requires cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things and other new-generation information technologies as infrastructure support. At the same time, the development of blockchain technology and applications has an important role in promoting the development of the new-generation information technology industry.

(3) Blockchain and big data

Blockchain is the underlying technology, and big data refers to the collection and processing of data. The data on the blockchain will form a chain, it has the characteristics of real, order and traceability, which is equivalent to extracting useful data from big data and sorting it. Therefore, the blockchain lowers the threshold for enterprises to process big data, and allows enterprises to extract more favorable data.

In addition, the privacy data of users involved in big data will not appear under the support of blockchain technology. Users don't have to worry about their private information being collected secretly, nor do they have to worry about their privacy being disclosed to the public, let alone being killed. The decision-making power for the use of private data is entirely in the hands of users, and may even appear. Enterprises will obtain private information through certain payment methods, and users can profit from it.

(4) Blockchain and artificial intelligence

For any widely accepted technological advancement, there is no greater threat than lack of trust, nor does it exclude artificial intelligence and blockchain. In order to make communication between machines more convenient, you need to have an expected level of trust. To perform certain transactions on the blockchain network, trust is a necessary condition.

Blockchain helps artificial intelligence to achieve contract management and improve the friendliness of artificial intelligence. For example, through layered registration of user access through the blockchain, allowing users to jointly set the status of the device and make decisions based on smart contracts, not only can the device be prevented from being abused, but also the user can be prevented from being harmed. Co-ownership and joint use rights of equipment.

The greatest significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology is that blockchain technology can provide artificial intelligence with core skills-contributing to the "chain" function of blockchain technology, allowing every step of "independent" operation and development of artificial intelligence It is recorded and published to promote the soundness, safety and stability of artificial intelligence functions.

4. Summary

The digital economy is built on a new digital technology system. The new digital technologies mainly include the five major technologies of the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. According to the requirements of digital production, the Internet of Things technology is digital transmission, cloud computing technology is digital equipment, big data technology is digital resources, artificial intelligence technology is digital intelligence, blockchain technology is digital information, and the five digital technologies are a whole, mutual Convergence is growing exponentially in order to promote the high-speed and high-quality development of the new digital economy.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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