What projects should we focus on in 2020? 44 big coffees gave a list

Introduction: This article lists the views of 44 influential figures in the cryptocurrency field, and describes the projects and directions they will focus on in 2020. On the whole, Ethereum, Libra, and the central bank's digital currencies will become the focus of attention outside of Bitcoin.


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1.Bitfinex CTO Paolo Ardoino

In addition to Bitcoin, I also follow Ethereum, Tether, Monero, Tezos, Algorand, and many other tokens listed on Bitfinex. It's important to keep up with the latest developments.

2.Crypto Finance's fintech investor Marc P. Bernegger

Although Facebook's Libra may never be implemented with the originally planned version, its progress is very relevant to the entire crypto industry. Therefore, I am very concerned about the development there.

At the same time, I pay attention to some interesting competitive coins, which are characterized by a strong founder team and sustainable business cases, so they have great potential in the future.

Remember: Amazon's stock price plummeted 96% after the dot-com bubble burst, but today it's one of the most successful companies in the world.

3. Sebastian Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox

We are actively researching all new games with blockchain technology and irreplaceable token pre-sale.

Of course, we also pay close attention to the latest news from Libra, whether the central bank's digital currency is involved in blockchain, DAI in the DeFi field, and how legislation is more open to decentralization.

4. Paul Brody, Head of Blockchain, Ernst & Young

I focus on Ethereum, but mostly see this ecosystem as healthy. High prices discourage innovators, while low prices may discourage others. In fact, although the blockchain contains the possibility of digital scarcity, it is far from its largest asset. I hope we will use this technology to usher in a rich era.

5.Elixxir founder David Chaum

There are many talented teams that are taking on important challenges. Honestly, this year, my focus is to build XX network team and blockchain. We are very excited about next year's XX network and XX token opportunities!

6.Triangularity CEO Virginia Cram-Martos

I follow Ethereum and the possible central bank digital currencies.

7. Wall Street trader Eric Crown

I think it's very clear in this market-except for a few special ones-that if Bitcoin doesn't rise, nothing else will rise. In fact, even if Bitcoin rises, sometimes other currencies will still not rise. So what I want to say is that if you are looking for other cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin, then it depends a lot on the development of Bitcoin. If Bitcoin is unhealthy in 2020, what I want to say is that I don't see anything except some one-time moves. Nothing really lasts.

8.NEO development director John deVadoss

I will follow and observe Neo. In addition, I watched the emerging central bank digital currency. I believe we will see a wave of forward-looking innovation and a wave of regulatory hurdles, both of which will impact the crypto industry.

9.Daniel Diemers, head of the PwC blockchain

In my role as head of the EMEA blockchain, I have a professional responsibility to focus on many other coins and tokens other than Bitcoin. I think that's what makes the ecosystem so diverse and interesting. Whether you're a visionary or someone who doesn't understand certain use cases, today you can do it with blockchain and with the crypto community. For example, the big trend I foresee is that there will be more lending to cryptocurrencies. In classic capital markets, this is normal, but in cryptocurrencies, this is not consistent with the "Hodl" way of thinking. But with more efficient transfers in the liquidity market in 2020, mortgages and more classic banks and wealth management companies starting to use cryptocurrencies, we will see more. On the recognized frontier of dogmatism, I believe there will be a very interesting and broader "currency war" in 2020: digital currencies issued by central banks on the blockchain, existing cryptocurrencies, privacy coins, Libra Ecosystem tokens, stablecoins, security tokens—I'm excited to see what happens next year.

10. Venture capitalist Tim Draper

In addition to Bitcoin, there may be Tezos as they are making great progress. For them, things are going well, and there are a lot of interesting engineers doing interesting work to apply to Tezos. I think that will be very exciting.

11. Adam Ficsor, CEO of Wasabi Wallet

A few years ago, I was watching closely, but I was tired of wasting time. I hope that if someone comes up with something valuable, it will not leave my sight.

