Five Questions on New Infrastructure: Blockchain plays an important role and investment volume is insufficient

By Wang Qiao

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In early March, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee proposed "accelerating the construction of major projects and infrastructure that have been identified in the national plan, accelerating the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G networks and data centers," and "new infrastructure" has become the main theme of this year's development. The industry and the capital market have shown strong interest, and they all want to catch the tens of trillions of "new infrastructure rides."

Different from traditional infrastructure, "new infrastructure" pays more attention to hard core technologies such as digitalization and intelligence. Recently, the three major telecom central enterprises and tower companies have stated that this year they will actively accelerate the construction of 5G and make greater contributions to the realization of a network power and the comprehensive construction of a well-off society. For a time, 5G became the "leader" of the new infrastructure.

Blockchain technology is an important part of hard technology, and its application has been extended to many fields such as the digital economy, the Internet of Things, and the Industrial Internet. So, on the track of the new infrastructure, how will the blockchain seize the opportunity to develop first? What impact will the new infrastructure wave have on the entire blockchain industry?

On March 25, Gong Haihan, the founder of Zinc Link, invited Xiang Lipeng, the head of the Blockchain of the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Wang Qing, the chief engineer of the Hubei Post and Telecommunications Planning and Design Institute, with "tens of trillions of new infrastructure, new opportunities in the blockchain industry "To share.

Zinc link:

"Why does the country regard new infrastructure as the focus of this stage of development? Which of the seven fields do you think was the first to break out? Why?"

Xiang Lipeng:

"At present, countries around the world are at the historical confluence period of economic structural transformation and upgrading, and a new round of technological revolution and breakthroughs in industrial reform. The old path of economic development relying on resources is neither feasible nor far, and new development paths have yet to be opened. Objective requirements for the continuous conversion of new and old kinetic energy are becoming increasingly urgent, which is the general background of this round of new infrastructure.

Secondly, affected by the global new crown pneumonia, the changes in the international geopolitical pattern have intensified, and the growth centers of developed countries have declined, dragging down global economic development. There is a high probability that the global economy will have a "confused period" of ten years or more.

Faced with the above situation, major international economies have chosen to vigorously develop the digital economy in an attempt to break the situation, but each has its own focus. China directly points to vigorously developing the digital economy and expanding domestic demand for consumption, but it is difficult to follow without precedent. This is how the new infrastructure is introduced. In the final analysis, it is digital infrastructure, an upgrade of traditional civil engineering, a transition from the traditional industrial Internet to the industrial blockchain, and the further development of information to value and order. It can be said to be infrastructure. infrastructure.

The better the new infrastructure construction is, it is expected to accelerate the reconstruction of a new economic form of economic development and government governance model, guide and realize the rapid optimization of resource allocation and regeneration, and achieve high-quality economic development. It can be said that the current global economic development problem is solved. Hold your hands firmly.

From the perspective of the importance of the industry, I expect that the industrial Internet will emerge first. The development of the Industrial Internet at home and abroad has a history of more than 50 years. Since the probability of PLC was proposed in 1968, there has been a prototype of the Industrial Internet. It is the result of the integration of global industrial systems with advanced computing, analysis, induction technology, and Internet connections. It is expected by countries around the world. For the next generation of industrial revolution, it can connect the intelligent machines and eventually the human-machine, and combine software and big data analysis to restructure the global industry and stimulate productivity.

China is a large industrial manufacturing country, but it is not a strong industrial manufacturing country. New infrastructure is invested on a large scale in the industrial Internet field. It is expected to enter the golden period of development under the promotion of favorable policies. It will become the key support for the new industrial revolution and deepen the "Internet + advanced manufacturing" The important cornerstone of the "industry" will have an all-round, deep and revolutionary impact on the future industrial development. "

Wang Qing:

"In the current situation, the mention of" new infrastructure "is for economic development and protection of employment, while taking into account future development goals such as industrial transformation and industrial manufacturing 2025.

The "new infrastructure" is essentially an infrastructure for digitizing information. The old infrastructure is mainly based on supporting the economy to ensure employment. The new infrastructure is a technology-based infrastructure that is both an infrastructure and an emerging industry.

Compared with the characteristics of the old infrastructure-heavy assets, the new infrastructure is more a development mode of light assets, high-tech content and high added value. Most of the areas involved are the shortcomings of China's future economic development. It is also an area where science and technology innovation is more active and more dynamic.

