Why did he spend 38,888 yuan to buy a blockchain ticket?

On the afternoon of January 4, 2019, Ba Lei CEO Wang Lei stood in front of a large screen that read "Forensics 2019· Blockchain Value List", facing the crowds in the small venue. The opening speech said: "In the next ten years, I believe that entrepreneurs who stick to their values ​​will surely welcome their own high-gloss moments. I believe that even if you drink ice for ten years, it will still be difficult to cool!"

After the talks were finished, the applause of the audience, the founder of Babbitt, the founder of PlatOn, Sun Lilin, the founder of imToken, He Bin, and the promoter of the MIT blockchain research room, Han Feng, were all very excited.

On January 4, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto dug up the Bitcoin creation block on a small server in Helsinki, Finland. Bitcoin was introduced. Ten years later, bitcoin prices fell back, falling more than 80%, and the entire cryptocurrency and blockchain industry were overcast. How to go this road, this road is right, no one has an answer.

Encrypted Zhang sat behind the long squat, he felt a blood in his body, as if he was with the entrepreneurs around him, and this era has produced a wonderful resonance, a feeling of stepping on the tide of the times. Even the chilly winds outside the venue and the market in the exchange APP reminded him all the time: in the cold winter.

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▲ Forensic 2019 blockchain value list site

"Very good." Encrypted Zhang said. In order to get this SVIP ticket, he spent 38,888 yuan. The other guests who were with him, the ticketing fees ranged from 1688 yuan to 3888 yuan.

The big events such as these summit forums and list releases hosted by Babbitt will be broadcast live online, and the Babbitt team will publish the essence of the whole process in graphic and text. Why spend a big price to buy a ticket?

Encrypted Zhang, a graduate of Zhejiang University, in the embryonic period of Internet entrepreneurship in 1999, he founded a technology company in Hangzhou to harvest the first barrel of his life. Subsequently, he successfully entered the investment industry and participated in private equity and investment in the New Third Board. In April 2018, in the wave of cryptocurrency rushing into the rush, he took millions of dollars into the market. While investing, there is no day and night to study the blockchain industry. Sometimes, in order to participate in the event, he will not hesitate to travel to the United States, Singapore and Dubai.

During this period, he participated in the private placement of the blockchain project, and the result was that the project was not on the exchange. He also commissioned funds to invest in others, and the same blood loss. "The tuition is expensive and scarred." He said, "The fundamentals are not clear, the K line will not look, and I really admire my own strength." Encryption Zhang feels that he needs to really understand and enter this circle.

At the site of the forensic event in January, as the SVIP Encryption Zhang listened to the whole process, Wang Yongli, the former vice president of the Bank of China, and Han Feng, the founder of the MIT blockchain research room, and other industry-wide speeches and forums shared his eyes. What is the attitude of the government? What are the head projects in the blockchain field? What direction is the industry developing? These high-density information makes his brain squeak and excitement. And all the information together seems to give the brain a deep massage: it is really difficult to learn from the cheats, but a magnificent new world is slowly unfolding. This world is exactly the same as the Internet entrepreneurs he has participated in before, rugged and full. Challenge, full of opportunities.

As a SVIP user, Encryption Zhang also received a privileged seat for the social dinner on the same day as a dinner with the summit guests. Babbitt founder Chang Yu, time stamp capital CEO Li Zongchong, Babbitt CEO Wang Lei, Tokeninsight CEO Hu Tao, etc. all had one-on-one in-depth communication with him.

"It feels good. I can talk face-to-face with the big ones. If you have any questions, you can consult with a friend of Babbitt."

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▲ 2018 Global Blockchain (Hangzhou) Summit Forum (2nd)

On May 17th, guided by the Hangzhou Financial Office, the 2019 Global Blockchain (Hangzhou) Summit Forum hosted by Babbitt will open in Hangzhou. The summit will include more than a dozen big-name guest speeches and multiple roundtables with the theme of “embracing the commercial era and empowering the digital economy”. There are also Hangzhou blockchain week series activities before and after the summit, including blockchain innovation corridor, technology open day, seminars, well-known project roadshows, incubator exchanges, and visits by well-known companies. Well-known projects at home and abroad, BAT Internet giants, investment institutions, mining circles, Internet unicorns and other forces will participate. It is expected that the number of participants will reach 1,500. At present, the summit tickets are set at 588 yuan, 1288 yuan and 18888 yuan three prices, limited edition for sale.

Originally, Babbitt plans to give away an encrypted ticket. He ridiculed: "Buy nothing, I am now in the gold." In an office building in Hangzhou Qianjiang New City, Encryption Zhang is in the process of decorating his "Tumumu" Encrypted living room, which will be used as a gathering space for him and his friends. He plans to gather a group of friends and funds to fight the cryptocurrency market.

If the encryption sheet comes from the currency circle, then Wang Yaoxuan is the representative of the chain circle. He is the executive president of Nanyang Wudushan Tourism Development Co., Ltd., and began to contact the blockchain in 2015. In 2018, the tourism + district was built by him. The blockchain project landed in Henan. This year, he spent more than 20,000 yuan to participate in the second global blockchain Hangzhou Summit Forum. "Babbit is the only platform I need to participate in the event at my own expense," he said.

This year, Wang Yaoxuan bought a 18888 yuan VIP ticket and 2 tickets for 1288 yuan in the first time. He plans to come to Hangzhou with two friends to deeply understand the taste of Hangzhou's blockchain.

“Why do you spend this money? I hope to get to know more people with high quality and high net worth through the Babbitt platform and explore the future of blockchain technology. This will have more sparks and more ideas. This is a business. In fact, this ticket not only includes a social dinner, but also involves one-to-one resource docking, investment consulting, data consulting and other services.

Like the high thresholds of the Davos Summit and the TED Lecture, the Hangzhou Summit Forum is a place for socializing. As the organizer of Babbitt was born in 2011, the summit hosted by Babbitt gave the reason for the old friends and new friends in the industry to gather together. Here, most of them are unnamed but have a very deep industry background and cognition. Old people in the circle. Others can say a word that they are ambiguous. Moreover, as industry optimists, they are potential business partners. Social and business negotiations have become a major feature of the Hangzhou Summit Forum.

Chatting with a like-minded person at the same level of cognition is better than chatting with a group of people who “see and don’t have consensus”.

Wang Yaoxuan said that the blockchain will still be implemented when it reaches a certain height, otherwise it will be a bubble. “The blockchain can improve efficiency and transform the original ecological model. In 2019, blockchain technology + tourism + real estate are all areas that can be grafted.”

The real content, pay attention to the real landing of technology, the level of personnel participating in the meeting, the opportunity of investment cooperation, this is why Wang Yaozhen plans to come back to Hangzhou.

You know, the blockchain may change the world. You don't want to see where it went?

You know, Babbitt and its friends are working hard to make the blockchain technology really come to life. You don't want to participate in it?

You know, it is a wonderful thing to talk to a group of people on the same topic of interest. You don't want to hear everyone's voice?

On May 17, Hangzhou, together, deeply felt the taste of the blockchain.

Click here to buy tickets

Touch the new development of blockchain and taste the taste of blockchain in Hangcheng District. Please grab the ticket: http : t.cn/EJSwdEj . The big coffee is gathered and the flavor is unique and should not be missed.

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We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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