12.TIE CEO Joshua Frank

I focus most of my time on Bitcoin because I firmly believe that if BTC is not successful, other digital asset markets will not be realized. Although I don't think this will be a catalyst for the rise of the crypto market, I am interested in paying attention to the use of internal tokens by the world's largest banks in the fast 24/7 settlement mechanism.

13. Mati Greenspan, Founder of Quantum Economics

Although ordinary investors can get a lot, it is worth mentioning that it is necessary to pay attention to the central bank's digital currency plan. Of course, China is leading the way, and we expect China to launch digital renminbi in the first half of this year. Europe may follow closely behind, and we can expect the digital euro to be developed by 2020. Libra is still in doubt.

However, what is more interesting is that for cryptocurrency traders, the current war is a war on platforms that are dedicated to decentralized consumer applications in order to compete for status and market share.

14. Binance Charity Foundation Helen Hai

Central bank digital currency

15.BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes

I am following other coins out of obsession and curiosity, and that's it.

16.YouTube influencers

Tezos and Cardano (ADA). Next year, we will add programming courses for both platforms at Ivan on Tech Academy, and they both have exciting developments!

17. Waves Founder and CEO Sasha Ivanov

I don't pay particular attention to any tokens, and generally focus on the market. I think we will eventually start to see some form of decoupling in 2020. Overall, the correlation between the market and BTC will be low.

18. Bitwala CFO Christoph Iwaniez

We believe in Ethereum because Ethereum opens up many new possibilities, especially in the field of DeFi. We are interested in following DeFi projects like MakerDAO in the Ethereum community.

19. CipherTrace CFA John Jefferies

I follow Libra, digital RMB, crypto rials, ETH, BNB, EOS, Ripple and Tether. I also took a closer look at privacy coins, including Monero, Zcash, and Dash; Bitcoin projects Snowball and Lightning Network; Decred; Ethereum Aztec Protocol; Grin; Beam and Litecoin.

20.Orbs co-founder Tal Kol

I want the industry to show use cases in production that solve everyday problems and are relevant. Specifically, I want to show the relevance of blockchain to the 2020 elections. In November, we are honored to be one of the few projects presented to the Congressional Blockchain Core Group at a blockchain event organized by Hill, organized by the Global Blockchain Business Council. The incident came at the request of lawmakers who hoped to lift use cases other than cryptocurrencies and finance. The use case we introduce is a blockchain-based solution for digital content authentication, which can help copyright protection, but is equally interesting and can fight fake users and fake content.

21.Sanja Kon, Vice President of Utrust Global Partnerships

In addition to Bitcoin (BTC), I obviously also pay close attention to Utrust's local token UTK, Ethereum (ETH), and major liquidity-based tokens. Utrust integrated Dash (a top digital currency for payments and e-commerce) and DigiByte (DGB) on the platform this year. These two currencies are my pleasure to follow and observe how they develop in 2020. There are thousands of coins on CoinMarketCap and it is impossible to follow all of them, but I like to learn new projects and to keep up with the latest status every day.

22.Chainalysis co-founder and chief security officer Jonathan Levin

Libra is interesting because of its influence and potential. We will continue to pay close attention to this. We will also focus on innovation competitions, research papers, and proof of concepts for digital currencies issued by countries.

23. Evan Luthra, founder of StartupStudio.online and iyoko.io

The most anticipated currency today is the digital yuan. Given China's leadership in the global economy, this will be an important step in changing the financial system. The Chinese authorities are actively introducing many modern technologies into the daily lives of their citizens, so it is expected that, at least in China, cryptocurrencies will spread rapidly in accordance with national plans.

For other countries, 2020 should be the year of its own digital currency issuance. However, most likely, they will only appear after China's national digital currency.

I am not a trader, but I do pay attention to some of my recent major investments, such as Vid.Camera, GLBrain, Dreamr.app, etc.

24. Celsius CEO Alex Mashinsky

I like ETH, EOS, and of course CEL. There are many interesting tokens, but the question is: Do they reward users in the form of revenue? We believe that those token and DeFi projects that prioritize holders and users will flourish in 10 years.

