Developer benefits! It takes a few minutes to start building Ethereum, and Ethereum Studio 1.0 is officially launched.

The original text is from the Ethereum Foundation.

On November 12th, the Ethereum Foundation officially released version 1.0 of Ethereum Studio: This is a simple web-based IDE tool. has received a lot of suggestions, the most common of which is to improve the development experience of Ethereum developers. Although the Ethereum Foundation website points to a wide range of third-party resources for users, there is always a lack of an interesting way to attract developers to try Ethereum.


The goal of Ethereum Studio is to allow developers to start building Ethereum in minutes and minimize friction. Studio allows users to:

  1. Write and test smart contracts in the browser
  2. Connect smart contracts to front-end web applications
  3. Guide their apps with 3 template tutorials
  4. Share your project with one click

In addition to Studio itself, has added a new "Getting Started" page in the "Developers" section. For developers, this is a more friendly login page for beginners, it introduces Studio and provides links to other web-based learning experiences.

Studio's goal is not to replace or compete with Ethereum's extensive network-based learning experience. Instead, wants Studio to be a simple first step to attract developers and fascinate them, and then direct them to other resources, tools or events to continue their journey into Ethereum.

To build Ethereum Studio, worked with Superblocks. We are grateful to the Superblocks team for their hard work. We would also like to thank the many others who made the project possible: Andreas Wallendahl, Chris Ward, Robbie Bent, Martin Tellechea, and many others who provided feedback and suggestions.

Ethereum Studio is open source and all code is available here . Over time, will continue to improve Studio and plans to make many improvements for version 1.1. If you want to participate, please learn how to contribute here ! If you just want to provide feedback, please fill out this short survey .

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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