Ethereum will become the first public chain of the Hyperledger Alliance

According to Coindesk's August 22 report, if the Hyperledger Open Source Alliance Technical Steering Committee approves the use of ConsenSys' Pantheon project, Ethereum may become the first public chain of the superbook.


(Source: Pixabay )

Pantheon is a suite of Ethereum-based services developed by the ConsenSys 50-person engineering team PegaSys. Its Ethereum client is built on Java and is used to develop enterprise applications with features such as privacy and licensing.

On August 8, the proposal was issued in the form of a super-book email. If the proposal is accepted, Pantheon will be renamed Hyperledger Besu (Besu is a base or foundation in Japan). At the same time, the Pantheon protocol will be placed under Hyperledger and will be added to blockchain projects such as IBM's Hyperledger Fabric and Intel's Hyperledger Sawtooth.

However, it is worth noting that Pantheon will be the first public blockchain project to be added to the super-book "package project", which means that the Pantheon code will be posted on the super-book-specific GitHub page and participate in the The project's developers are open.

Patheon runs on Ethereum public networks, private networks and test networks such as Rinkeby, Ropsten and Rli.

In August last year, Ethereum smart contract machine Burrow joined the super-book. In addition, the Superbooks Alliance has worked with the Enterprise Ethernet Alliance to develop common standards in the area of ​​blockchain.

Last month, R3, the blockchain competitor of the Superbook, announced the opening of a large-scale recruitment, expansion of the London office and the opening of a second engineering center.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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