25. cryptocurrency entrepreneur John McAfee

I will have my own token, Whackd. I mean, listen, Whackd is the token of f — ing token. I mean, for example, every transaction, no matter the amount, 10% of the transaction will be sent to the burned address-it just evaporates and will not be passed on to anyone. There is one in every 1,000 transactions, no matter how important or involved it is to you, these coins are burned. It's like, you could be "hit hard", according to statistics, this happens to one in a thousand people. It's hard to believe that now we have Whackd tokens.

26. Nicholas Merten, founder of the YouTube channel DataDash

For me, I really want to know if the central bank will create digital currencies. Basically, dollars on public blockchains such as Ethereum. If they do, it would be a huge sign that cryptocurrencies will continue to exist and the central bank does not want to be left behind. The European Central Bank seems to be leading the way.

27. Diogo Monica, Co-founder and President of Anchorage

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have found strong use cases as a store of value, but the world is still waiting for a cryptocurrency that can be adopted on a large scale as a medium of exchange. As a founding member of the Libra Association, and as a custodian supporting all assets that meet our quality and safety standards, we are looking forward to many cryptocurrencies to be launched in 2020.

28. Blockstream CSO Samson Mow

I have been paying close attention to Libra this year just because it was a remarkable failure. Also, I find central bank crypto tokens interesting because, by the way they are designed, they can compete with stablecoins.

29. Niklas Nikolajsen, Chairman and Founder, Bitcoin Suisse AG

The key protocol to note is Ethereum 2.0. In addition, after the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) intervention last year, the development of Telegram / TON will be very interesting, as will Libra and digital RMB. However, it is likely that the latter two large-scale initiatives will not become real crypto assets, but more like digital cash systems. In addition, Tezos has made great progress in 2019 and will be very interesting-including other alternative blockchains such as Cardano, Aeternity, Polkadot / Web3. In 2020, it is likely to be clear which blockchain and crypto assets will remain and which will not.

30. WizSec blockchain researcher Kim Nilsson

Apart from Bitcoin, I have found no other coins that interest me. First, most competing currencies are scams. Secondly, even projects that at least try to build interesting things often fail, or are not careful or inexperienced, and always provide worse decentralization features than Bitcoin in practice. For all intents and purposes, practical decentralization is the only new thing that Bitcoin has seen in many unsuccessful attempts at digital currencies in the past. Today, Bitcoin is still the gold standard for decentralization. Why would anyone be interested in this trade-off? It's like finding a cure for cancer, and then competitors start selling "Antidote 2.0," another drug that treats only half of cancer, but contains vitamin C and strawberry flavor.

31. BlockFi CEO Zac Prince

Stablecoins, Libra and other cross-products such as Pax Gold.

32. Trader Alessio Rastani

I would say Neo. I heard from some great Bitcoin traders and Bitcoin investors-again, this is their opinion, not my opinion-they say that Neo is a cryptocurrency backed by China in the future It may develop over the years.

33. Phillip Sandner, Head of the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center

Not much attention.

1) Existing tokens: Ethereum, BAT. 2) Even tokens that have not yet been issued can be very important: digital euro, digital renminbi, digital dollar, Libra, various tokenized assets and rights under the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act (effective January 2020) .

34. Robert Schwertner

In 2020, I am working on the following projects:

BAT- I like it! With Brave, you have created a great browser that you use every day. Chrome was like this in 2017, Brave is the future! This way you can surf the Internet.

I think Chainlink is cool. All the items listed in the Samsung Galaxy Wallet (such as Enjin) are also exciting.

Ethereum is still exciting. Even in 2020, many startups are still using this trend-setting blockchain to further develop and increase its value.

I regularly check the ratings of the Chinese government's crypto project (CCID):

EOS ranked first in the latest ranking on December 19, 2019. Therefore, since EOS seems to be recovering, its modifiable smart contracts are very practical for programmers, and Ethereum is too rigid here, but it still ranks second in China evaluation.

