Articles about China - Section 4

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain: A Match Made in Digital Heaven

A recent survey of top IT leaders found that nearly half believe that incorporating AI and blockchain technology has ...

Blockdaemon Paves the Way as Founders of BSN Spartan Network Governing Body

Fashion-focused readers, take note! BSN Foundation, based in Singapore, has just announced its launch. It has secured...

The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin: A Roller Coaster Ride for Investors

Bitcoin's value dropped to $35,000 due to weakened U.S. inflation, challenges in China, and uncertainties surrounding...

Beware Crypto Users: Fake Skype App Targets Unsuspecting Investors

A new fake app has been discovered that invades user's phones and constantly tracks images and messages containing TR...

Bitcoin Unleashing a Revolution in Ownership

LJ Huang, the winner of the 2023 Bitcoin Magazine Student Essay Contest, delves into the impact of hyperbitcoinizatio...

DTCpay Brings the Future to Retail Singapore Startup Partners with Chinese Firms to Launch Cutting-Edge Crypto Payments System

A new cryptocurrency-friendly payment system has been launched by Singapore's dtcpay in partnership with blockchain c...

USDT and Chinese Blockchains Will Uncle Sam Slam the Banhammer?

The CLARITY Act intends to cut ties between the US government and USDT as well as blockchain networks in China.

Project mBridge Unveiling the Inner Workings before the Big Debut!

The Bank for International Settlements has provided an exciting update on the highly anticipated launch of Project mB...

Hong Kong Rolls the Dice with Phase 2 of e-HKD Trials, Nearing CBDC Pilot Success

Experts recommend using a DLT-based design for its superior interoperability and scalability features.

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