Cryptocurrency mining companies establish a Digital Energy Committee to strengthen lobbying power in Washington

Crypto mining firms form Digital Energy Committee to boost lobbying influence in Washington

Author: Jesse Hamilton, CoinDesk; Translation: Song Xue, LianGuai

Cryptocurrency miners are making their voices heard in US policy, forming the Digital Energy Council to lobby for friendly policies, as regulators and Congress are currently grappling with the next steps in cryptocurrency regulation.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the organization said its member organizations will advocate for policies that “promote responsible and sustainable energy development, grid resilience, maintain US competitiveness, and protect national security.”

Miners have found themselves in a predicament in front of President Joe Biden’s White House, as the White House calls for a punitive consumption tax of 30% on mining operations, stating that “they cause harm to society.” Mining companies also face ongoing criticism from Democratic lawmakers who claim that these companies threaten the environment.

The founder and president of the new organization, Tom Mapes, said, “The conversation around policy has overlooked how the digital asset mining and energy industries collaborate and work together to strengthen energy infrastructure, enhance resilience, and support energy sustainability and efficiency.” He previously worked on energy policy at the Chamber of Digital Commerce, a broader cryptocurrency advocacy organization.

Mapes also served as Chief of Staff for the Office of International Affairs at the US Department of Energy, and in a statement, he said, “Both the energy and digital asset mining communities are critical stakeholders in our national power grid and have a real voice at the federal level, and that’s important.”

Based in Washington, he was initially the organization’s sole employee. He stated that the primary task is to “emphasize that digital asset mining is a real-world tool that can be used to achieve America’s energy goals.”

Zach Bradford, CEO of DEC member company CleanSpark (CLSK), said, “The Digital Energy Council is the only organization in Washington, D.C., focused specifically on the intersection of the mining industry and energy abundance. CleanSpark (CLSK) is a company that has been steadily growing and expanding during the cryptocurrency bear market.”

Bradford stated in an email statement, “Politics is a team sport, and the broader our alliance, the more focused and better our efforts.”

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