Cosmos (ATOM) is also very exciting, it is a network composed of many blockchains. It solves the scalability problem!

35. CoinCorner CEO Danny Scott

I have been following new developments in existing or new coins. Libra is clearly intriguing, and I actually subdivided this in an article and predicted that Libra would never start.

36. Lex Sokolin, CosenSys Global Co-Head of FinTech

For me, the most interesting indicator is the use of a programmable blockchain to build software. Although assets such as Bitcoin and other online commodities create fascinating economic stories and stories about power, they don't tell us much about the future of how economic construction and operations work. To this end, using ConsenSys software like Alethio, we can see the number of various function calls made by developers using decentralized programs.

Are people transferring funds and paying each other? Are they creating collectible digital tokens, or are they trading certain assets or performing some incredible functions? It's interesting to take a closer look at the blockchain and the activities people choose to turn into license-free software. Just like watching the inner workings of a giant clock, its gear rang through the night sky. The more gears, the louder they sound, the more composable they become, the bigger and more meaningful the stories they tell.

Decentralized finance and projects such as MakerDAO, Compound, Set Protocol, Uniswap show the future of financial manufacturing. We don't have to imagine writing financial software into the chain-it already exists. For me, those applications and underlying solutions are the most compelling things in financial technology innovation today. Knowing this information, and then evaluating them through initiatives such as Codefi's DeFi scoring, these protocols focus on protocol risks and features and should be a major focus for those interested in the future of finance.

37. Ulli Spankowski, Chief Digital Officer, Boerse Stuttgart

We look at coins from different perspectives. For example, market acceptance, regulatory structure, technical design and custody of agreements. In addition, tax aspects as well as the classification of payments, functionalities or security tokens also play an important role for us.

38. Alex Tapscott, co-founder of the Blockchain Institute

First of all, this is not investment advice. I am most interested in ATOM, which is the native token of the Cosmos network. Cosmos undertook a very small financing campaign in 2017-and since then has expanded into one of the largest organic communities. I think what's really interesting about these protocols is that some of the most fundraising protocols are free to spend money trying to attract people to use the platform. But the most successful people are those who work organically, where people are driven by a mission or they are attracted to technology. So we saw this through Ethereum in 2015-2017, and I think you are seeing it in Cosmos now, and I think you will see this situation continue to accelerate. You know, if you go to the Cosmos landing page, you will see dozens of really interesting projects that people are building and they are building it because it is just the best and most useful technology. By the way, I should add that I do have ATOM.

39. Alexandra Tinsman, President of the NEM Foundation

I follow the coins of other giants in industries like Binance. They contrast with more decentralized projects like Bitcoin and NEM. I'm very interested in what's happening in China-based projects, and I expect a wave of growth next year or two. I am following Decred to understand how its governance approach works. Ethereum's sharding method is also worth mentioning. Moreover, I have been following the trading situation on Japanese exchanges because the Japanese community is particularly aware of cryptocurrencies.


I pay close attention to large altcoins such as Ethereum, as well as privacy-oriented coins Zcash and Monero, as well as mortgage-type coins such as Tezos and Cosmos. In addition, I focus on stablecoins-whether it is the Libra project, DAI, USDC or other projects.

41. Vladimir Tomko, co-founder, CEO and game producer of Blockchain Cuties Universe

In addition to Bitcoin, the coins I follow closely are: TRX, ETH, NEO, EOS, ENJ, KLAY, MATIC, BAT and MANA, while Libra and TON are coming soon.

42. ShapeShift CEO Erik Voorhees

ETH, EOS, ATOM, BNB, XMR / ZEC, MKR, and of course our new token FOX, which can be traded for free on ShapeShift!

43. Whale Alert

Since Whale Alert covers all of the largest blockchains with the goal of expanding to cover at least 99% of the value of all blockchain transactions, I try to keep pace with as many existing and upcoming tokens as possible.

44. Beam CEO Alexander Zaidelson

I pay close attention to developments in the privacy field-Zcash, Monero, Grin, and of course Beam.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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