Why did Azuki’s Elementals release collide with another release?

Why did Azuki's Elementals release clash with another release?

Over the past three months, Azuki has gone against market trends and successfully risen to become the strongest blue-chip project. However, the release of Elements has caused a major uproar in the community. Apart from the short ten-minute whitelist Mint window, the most discussed topic in the community is the high degree of feature overlap between Elements and the first generation of Azuki. As of now, five identical images have been found in Elements. BlockBeats researchers Jaleel and Jack have written an in-depth analysis of the Elementals collision incident, and it is clear that the Azuki team did not adequately prepare before the release of Elementals.

Regarding the response from Azuki co-founder 2PMFLOW on the “collision situation due to Ethereum blockchain reorganization, caused by technical faults”, scriptmoney.lens, founder of cryptochasersco, stated that “the reason for the collision situation is that the server failed to handle exceptions while listening to events, not the data provider.” First and foremost, it is likely that Elements directly used the layer, elements, and even the generation algorithm of Azuki or BeanZ. However, perhaps due to the limited “elemental concept” around water, fire, electricity, and others in this series of NFTs, the related generation algorithm was not debugged properly, resulting in duplicate NFT generation. Secondly, according to an NFT technician, the NFTs in the Elementals series that collided did not have similar or consecutive serial numbers, indicating that the probability of them being forged in the same block is small. Therefore, another explanation is that the Azuki team did not conduct secondary screening of the generated Elementals, resulting in duplicate images being directly uploaded to the chain.

Regarding the issue of forging and opening images in Elementals, Azuki co-founder 2PMFLOW replied to the community on the occurrence of identical images in Elementals opening, stating that the team is working to restore the correct images and metadata. Subsequently, BlockBeats also found that when querying the Elementals series contract, some NFTs’ tokenURLs could not display the query results. At the same time, some preview images of the Elementals series NFTs could not be displayed properly on platforms such as Blur. Azuki team thus conducted a live “image switch” in front of the community. After querying the Elementals series contract, we found that the image metadata of Elementals was not uploaded to IPFS, but was stored in Azuki’s centralized server. Therefore, the ownership and modification rights of the metadata are held by the Azuki team, and can be changed at any time.

Even more absurdly, the team made new mistakes during the metadata modification process. scriptmoney.lens discovered that the repaired metadata uploaded by the Azuki team seems to be a file, so when accessed, it goes directly to the download page. In other words, the server did not upload the normal json metadata code, but directly uploaded image files. Therefore, when third-party trading platforms such as Blur search for NFT image data on the server, they cannot read it properly. And when we look at the downloaded file that the metadata points to, we will find that these new images cannot even be described as “repaired.” Taking Elementals #16580 as an example, at the time of writing, there is almost no similarity between its metadata file and the original.

Reference: https://www.theblockbeats.info/news/43064

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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