For the public chain, the story of the application layer is dead.

What to do after the public chain goes online? In the past, this may not be a problem, but it is getting more and more a problem.


On the one hand , the altcoin market did not improve, and the public chain did not see much direct effect in the retail community. On the other hand , the story that prevailed in the previous two years, “Dapp”, was basically shattered. Not only did you not run out of killer apps, but the game of death even more often is rare.

Moreover, in the long run, more and more public chains will gradually realize that Dapp's competition is homogenized seriously. Everyone is a new chain compatible with EVM. Do you have any exclusive barriers to Dapp? The network effect is to ask a question mark. How much relationship these Dapps have with the underlying public chain, and another question mark.

The wave of the public chain has always been the same set of story templates:

  • 1. Expansion
  • 2. Establish a developer community
  • 3, pile up Dapp

Today, the trilogy is getting more and more out of date. The leek is tired of listening to this logic. I want to go straight to the pull and the media is tired of this story.

But after the public chain goes online, it still has to be ecological, but what exactly is this “ecology” referring to? I see some different trends, I can talk to you, not necessarily correct, only when discussing the reference:

The first type of ecological construction is to slowly sink from the top-level “Dapp” ​​to the lower-level “chain”. For example, Polkadot and Cosmos's one-click chain tool help some existing players in the blockchain industry (such as exchanges and star applications) to build their own chains. Nervos also released a blockchain development framework, muta, on the benchmark, last week. They also helped Firecoin develop its own chain. For example, QuarkChain wants to access old coins through root chains and shards.

Since no one is used to build Dapp, first give the companion a foundation, "make more chains", or combine more chains into their own ecology. On the one hand, it may be because the underlying public chain needs a new story, on the other hand, perhaps the upper-level developers can't see the bright way out, and the star projects like CryptoKitties and Aragon can only reverse all the technology stacks. In order to capture the value of different stacks in the future. It seems that only DeFi and Ethereum are exceptions.

The second trend mainly occurred in China. Because of the new favorable policies, many public chain teams began to seek technical support from the B-side enterprises and governments to provide a chain system for these customers. 2B and 2G are another kind of ecology, and this method is completely different from the previous Dapp. On the one hand, because doing business for the company and the government can directly bring cash flow to the team, in contrast, to dump the Dapp ecology and burn money; on the other hand, the alliance chain feels more grounded, and the time span of a single list is also relatively large. Suitable for the team to slowly explore the accumulation of technology.

Of course, these are short-lived trends that are currently observable. It may be just an indirect means of achieving the ultimate goal. Then the so-called ecology of the public chain, what will its final situation look like?

This article before the Orange Book actually talked about:

The different architectures and designs of the public chain may ultimately serve different types of applications. Add a few more layers of new services, such as privacy, storage, layer2 scalability, node SaaS, managed services and wallets, etc. We will slowly start to have a rich and multi-layered, combinable network similar to the Internet. Protocol stack.

Of course, this analogy with the Internet must be imperfect, but if you hope that a blockchain can grow a complex protocol stack, expand and break through, then you can easily miss these chains in specific application scenarios. The explosive potential in this is tantamount to ignoring the need for the “specialized division of labor” to continue in a growing and powerful technology stack.

After that, projects that are competitive at this stage may become interoperable in the future.

Jessewldn, public number: Orange Book BTC and ETH: Positioning victory This statement may be a bit too idealistic, but it may also be the end of the public chain ecology. After all, from the first day, this is an open source industry. But before this day comes, what should be done after the public chain goes online is a real problem that needs to be constantly pondered. The “main online line” does not represent success. On the contrary, the game has just begun. There is a long way to go.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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