CEO Kaspersky: The cryptocurrency is great, but the world is not ready for it.

CEO Kaspersky: The cryptocurrency is great, but the world is not ready for it.


Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of cybersecurity giant Kaspersky, issued a statement to the financial news website Arabian Business on March 1st:

"I believe in the future – perhaps 100 years later – the world will unite under a single government, and this government will have a single digital currency . If we want to develop cryptocurrencies, the world must unite. But now In the case, the government will want to control them."

He also believes that in the future, the use of digital currency has little competition because he predicts the dominance of a single currency:

"There may be other currencies, but on a global scale, the currency will be unified."

Kaspersky also pointed out that he believes that the future currency will be digital, however, he believes that "today's digital currency, such as bitcoin (BTC), cannot replace the current financial system." However, he admitted:

"Some ideas and technologies on which these cryptocurrencies are based can be used to make small improvements in blockchain technology in future currencies."

Kaspersky has expressed similar views in the past. As Cointelegraph reported in December 2015, he pointed out that although "cryptocurrency is a great invention," he also believes that "from a geopolitical perspective, the world is not ready to use it."

As previously reported, Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey also believes that there may be a single, dominant digital currency in the future. However, he argues that the global currency will be bitcoin.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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