Chinese Culture News: The “Testing Water” Blockchain in the Copyright Industry

Article source: Chinese Culture News original title: "Copyright industry "test water" blockchain"

On March 30 this year, the National Internet Information Office officially released the first batch of 197 blockchain information service filing numbers in China, covering the areas of copyright management, traceability, judicial notarization, and supply chain finance. The new vents are opening, and copyright management and supply chain finance with blockchain technology are accelerating.

Cultivating blockchain

The copyright blockchain service platform "Copyright" developed by the company of the listed company Anne has won the first batch of blockchain information service record number. Anne shares previously disclosed that "copyright home" based on the underlying technology of the blockchain, using the unforgeable nature of the blockchain, provides copyright deposits for mass digital content at low cost and high efficiency, and realizes "creation and confirmation, Use is authorization, discovery is rights protection." There are also enterprises such as Zhigui Technology in the same batch list.

Since 2007, the Capital Copyright Industry Alliance has been helping the Beijing Copyright Office to conduct copyright registration business. Relying on the unique advantages of copyright agencies, five companies within the Capital Copyright Industry Alliance will jointly launch a “copyright public chain” in combination with blockchain technology. According to the person in charge, the total number of registration certificates that can be currently on the chain exceeds 7 million, and the number of rights holders is about 100 . It is reported that this "copyright public chain" is ready to start the filing application and is expected to open to the industry in the second half of the year.

On May 20, 2018, the Information Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially released the "White Paper on China's Blockchain Industry Development in 2018", stating that by providing a blockchain public platform to store transaction records, copyright parties can encrypt copyrighted content and execute it through smart contracts. The copyright transaction process, which is automatically completed when the conditions are triggered, can solve the problem of copyright content access, distribution and profit-making links without the intervention of the intermediary, and transparently protect the copyright transaction link, and also help the creator to obtain the maximum income.

Blockchain credit capability is attracting attention

The industry has “tested the water” blockchain, which is based on the credible characteristics of the blockchain that cannot be tampered with and deleted data. Each industry also regards it as a “testing water” for “architecting social credit base”.

Xuan Hongliang, executive deputy secretary-general of the Capital Copyright Industry Alliance and CEO of Wenchuang Power, introduced the “copyright public chain” that they will launch as the technology base of the world’s second public chain, Ethereum. As an open source software, Ethereum has better scalability and system architecture, and is more suitable as a development platform.

“That is to say, everyone can build a chain. Everyone is fighting for the credit base and user scale.” Xuan Hongquan explained that using blockchain technology to build a social credit system has two key elements, one is technical credit, and the other is institutions. credit.

The blockchain is a distributed network. Each node can have a complete data book. Once a node's data is damaged, the system can automatically recover. In a blockchain system with a large number of nodes, the network counterfeiter has no ability to delete and modify the data of all nodes. At the same time, users can use asymmetric encryption (public and private) to encrypt the uplink data to ensure their control over data ownership.

The credibility of the uplink data comes from the institutional credit, that is, the copyright protection agencies, industry associations, law firms, courts, third-party copyright agencies, etc., which cooperate with the “copyright public chain”. The social credibility of copyright certificates issued by different institutions is significantly different. How to prevent the fraud or imprecision of the copyright management agency itself? Xuan Hongquan said,

On the one hand, based on cloud computing technology, they provide a unified copyright management and confirmation platform for the industry, and share copyright resource information as much as possible. On the other hand, the “copyright public chain” has established a feedback and complaint mechanism and a governance and punishment mechanism. In the future, big data and artificial intelligence will also be used to rate the credit of each copyright confirmation node operator.

"The copyright industry includes copyright management, trading, application and protection. Copyright management is the source of the industry. The right is the core content of copyright management. As a professional copyright agency, we have accumulated rich copyright resources and business for more than 10 years. Experience, we have the copyright certificate issued by the copyright management department to build our competitive barriers." Xuan Hongquan said.

The copyright blockchain has broad prospects

With the advent of blockchain technology, Beijing Xintong Shihua Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xintong Shihua Technology”) saw many important data and assets worthy of cashing opportunities. After launching the Blockchain Foundation, ICT is also building a platform for combining blockchain and music copyright.

Guotong, CEO of Xintong Shihuan Technology Co., is one of the early contacts in China with blockchain technology. He believes that

The current music industry has been dominated by traditional, centralized channels for a long time, the traffic portal is not open, and the music distribution channel is still very closed. What ICT wants to do is to break the centralization node and let the really good music rely on the netizens to self-examine the hairdressing.

"Through the decentralized nodes in the blockchain, including friends and self-media, build a new music business system and revolutionize the gameplay of the music industry." Guo Xiaochuan said.

Xuan Hongquan believes that the ecology of the industry's public chain is a natural extension process. With the continuous participation of copyright management agencies and rights holders at home and abroad, they will gradually become accustomed to using copyright public links to manage copyright and authorize copyrights. The copyright ecosystem has slowly expanded.

Creating a "public chain" requires huge funds to support. At present, although the "copyright public chain" does not have separate financing, many cooperative nodes of "copyright public chain" have completed several rounds of financing. Xuan Hongquan believes that the application of blockchain technology to specific industries is still in the exploration stage in China. When the project is basically mature and commercial, it will attract many investment institutions to look after, because the blockchain technology has reconstructed one industrial economy, with Super growth.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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