You can now accept and send Bitcoin on WhatsApp.

You can now accept and send Bitcoin on WhatsApp.


Thanks to Lite.Im, users can now send and receive Bitcoin (BTC) and Litecoin (LTC) via popular messaging platforms. This statement is the latest attempt to simplify the process of cryptocurrency transactions, making virtual currency closer to the lives of ordinary people.

Send Bitcoin on WhatsApp

In a tweet published on the Zulu Republic on Sunday (May 19, 2019), the digital platform announced that its cryptocurrency messaging platform, Lite.Im, has introduced an easy way to send and receive bitcoin via WhatsApp. .

We are pleased to announce that starting today, you can send and receive #bitcoin & #litecoin ! on WhatsApp via @liteim_official! You can experience it at the following link: @SatoshiLite @CharlieShrem @CCNMarkets @GLRalf

– Zulu Republic (@ztxrepublic) May 19, 2019

All users need to do is add Lite.Im's instant messaging software WhatsApp bot and follow the on-screen instructions. In addition to sending and receiving BTC and LTC, there are many options for users to choose from.

The service also allows people to obtain cryptocurrencies through a referral process. There are also options that allow users to set their default tokens and choose their preferred language and cryptocurrency.

Currently, the default two languages ​​are English and Spanish. The service also supports sending and receiving Ethernet coins (ETH) and ZTX – local tokens on the Zulu Republic platform.

Make Bitcoin trading more convenient

SMS-based cryptocurrency trading makes cryptocurrency trading easier, especially for individuals who don't know much about technology. Lite.Im has provided similar services for Facebook Messenger, Telegram and SMS.

According to the company, "social networks" are an important part of the wider adoption of cryptocurrencies. Only WhatsApp has more than 1.5 billion users in almost every corner of the globe.

As mobile currency transactions in Southeast Asia and Africa become easier, more people with no bank accounts and insufficient deposits are likely to have access to a wider range of payments.

In 2019 alone, many different agencies announced plans to adopt Bitcoin. From the trading desk to the acceptability of the trading medium, this number one cryptocurrency continues to dominate the news .

Many commentators in the industry said that BTC is becoming a more mature asset class and is expected to truly meet the expectations of many early investors.

Competition with 'FACEBOOK COIN'

Facebook has its own cryptocurrency program, and Lite.Im instant messaging may be considered a competitor. The exact nature of the virtual currency ambition of the social communication giant has not yet been officially published, but there are rumors that it will be a "bitcoin-like" cryptocurrency token.

Fortunately, FBCoin is still uncertain, you can already send Bitcoin on WhatsApp.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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