Articles about Smart Contract - Section 135
Opinion | ETH Spring is coming?
Today, the ETH market price broke through the $200 mark, causing an uproar. At the same time, the daily consumption o...
The Fed cut interest rates again by 25 basis points, and bitcoin "rocket fuel" is ready.
According to the Financial Times, the Fed again announced a 25 basis point rate cut, and the interest rate range fell...
Bitcoin continues to remain weak, mainstream currency suspends offensive adjustments pending
The trend of BTC kept vibrating in the early morning, and the short-term quantity could be reduced. The hourly Bollin...
BTC and ETH: Positioning victory
Let us first look at a picture. Today, the Internet is hungry, has a vibrato, has Taobao, has WeChat, all the rich ap...
Is the Fed a resolution for Bitcoin?
The Federal Reserve announced the interest rate decision, announced a 25 basis point rate cut, and the interest rate ...
Line's cryptocurrency exchange is online, 80 million Japanese users can conduct cryptocurrency transactions
According to Coindesk's September 18 report, the communications application LINE officially launched a cryptocur...
The German government approves a blockchain strategy to prevent stable currency from becoming an alternative currency
The German government has approved a blockchain strategy aimed at preventing stable currencies from becoming alternat...
"Encryption Mom": US encryption talent is losing, clear regulation is imminent
Hess Peirce, a US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) commissioner, is not a typical government official. She is...
Babbitt column | Investment opportunities in the secondary market are greater than the primary market
About 2019, about February, friend L gave me a white paper, VDS. Very excited to tell me, big opportunity. I read the...
Vernacular than the original chain cross-chain technology
With the introduction of Bystack's main sidechain architecture, the cross-chain problem between the main sidecha...

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