Therefore, under the current situation, if the country wants to stimulate economic development and realize industrial transformation, it is reasonable to choose these directions as the key directions.

In chronological order, I think it is 5G, UHV, and the Industrial Internet. I hope the Industrial Internet is the largest in terms of energy. It is because of the comprehensive judgment from the aspects of foundation, consensus, demand, supply (technology + deployment capability), funds, and scenarios, the Industrial Internet still needs an explosive process.

Take 5G as an example. Yesterday, the province's 5G construction plan completed by the Hubei Design Institute passed the review and was accurate to the relevant content of each base station. Now that 5G is being built, all units have relatively mature experience and implementation capabilities. Coupled with the consensus on 5G in the society, the supply capabilities of upstream manufacturers are available. So I think 5G will break out first.

Speaking of the Industrial Internet, I think the premise is that the enterprise first realizes the extensive use of information technology and network technology. Maybe many of our industrial enterprises need to complete this step first, so the Industrial Internet will break out later, but the scale will be larger and the impact will be more profound . "

Zinc link:

"What role will blockchain technology play on the track of the new infrastructure? What are the specific application scenarios?"


Xiang Lipeng:

"This round of new infrastructure layout includes 7 core areas including 5G, Industrial Internet, Big Data Center, Artificial Intelligence, UHV, New Energy Vehicles, and Rail Transit, covering 3 major networks including information network, energy network, and transportation network, and 27 industries. The key link of the chain. Compared with the "old infrastructure", the "new infrastructure" is characterized by supporting the construction of related infrastructure for scientific and technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing, and the short board project for the "old infrastructure".

From the released list of the new infrastructure, the blockchain is not mentioned. This situation is also easy to understand.Blockchain technology is a new thing, the technology is still unstable, applications are still being explored, business models are not clear, and society needs a cognitive process, but its contribution to new infrastructure is not It should be questioned, but it requires more scientific and reasonable planning and layout.

As a digital infrastructure, the new infrastructure will gradually become the infrastructure of the digital economy. Blockchain as a supplement to digital infrastructure will maximize the value of new infrastructure.

This is like "get rich and build roads first." The new infrastructure is building a digital economy highway. Roads can't be run without cars when they are repaired. Blockchain is not a car on the road, but it can expand the car on the road at the same time several times or even dozens of times, bringing higher economic value and social benefits.

The application scenarios of the blockchain on the new infrastructure track can be glimpsed from the published or implemented scientific research topics. At a large level, except that the UHV + blockchain scenario has not been found for the time being, all directions on the new infrastructure track can be related to the blockchain.

Taking the Industrial Internet + Blockchain as an example, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of Jiangsu Province issued the 2020 national industrial Internet direction application materials, and clarified the following directions: trusted data flow of the Industrial Internet based on the blockchain, Chain of industrial Internet edge device access system, blockchain-based industrial product anti-counterfeiting traceability platform, blockchain-based industrial internet supply chain management system, blockchain-based industrial internet reliable industrial control system .

In the future, you can pay more attention to the combination of blockchain and new infrastructure, especially in the following areas of application scenarios. The first is the real economy, which develops in combination with the real economy and empowers the real economy; the second is the digital economy, which promotes economic development to form a new source of power; the third is the people's livelihood service, which applies blockchain technology to education, employment, The elderly care and other fields make it effective to solve the problems of people's livelihood; the fourth is e-government, including data exchange between government departments, business collaboration and so on. "

Wang Qing:

"Blockchain is still a basic technology and plays an important role, but its weight is relatively light and it will not account for a large proportion in the investment structure.

Important role: Similar to the relationship between new and old infrastructure, the blockchain is updated, more innovative and more dynamic, but also more mature (relevant technology, infrastructure, scenario understanding, application mode, etc.), and growing (blockchain concept, User scale, application scale, replacement of traditional methods, etc.). Therefore, the initial weight will be light. After the balance between technology and concept, it will become the infrastructure (person-to-person relationship, thing-to-thing relationship) in the future, and the weight will be larger.

As for the application scenario, there will be a similar process: from small, light, non-core locations to gradually develop into the infrastructure of the new infrastructure (digital information system). "



Zinc link:

"What impact will the new infrastructure construction have on the blockchain industry? How should all parties plan to seize this opportunity?"

