Articles about stablecoin - Section 12

Court takes over Discord community? A brief recap of the Fei team’s collective lawsuit event.

Recently, Fei Protocol announced a settlement plan for a class action lawsuit. The San Francisco Superior Court perso...

Co-Chairman of the Hong Kong Blockchain Association, Fang Hongjin: The Hong Kong government should not issue a Hong Kong dollar stablecoin.

Co-chairman of the Hong Kong Blockchain Association, Fang Hong, does not agree with the Hong Kong government's propos...

The Battle for Hong Kong Dollar Stablecoin: Government Issued VS Private Issued

If 2 trillion offshore RMB is activated in the form of stablecoins, it will play an important role in promoting cross...

Understanding ZeroLiquid: A Non-Liquidating Zero-Interest Lending Agreement Secured by LST

Currently, the ETH staking rate has reached 19.6%, with a total market value of staked ETH at 44.3 billion USD. Among...

LD Weekly Report: ETH Staking Rate Rises to 19.43%, Layer2 TVL Total Locked Amount Reaches $9.68 Billion USD

LD Capital has released its June 26th report on various tracks, including stablecoins, LSD, Ethereum L2, DEX, and Der...

Understanding the working principle of LSDFi’s flagship project Lybra Finance and its V2

Upgrading Cancun in the second half of the year is a relatively certain matter, and LSD is expected to continue to ex...

Bellevue Bank: Stablecoins and DeFi may become the next target of the SEC

Belinberg stated in a research report on Tuesday that stablecoins and decentralized finance (DeFi) are likely to be t...

Stablecoin Dashboard: Classifies nine stablecoins based on volatility risk

Encryption analyst Leshka.eth has created a dashboard for stablecoins, covering 9 trusted stablecoins, divided by the...

Tether responds to FUD rumors: no intention to engage in time-consuming and fruitless US litigation

Tether has released a lengthy article in response to the New York Attorney General's Office (NYAG) disclosing a docu...

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