Xiang Lipeng:

"After the new infrastructure fire, it will hurt the confidence of the blockchain industry in the short term, which is good for the blockchain industry in the long run. The current large-scale influx of funds to the new infrastructure has caused excessive blood loss, but there is a lack of blood-generating blocks The chain industry is facing more or less life-and-death tests. In addition to the current epidemic, normal commercial activities are difficult to carry out, and business revenue is difficult to balance. Most blockchain entrepreneurs and investors have reduced their expenses in order to avoid liquidity risks. The key point of blockchain technology for new infrastructure is that if the epidemic situation is eased, the new infrastructure will be upgraded and accelerated, and the blockchain industry will usher in rare development opportunities.

In the face of the above situation, without considering systemic risks, blockchain companies recommend the following points to develop blockchain products: 1) Blockchains based on microservices, microarchitecture, modularity, and low coupling Architecture; 2) meeting national secret and international consensus algorithms based on independent intellectual property rights, and meeting soft handoff requirements; 3) supporting multi-party secure computing and cryptographic applications for privacy authorization protection; 4) supporting high security, high reliability, and high performance Data processing capabilities; 5) With tens of millions of concurrent support for innovative applications in government affairs, people's livelihood, and business scenarios. By empowering the real economy to transform and upgrade, it has explored a number of unique blockchain products in terms of improving government governance capabilities, enhancing smart manufacturing, promoting ecological environment development, and improving people's livelihood services. "

Zinc link:

"There are comments that" blockchain can only be used as a basic technology at the moment, and it is not enough to become an infrastructure, so it has not been included in the new infrastructure. "What do you think about this? To use the blockchain as an infrastructure, How far is technology going? "

Xiang Lipeng:

"Although blockchain technology is considered to be one of the cutting-edge technologies for global scientific and technological development and has become a new international competition track for" new-generation information technology ", it does not mean that the current blockchain technology can serve as a digital economic infrastructure. character of.

In fact, there is such a process in the development of the information industry, and blockchain technology is no exception. The current blockchain is still in its early stages, technology is still unstable, applications are still being explored, business models are not clear, and society needs a cognitive process. To be included in new infrastructure, blockchain technology is really overestimated. Already.

The positioning of blockchain technology is the next generation of the Internet and an important support for new infrastructure. We also look forward to the blockchain's ability to quickly assume the role of digital economic infrastructure. It is not just a basic technology that will eventually overwhelm the convergence of new technologies. Go.

For blockchain to become an infrastructure, the first thing to solve is the popularization of blockchain technology. In fact, it is the key technology research of blockchain. Finally, the deep integration of blockchain technology with the physical industry, especially the traditional physical industry.

Only by solving the problem of the application of blockchain, can we finally build a modern industrial system led by blockchain, empower the real economy to transform and upgrade, and improve government governance, smart manufacturing, promote the development of ecological environment, and improve people's livelihood services. On the other hand, it explores typical application cases of blockchain and provides simple, easy-to-use, safe and efficient trust establishment and value transfer services. "

Wang Qing:

"I quite agree with this view. Blockchain is the infrastructure of the infrastructure (currently in the basic technology stage, and will be gradually developed into the infrastructure supporting the development of new infrastructure driven by the new infrastructure construction).

Borrowing the concept of technology maturity level (TRL), I feel that many current blockchain key technologies are still at the level of TRL3 and are still in the proof-of-concept stage. They need to be developed to TRL6 and 7, which can actually support most commercial applications. , There is the possibility of being used as infrastructure, and it should also be accompanied by rich application scenarios and self-consistent business models. "

Zinc link:

"Do you think this new infrastructure can become a new battlefield for the large-scale landing of blockchain? Why?"

Wang Qing:

"The content of the new infrastructure is originally the" market "for the application of the blockchain. However, the country's emphasis on the new infrastructure will make this market larger, and there will be more opportunities for blockchain applications.

On the one hand, the construction content of the new infrastructure should be based on its own development, and the expansion of blockchain application opportunities is only an additional effect; on the other hand, the blockchain-based support technology is a kind of new infrastructure. Enhance and empower.

The introduction of blockchain technology will enable the new infrastructure to achieve more and better functions, which is a value-added and win-win situation. So I think the effect is an expanded market, not a "new battlefield." "

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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